The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yuan went to the Diamond Training Hall to train again. He once again took the opportunity to ask Coach Wang to teach Gary the skill of Reverse Scale, and also let Gyarados continue to familiarize himself with his own skills.

Until the evening, Coach Wang got off work again. Gary still could not fully master the Reverse Scale, but he had made considerable progress in learning this move.

Zhou Yuan and Gyarados's cooperation became smoother, and their relationship became closer.

Back to the rented villa, the sunshade that had been built above the pool was also built, so there was no need to worry about the strong sun in summer making Gyarados unable to open his eyes.

The moon sank like water, and there was no talk all night.

The next day, Zhou Yuan came to the familiar stadium again, ready to start the journey of the day.

This day is the last day of the small arena battle. Today, the top 32 will be decided from 128 people. Tomorrow, the top 32 will fight on the central big arena. At that time, it will be officially open to spectators and cooperate with live broadcast.

Of course, according to the practice of previous years, there are relatively few people watching the battle from the top 32 to the top 16. It is still necessary to start from the top 16 to watch more people.

Just like the text message sent by the competition system a few days ago, Zhou Yuan followed the logo to find the arena where he was going to fight.

Today's battle is no longer a fight between ten people, but two groups of two are directly divided into 64 groups to fight. After all, there are so many arenas set up, and they have to be dismantled after the novice cup is over, so it is better to speed up the use.

After the battle between the two adjacent arenas is over, the winners of the two arenas will have a half-hour rest time, and then the two players will automatically merge into a group to start the battle from 64 to 32.

Sitting in the waiting area, Zhou Yuan did not see his opponent for the time being, thinking that he had not found the arena yet.

After waiting for a while, the opponent finally arrived. He was an acquaintance.

"A Yuan? Is that you, A Yuan? Damn, you are awesome, brother, you made it into the top 128."

When Wu Jinyan came over, he felt that the guy sitting in the waiting seat looked familiar. When he got closer, he confirmed that it was his classmate Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan was also a little surprised to see that his opponent in this battle was his class monitor, but then he remembered the message Wu Jinyan sent in the class group about 20 days ago.

'Ivy snake?... After so many days, if there is money at home to provide energy cubes, it should be an ordinary mid-level green vine snake. It is not surprising that it can make it into the top 128. '

Thinking about Wu Jinyan and his elf's strength, Zhou Yuan still put on a smile on his face and nodded to greet Wu Jinyan.

"It was just luck, it was all luck, I just got into the top 128, monitor, please go easy on me later."

Zhou Yuan knew that Wu Jinyan was a good person in every way, but she liked to hear such nice words, so he just said it.

After hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Wu Jinyan was visibly happier.

"Don't worry, Yuan, we are all classmates, we just need to learn from each other later, don't worry too much about winning or losing, no matter who wins or loses, we must continue to work hard."

"Then let's go, brothers?"

"Come on, come on, go to the ring."

Both parties stepped onto the ring and stood on both sides. The referee made sure that both of them were ready and then drew their arms.

"The battle begins!"

"Go, Green Ivy Snake!"/"Go, Growlithe!"


Wu Jinyan was a little surprised to see that Zhou Yuan's elf was Growlithe. He didn't expect that this classmate who usually didn't show off in class had some power and could get Growlithe as the initial elf.

But Wu Jinyan still had the confidence to win. What if the attribute was restrained? He spent a lot of money to cultivate elves and invited many teachers to teach Green Ivy Snake's skills. Green Ivy Snake's strength ranked among all the players. This time the advantage was mine.

While Wu Jinyan was doing psychological activities, Zhou Yuan asked the system to scan Green Ivy Snake.

[Green Vine Snake ♀]

[Level: Middle-level common level]

[Features: lush]

[Skills: collision, glare, tight binding, vine whip, growth, grass mixer, parasitic seeds, super absorption, self-motivation, light wall, reflection wall, hold, magic leaf, nature's grace, hold on, sleep, dream talk, grass field, black eyes, water tail]

[Carrying props: Zero Residue Fruit]

I took a look at the data, and the level was about the same as I expected, which was middle-level common level. From the skills, it can be seen that Wu Jinyan is

It took a lot of effort to cultivate it, and a series of skills need to be learned later.

From the perspective of the moves, this Green Vine Snake is a passive strengthening flow.

Double walls reduce damage, green grass field and parasitic seeds increase endurance, self-motivation strengthens itself, use defense when the opponent uses high-damage skills, use hard support if the double protection doesn't work, and then use sleep to replenish energy. The Zero Fruit it carries can also remove the sleep state, and when the sleep skill is not used, the skill of Nature's Grace will consume the Zero Fruit and become a high-damage skill of water attribute, which is very effective against the fire attribute elves that restrain Green Vine Snake.

The moment he saw the skill list, Zhou Yuan estimated the tactics that Wu Jinyan might use in this battle, so he could prepare in advance and not be caught off guard.

Sure enough, Wu Jinyan commanded the Green Vine Snake to throw out the parasitic seeds. Under Zhou Yuan's command, the parasitic seeds were burned by a spark from Caterpie while they were still in the air.

Seeing that the first attack failed, Wu Jinyan was not in a hurry.

He commanded the Green Vine Snake to use the Green Grass Field again, and then intended to open the double wall to protect himself.

Zhou Yuan certainly would not let him have his way, and commanded the Caterpillar to move at high speed and link the Flash Flame Charge, and the whole dog turned into a ball of fire and rushed towards the Green Vine Snake at a very fast speed.

Seeing that Caterpillar was coming fiercely, Wu Jinyan did not dare to bet whether the Green Vine Snake's double wall would be opened first or the opponent would hit the Green Vine Snake first. If he lost the bet, he might be killed directly. In the end, he chose to play it safe and let the Green Vine Snake give up opening the double wall, pull a point in advance, and barely avoid the impact of Caterpillar. By the way, he turned back and spit out a few parasitic seeds to parasitize Caterpillar, but under the effect of the flames covering Caterpillar, he still failed.

As the battle progressed, Wu Jinyan also saw that Zhou Yuan's strength was not low. What he said before the game was all bullshit. This guy was just teasing her, but this also made Wu Jinyan put away his contempt.

Seeing the distance widening, Wu Jinyan commanded the Green Vine Snake to use the Reflection Wall. The halo in front of the Green Vine Snake twisted, and a small light pink wall appeared and followed the Green Vine Snake.

This skill can effectively reduce the physical damage received. Wu Jinyan chose to use this skill to prevent being killed by the Flash Charge in case of evasion.

Now the Green Vine Snake has the Reflection Wall on its head and the green grass field under its feet. It curls up its body directly and begins to use self-motivation to strengthen itself under Wu Jinyan's command.

Seeing that the opponent began to strengthen on the ground, Zhou Yuan did not indulge it and commanded the Caterpie to use the Flash Charge to rush directly at the Green Vine Snake.

Wu Jinyan is also a ruthless person. Relying on the reflection wall and the green grass field, she took this skill head-on, in exchange for the completion of self-motivational strengthening, and then commanded the Green Vine Snake to use a water tail to chop the Caterpillar.

Under the effect of the reflection wall, although the Green Vine Snake was almost hit and lost its combat ability, it still relied on its strong will to condense the water attribute energy on its tail and chopped the Caterpillar in the middle.

Zhou Yuan did not dodge or avoid, allowing Caterpillar to take advantage of the opportunity of being attacked and turn around to splash a flame on its face.

Seeing that Caterpillar did not dodge or avoid, Wu Jinyan suspected that something was wrong, and hurriedly commanded the Green Vine Snake to use sleep, and fell into a sleeping state before the fireball hit its face to restore its energy, and then lifted the sleeping state with the Zero Residual Fruit it carried.

This move may make people feel very uncomfortable when fighting with other people. The blood that was finally knocked away is back as soon as you say it.

But Zhou Yuan didn't care. What if he came back? Caterpillar's flame splashed his face and almost killed Green Vine Snake again.

Although he was in a bad state, as long as he didn't fall down, he still had a chance. Wu Jinyan commanded Green Vine Snake to keep the distance, and then slowly recovered his energy with the effect of the green grass field.

Zhou Yuan saw that his opponent began to recover his energy, but he was not in a hurry. He directly let Caterpillar stand in place and use Morning Light.

Wu Jinyan was almost broken when she saw this scene.

Tm worked hard for a long time, and finally caused some damage with a water tail, but you made up for it with this Morning Light. Now you hit him with your head, and then look at the dejection of his Green Vine Snake that was difficult to cover up even with the recovery of the green grass field, Wu Jinyan sighed.

Zhou Yuan was about to continue commanding here, and saw Wu Jinyan raised his hand over there.

"I give up."

The referee dutifully announced that the winner of the match was Growlithe, and Zhou Yuan was also a little surprised. This was really unexpected.

Wu Jinyan walked to the front of the Green Ivy Snake, fed it a bottle of medicine, touched its head, and then took it back into the Poké Ball and walked towards Zhou Yuan.

"A Yuan... you are really, a hidden talent. I give in."

Wu Jinyan couldn't hold it in. She had always thought that she

I am the strongest one in the class, until today's battle.

Damn, the Green Ivy Snake is almost beaten to death, and look at that Caterpillar, who is still jumping around and catching butterflies. Is this the disparity of the world?

There are four kinds of spicy in this world, mild spicy, medium spicy, and very spicy. There is also one kind -

I was beaten to be spicy!

Zhou Yuan didn't know how to answer for a while, and could only say something like "lucky".

Wu Jinyan waved her hand.

"Okay, you are pretending to be nm in front of me. Winning is winning. You win, I am convinced. This time, the Green Ivy Snake and I are not as good as others. Next time, next time, we will definitely defeat you. As for this time, you and Caterpillar must continue to win with our expectations, and win the first place."

Zhou Yuan also laughed. He is the class monitor who just likes to hear nice words, and everything else is good.

"Of course, Caterpillar and I will continue to win. You must remember to watch the next battle."

Wu Jinyan smiled.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come and see you. I will bring you another surprise."

Just as Zhou Yuan was about to ask what the surprise was, Wu Jinyan turned around and left, waving as she walked, but her voice still came over.

"Okay, you prepare for the next round of battle, I'll leave first, I will definitely come to your game tomorrow."

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