After the battle, the two sides finally met.

Wu Jinyan left.

Zhou Yuan watched his back disappear around the corner, turned around and went to the ring next to him with the referee, where the next battle would begin.

When Zhou Yuan entered the adjacent waiting area, the battle on the stage had just ended. Judging from the referee's verdict and the situation on the field, the winner was a mongoose, and the loser lying on the ground was a rice spoon snake.

It's like enemies meeting.

These two elves are very interesting. They will fight non-stop when they meet. They are pure enemies.

The referee on the ring saw that the brother next door had also come over, and knew that the battle over there had also ended, so he said to the trainer of Mongoose Slash and Zhou Yuan:

"You two are the next opponents. You have half an hour to rest and restore the state of the Pokémon. The seventh round of eliminations will begin in half an hour."

Hearing the referee's words, the trainer of Mongoose Slash hurriedly took Mongoose Slash back into the Poké Ball, and then ran out of the waiting area.

At this point in the game, most battles were almost evenly matched. In order not to affect the subsequent battle results, the organizers introduced Miss Joy and Jigglypuff to treat the injured or weak Pokémon so that they can meet the subsequent battles in full condition.

At this time, the trainer of Mongoose Slash hurriedly ran out to restore his Pokémon, otherwise if the state was not restored, he would be in a slump at the beginning, and he would be beaten headfirst.

Time passed quickly, and the trainer of Meerkat came back before the end of half an hour. Zhou Yuan nodded and greeted him, and then sat down to wait for the battle to begin.

After another five or six minutes, the alarm clock beside the ring rang, and the two referees sitting in the front row looked up at the same time. Zhou Yuan knew that the time was up and the seventh round of the battle was about to begin.

A referee walked onto the ring and waved to the two players.

"Half an hour has passed, the seventh round of eliminations begins, you two go on stage."

Zhou Yuan stood up, and went on stage with his opponent on the left and right, and stood in the command area.

The referee asked a few questions and got the answers that both of them were ready, so he slashed with his right hand.

"The battle begins!"

"Go, Caterpie!" / "Go, Meerkat!"

"Awooo!" / "Meow!"

The Pokémons on both sides confronted each other.

Mongoose Slash is a cat that stands up like a human. Its front paws have become big paws. There are some red hairs on its head and body, and the rest of its hairs are white. It is about 1.3 meters tall and looks a bit cute.

[Mongoose Slash ♂]

[Level: Late Ordinary Level]

[Features: Poisoning Stimulation]

[Skills: Grab, Stare, Lightning Flash, Continuous Slash, Chase, Grind Claws, Split, Revenge, Split Tile, Rock Blockade, Double Kick, Metal Claws, Sneak Attack, Belly Drum, Thunder Fist, Ice Fist, Flame Fist, Water Wave]

Seeing the familiar farmer's three punches, Zhou Yuan's mouth twitched slightly. He seemed to know where his opponent came from.

Lee's Training Hall.

It's outrageous.

He took another look at the opponent's face. He didn't recognize him. It was probably because he was not there when he challenged him before.

It's good that he doesn't know him. This way, there will be no burden when fighting.

Although Zhou Yuan didn't know Guo Kai, Guo Kai knew him. He happened to be busy those days and was not in the training hall, so he avoided a beating.

After returning to the training hall, his fellow apprentices instilled a lot of information about this big devil.

He is handsome, has a Growlithe, and has a precious ball.

That's right, it's him.

How did he bump into the plague god who beat up his fellow apprentices? It was a miscalculation that he didn't check the almanac before going out today.

Although he knew that he might be in danger, Guo Kai shuddered when he thought of the "reward" that Li Tao said for not entering the top 32. Md, if he fought hard, maybe he would win?

With the mentality of fighting to the death, Guo Kai gave Mongoose Slash a command.

"Mongoose Slash, use rocks to block the action of Growlithe!"

Several rocks fell from the sky, trying to form a circle to trap Growlithe.

Zhou Yuan would not sit still and wait for death. Under his precise prediction and command, Growlithe used high-speed movement to dodge left and right, avoiding the falling rocks and the rock encirclement.

He even used the falling rocks as a stepping stone to leap in front of Mongoose Slash.

Guo Kai saw that the opponent was forcibly closing the distance, how could he not know that the opponent was going to attack, and hurriedly commanded Mongoose Slash to use the continuous slash skill, not to hurt the enemy, but to force Growlithe not to dare to advance.

But Zhou Yuan didn't care about these things


Continuous Slash?

You use the bug attribute skill to attack my fire attribute Growlithe?

Is this appropriate?

This is not appropriate.

Under Zhou Yuan's command, Growlithe used the continuous slash and kicked Mongoose Slash's big bi face with two consecutive kicks.

Mongoose Slash was unable to dodge and was kicked directly. Under the attribute restraint, the hit was still somewhat painful.

Guo Kai didn't expect that his command would not be effective, and he was also used to cause damage to his own elves. He was a little ashamed, and then adjusted his mentality and started to command again.

Under Guo Kai's command, Mongoose Slash used Lightning Flash to rush directly in front of Growlithe, and then his right claw flashed white light and chopped down on Growlithe's head.


One claw chopped on Growlithe's guard.

Just as Growlithe was preparing to counterattack, Mongoose Slash used Lightning Flash in the opposite direction to quickly pull away, causing Growlithe's charged close combat to fail.

Guo Kai was a little frightened when he saw the snarling, shaking his head and using his claws and teeth. Fortunately, he ordered the Mongoose Slash to avoid it in time. Otherwise, if the attack was real, Mongoose Slash would probably die on the spot.

Seeing that the frontal attack was difficult to resist, Guo Kai began to command Mongoose Slash to carry out the guerrilla fighting tactics, constantly using rock blockade and water wave to harass the guerrilla remotely. After using it enough times, it did cause some damage to the guerrilla.

Zhou Yuan was also a little speechless. He had always used high-speed tactics to disgust others, but today he was disgusted by others.

But Zhou Yuan was not in a hurry. If the opponent wanted to fight, let him fight. Anyway, the guerrilla had the morning light to recover in time, but the opponent was different. The longer it dragged on, the more Mongoose Slash's physical strength would be consumed. According to the current strength and density of skills, it was afraid that it would not have the physical strength to use skills in a while.

Not only that, the rock blockade not only caused damage to the guerrilla, but also changed the venue.

More and more rocks fell to the ground, shrinking the space for evasion.

If this continues, even without Growlithe, Mongoose will have nowhere to hide.

Guo Kai also realized this at this time. If the fight continues like this, Mongoose will have no place to land. When the two Pokémons face each other, I am afraid that Mongoose will be torn apart by the opponent.

There is no other way. Seeing that the guerrilla tactics are difficult to achieve results, Guo Kai also gave up these ideas.

In the end, the Pokémon battle must be decided face to face.

"Mongoose, use belly drum!"

Hearing the command of his trainer, Mongoose also knew that he could not avoid this battle today.

He closed his eyes and raised his claws to hit his abdomen.

At the cost of a lot of energy consumption, he got a huge increase in attack power.

Feeling the power in his body, Mongoose opened his eyes and looked at the opposite Growlithe.

You hit me just now, right? You can make a sound of wind when you swing your claws, right? Now I can do it too!

While Guo Kai was directing Mongoose Slash to strengthen itself, Zhou Yuan was not idle either. Due to the limitation of falling rocks, it was difficult to interrupt the strengthening, so Zhou Yuan also directed Growlithe to use long howls to strengthen itself.

With the first long howl, Mongoose Slash hit the abdomen.

With the second long howl, Mongoose Slash opened his eyes.

With the third long howl, Mongoose Slash rushed towards Growlithe with a flash of lightning!

With one claw flashing with lightning and the other with white light, he attacked Growlithe with lightning fist and split.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan was too lazy to complain anymore. All those who came out of the Li's training hall were like this. They either loved fists or claws. Let's shut it up. It's boring.

"Growlithe! Use close combat!"

Under Zhou Yuan's command, Growlithe stood up, its two front paws covered with fighting attribute energy, and waved its claws to meet Mongoose Slash. The two sides fought in a group.

Just when dog and cat hair were flying everywhere, Zhou Yuan's command came again.

"Growlithe, use Flame Fang!"

Growlithe opened its mouth, and the flames burst out. A Flame Fang bit the right shoulder of Mongoose Slash fiercely, making Mongoose Slash grimace in pain.

'Are you stupid? I have teeth.'

Mongoose Slash was not to be outdone, and stabbed Growlithe's abdomen with a sneak attack, sending Growlithe flying.

Growlithe on all fours was somewhat at a disadvantage in a fistfight with Mongoose Slash, who was walking upright. The main reason was that Mongoose Slash's belly drum could directly stack the attack power to the maximum. It was really painful to hit the body. Growlithe wanted Zhou Yuan to come down and play this game in person so that he could sit in the command area.

"Damn, so weak."

The trainers on both sides muttered at the same time.

Zhou Yuan didn't know how this Mongoose Slash could resist so well. He took a double kick, used a belly drum, and was bitten by the Flame Fang just now.

It hasn't fallen yet, which is really a bit too much.

Although Guo Kai had heard from his fellow apprentices that this Caterpie was very resistant before coming, he didn't expect it to be so resistant. Although the Thunder Punch and Cleave canceled out the close combat and caused no damage, the sneak attack still hit the vital point. If I'm not mistaken, it's CT. It hasn't fallen yet, which is a bit outrageous.

'The opponent is cheating. '

The trainers on both sides finally came to this conclusion.

But the two Pokémon on the battlefield also clearly showed a decadent state. After all, everyone is not made of iron. After such a long battle, especially after that wave of mutual damage, it is really about to collapse.

Of course, because Mongoose Slash's own strength is relatively low and it has used too many skills, its physical strength and energy are exhausted, and it looks weaker.

Guo Kai knew that the next attack would decide the outcome. If Mongoose Slash could not knock down Growlithe in one blow, it would lose because it had no extra energy for the next attack.

"Mongoose Slash, use Lightning Flash!"


Mongoose Slash turned into a white light and rushed towards Growlithe with a fierce momentum.

If it were another Pokémon, it would probably be hard to escape from the full attack of Lightning Flash.

But Growlithe was different.

"Growlithe, use Hold!"

A layer of light green shield blocked Growlithe. Although the shield was relatively fragile due to its poor condition and could not completely resist this attack, its obstruction also bought Growlithe time.

Growlithe used Hold On!

Growlithe retained the last bit of energy!

Growlithe used Resurrection!

Growlithe's eyes glowed red, and a fierce attack fell on Mongoose Slash.

The effect is outstanding!

The already weak Mongoose Slash was hit in the face by a powerful Resurrection Blast and was knocked far out of the ring.

Guo Kai exclaimed, and chased after his Pokémon without caring that the referee had not announced the result yet.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the referee's mouth twitched.

He swore that he had been a referee of the Novice Cup for eight years and had never seen such a fierce battle in the 64 to 32.

The strength of these two trainers is enough to enter the top 16, but they met here, which is indeed a pity.

One trainer and Pokémon are no longer on the ring, so there is no need to say more about the result.

"Growlithe wins the battle!"

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