After a full meal, Zhou Yuan returned to the computer and opened the virtual battle team configuration system, adding a Pokémon that is very rare in the wild: Butterfree.

"Since you are pursuing a big move, then follow through. The first time you make a big move, just make a big one, what is the universe's first bug-type Pokémon."

Zhou Yuan hummed a little tune and improved his team.

Choosing a limited four-man singles battle, Zhou Yuan found that his current ranking in the world is about 12,000.

"Not bad, no need to start from the beginning, go, go, go, score points."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yuan opened the recording software and then clicked to start matching.

While waiting for the match, Zhou Yuan began to introduce:

"Hello, everyone. This is A Yuan, a new blogger. Today I will bring you a video of a battle team with Butterfree as the core."

"Maybe many viewers will be very curious. Isn't Butterfree a recognized weak Pokémon? What's the point of using it as the core?"

"A Yuan will keep it a secret for now, and let us see the result in the battle."

"OK, now we have matched the opponent for the first game. A Yuan chose the singles battle mode of six-choice-three and limited moves to four. We choose the first Wind Fairy. The second position is the protagonist of this video, Butterfree. The choice of the third position is irrelevant."

In the game screen, Zhou Yuan matched with a Shanghai netizen with the ID "The Crown Will Not Fall".

"Enter the battle. Our Wind Fairy's characteristic is the heart of mischief, which can be used first to change the moves."

"Wind Fairy, use Tailwind!" Zhou Yuan began his command.

Far away at Magic City University, Wang Jinyu also began his command, "Diamond Horned Rhino, use Flame Fist."

In the game screen, after the wind fairy launched the tailwind, he was punched in the face by the diamond horn rhino. He was about to fall down, but the red ribbon wrapped around the wind fairy's hand "ber" disappeared.

"Momentum shawl? It doesn't matter, diamond horn rhino, use another flame fist!" Wang Jinyu didn't take the momentum shawl to heart. It was just a momentum shawl, a small matter.

Just when the diamond horn rhino was about to take down the remaining blood wind fairy with one punch, Zhou Yuan's command also arrived:

"Wind fairy, use the parting gift."

The wind fairy threw a gift to the diamond horn rhino and landed gracefully, and the flame fist also fell.

"Go, Butterfree." Zhou Yuan sent Butterfree again and began to explain: "The Butterfree I chose has compound eyes, which can increase the hit rate of skills. Combined with our tailwind, the speed doubles, and the hypnotic powder can be used faster."

"Butterfree, use hypnotic powder."

Wang Jinyu, who was far away in the Magic City, even laughed when he saw Butterfree, "What's the use of Butterfree? I still have three full-status elves. If you can beat me, I will eat the computer screen on the spot."

In the game screen, Butterfree directly hit the Diamondhorn with hypnotic powder, and then handed over the substitute under Zhou Yuan's command, taking advantage of the Diamondhorn's sleep to perform two consecutive butterfly dances to improve its own attributes.

Wang Jinyu over there was showing off the traditional skills of a trainer: "Rhydon, show some courage, wake up!"

With the encouragement of the trainer, Rhydon finally woke up. Just when Wang Jinyu thought the situation was clear again, another handful of hypnotic powder sent Rhydon to sleep.

"We can't go on like this. Come back, Rhydon. Go, Magura, use Gravel." Wang Jinyu saw that Rhydon couldn't be effective, so he simply sent Magura, who had high attack and high speed, to try to knock Butterfree down by force.

Just as we were preparing to rotate here, Zhou Yuan on the other side was also explaining: "The opponent has been hypnotized by us twice, and we have also strengthened it twice. At this time, the opponent has a high probability of rotating the elves to prevent us from continuing to strengthen. For safety, we will use the hypnotic powder again."

So when Ma-Yun-La threw the boulders, the hypnotic powder also covered its head and face. As for the boulders, they hit the substitute and did not cause effective damage to the main body of Butterfree.

The subsequent battle was also very simple. After Butterfree danced again, it began to use air slash to harvest. Wang Jinyu's elves fell under Butterfree's wings one after another. Soon Zhou Yuan won the battle.

As for the "Gaia" sound coming from a dormitory in Magic City University, Zhou Yuan naturally didn't know.

After the battle, Zhou Yuan explained after clicking on the match:

"Our Butterfree's lineup is like this, very simple and easy to understand. First, a Pokémon starts the Tailwind, not necessarily a Wind Fairy, as long as it can start the Tailwind."

"Then replace Butterfree with the high speed brought by the Tailwind to effectively suppress the speed of most Pokémons. Let's talk about Butterfree's characteristics. The compound eyes can increase the skill hit rate by 30%. It can be said that the hypnotic powder is a sure hit." Zhou Yuan took a sip of water and continued:

"After the opponent's Pokémon falls into a sleeping state, it can be strengthened. Butterfree's special attack, special defense and speed can be improved. Generally, after three strengthenings, it can effectively push the team. Of course, before strengthening, it is better to release a substitute to resist damage like I did just now, because Butterfree's physical resistance is very low. Just like in the last game, if that ice gravel hit Butterfree, it might have killed Butterfree in seconds."

At this time, he matched his opponent again, and Zhou Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no point in talking more. Let's continue to watch the next actual battle."

Under Zhou Yuan's command, this lineup was used again to win three battles.

Zhou Yuan also spoke again at this time: "Some people may ask, blogger, can we only use the tailwind first and then use Butterfree? What should I do if I don't have a tailwind elf?"

"This question is actually easy to answer. Do you remember the props I brought to the wind fairy in the first battle? The momentum cape can also be brought to Butterfree."

"Just put Butterfree with the momentum cape first. If the opponent chooses to attack Butterfree, you can withstand it if you can. If you can't withstand it, the momentum cape will be triggered. Keep Butterfree's physical strength. While the opponent attacks you, you can command Butterfree to use hypnotic powder to control the opponent's elf."

"After the control is completed, you can start to strengthen yourself. If the opponent's elf wakes up or rotates during this period, just replenish the hypnotic powder. Of course, this option will cause certain damage to Butterfree's body, so it may overturn when facing the priority skill."

While talking, Zhou Yuan won the fifth battle again.

"The audience can also see that this lineup is still very powerful to a certain extent, but are there any disadvantages? Of course there are."

"First of all, Butterfree's resistance is indeed low, and there are many attributes that are restrained. Once the control chain is not completed or the priority skill that is restrained by the attribute hits, it may be defeated."

"Secondly, hypnotic powder is ineffective against grass-type Pokémon. If the opponent rotates to a grass-type Pokémon and takes Butterfree's attack and still has the stamina to hang hypnotic powder on Butterfree, it will also lead to failure."

"Thirdly, Pokémon with the energy attribute cannot be hypnotized. This tactic is not effective against such Pokémon. Naturally, it will not work when the time comes. "

"Of course, the weaknesses of this tactic are definitely more than this. Many viewers can come up with them by themselves. I won't go into details here, but I have to say that this tactic is still very strong in daily battles."

"Of course, if a viewer uses this tactic to challenge the gym and fails, I can not reimburse the medical expenses. Well, that's about it, today's video ends here. See you in the next video, audience friends. Remember to pay attention and don't get lost, and don't forget to click three times. "

After finishing the closing remarks, Zhou Yuan also turned off the screen recording. Because there was nothing extra in the video recorded this time, Zhou Yuan uploaded the video to Station A after editing the beginning and the end.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the achievement: the first step to becoming a blogger to get a bonus energy point +300]

"Oh, not bad, there is actually an achievement system, which can be regarded as open source." Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

After the video was uploaded, Zhou Yuan looked at his 0 fans and scratched his head, then he remembered that he hadn't washed his dishes yet.

A station, review department

Reviewer Xiao Shen has reviewed nearly a hundred videos since he started work today. The chaotic light and color and video content made his temples swell slightly.

Just a second ago, he judged a hot dance video as unapproved, "Hey, wearing so little and twisting like this, you use this to test the cadres? Fight back and fight back."

The next moment, the system assigned him the next video to be reviewed. When he saw the title of the video, even Xiao Shen, who is knowledgeable, was a little confused.

"It's your bad luck to meet my Butterfree [Pokémon Tactics 01]? What kind of name is this, a headline party?"

As a reviewer, Xiao Shen has reviewed many headline party videos that are masquerading as sheep but selling dog meat. They are all titles and video content

Videos that are irrelevant or exaggerated are generally sent back for revision.

"What tactics can Butterfree have? I have one myself, how come I don't know about it?" With such doubts, Xiao Shen began his work.

"Oh, it can be like this?! It can be like this!"

During the review of this video, Xiao Shen was a little excited, and even began to imagine whether he could turn over a new leaf, and make his Butterfree bigger and stronger, and become a new generation of top trainer.

After the review was completed, Xiao Shen wanted to judge that the review was passed, but after thinking about it, he did not pass the review immediately, but sent it to his team leader.

"Team leader, take a look at this video, I think it can be recommended."

Luo Zhi, Xiao Shen's team leader, after watching the video sent to him by the team members, did think that the quality was good, higher than most videos, so he replied to Xiao Shen:

"This video is good, arrange a small recommendation to test the waters."

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