After washing the dishes and playing a virtual battle, Zhou Yuan looked at the time.

"That's not right. Why do I feel like I just finished lunch and it's almost time for dinner? Is this what they call doing what you like? Time flies fast. The theory of relativity is true."

He returned to the living room, opened the refrigerator, found the ingredients in the refrigerator, added a fried egg, a sausage, and a dozen slices of braised beef, and cooked himself a bowl of simple instant noodles.

Just as he was about to start eating, Zhou Yuan hesitated again.

"What kind of meat is this?"

"Hiss... But it should be fine to be in the refrigerator of ordinary citizens. It smells really good."

While eating, Zhou Yuan took out his mobile phone. Just as he was about to open Station A to check his video status, a notification flashed in the message bar.

"You have a new message"

Opening the communication software, the message came from the group chat [A group of people who love each other], and the one who sent the message was the class monitor Wu Jinyan.

"Classmates, it's been a week since the summer vacation. Have you all got the elves you like?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like throwing a huge rock into a calm lake, causing a thousand waves.

"Oh, I haven't, I don't know what elf to choose. Does the class monitor mean that the class monitor has already got the elf?" The one who said this was the usual monkey in the class. Zhou Yuan couldn't remember his name, but he just remembered that he was called monkey.

In addition to him, there were other classmates bubbling in the group.

"I've got my initial Pokémon. Isn't it cute?"

Along with this sentence, a photo of a trumpet bud was posted, a Pokémon with a big head and a small body.

With the appearance of the first classmate who posted a Pokémon, more Pokémon photos gradually began to appear.

Most of them were common Pokémon such as Nidoran, Unicorn, and Pidgeot. Although there were some rare Pokémon, they were rare. Among the dozens of photos posted, Zhou Yuan only saw a vine snake.

After the photo of the vine snake was posted, the group was slightly quiet, and then it was quickly refreshed.

"Wow, it's a vine snake, what a cute Pokémon." This is the girl who is usually cute in the class.

"It's a vine snake. You can get such a rare starter Pokémon. You deserve to be the class monitor." This is Pihou.

"The vine snake is not a common starter Pokémon in our Yanhuang area. It seems to be from the Unova region." This is Lu Renjia.

"That is to say, you can get the starter Pokémon from other regions. The class monitor is really amazing." This is Lu Renjia's younger brother, Lu Renyi.

As more and more questions were asked, Wu Jinyan could not hold back and began to introduce the origin of Teng Teng Snake in the group.

"My dad has business dealings with a company in Hezhong. That company has extra quotas for the three major companies this year, so they gave them to their partners, and my dad is one of them."

"It can only be said that he has to be the class monitor, and his family also has cross-border business."

Seeing this, Zhou Yuan stopped watching and did not take it to heart. It was just the youthful vigor of young people. Zhou Yuan still remembered this class monitor. He was not a bad person, but a little vain. He often helped classmates in his previous life. Zhou Yuan had a good impression of him.

After exiting the communication software and opening Station A, Zhou Yuan found that he had an internal message.

"Your video has passed the review. After judging that your video meets the recommendation standards, traffic support has been given."

This news can only be said to be expected by Zhou Yuan. After all, he knows the quality of his own videos, but when he really saw this message, he was still a little surprised.

Click on his homepage, ID A Yuan teaches you to fight Pokémon, there is only one video of Butterfree under his name, only three hours since it was uploaded, the video has been played more than 5,000 times, and the number of barrages and comments has also exceeded 100.

"The blogger is really amazing, he can play Butterfree so well, but is the blogger's name real? Can he really teach me to fight Pokémon? The kind of melee?" This is the current hot comment.

Zhou Yuan glanced at his fans, there are already more than 500.

"The fan retention rate of ten to one is not bad."

After muttering, Zhou Yuan didn't care anymore and let it develop naturally. After washing the pots and bowls, he sat in front of the computer again and started to hit the virtual battle ranking.

After all, future videos are all based on this game, and the higher the ranking, the more persuasive the video will be.

And this time Zhou Yuan didn't do anything fancy, he took out the real

The weather team.

Until Zhou Yuan's father and mother came back at around 10 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yuan's ranking had risen to 8,000, and he had won all the way without losing.

"Mom and Dad, why are you back so early tonight?" Zhou Yuan got up to greet his parents, and at the same time felt a little strange. The hot pot restaurant usually closes at least in the early morning, and it is indeed a bit early to come back today.

"I thought you were going to make a choice, so I thought about coming back early to listen to your ideas. Besides, the business in the store is not bad today. The ingredients were sold out very early, so I just came back."

While answering his son's question, Zhou's father took out the Poké Ball and released Da Huang. Zhou's mother next to him also released her elegant cat from the Poké Ball.

For a while, the sounds of "meow" and "wool" were endless.

Da Huang is an adult male Ninetails. Ninetails is a four-legged Pokémon with a fox appearance, with golden fur and nine long tails. It has beige fur all over its body and a pair of bright red eyes. The body is well-proportioned, noble and elegant. Its nine tails are smooth and slender, with golden highlights at the ends.

Zhou Dad's nine-tail has a small tuft of curly hair on the forehead, which is a bit like Alola's nine-tail.

Da Huang swayed his tail to Zhou Yuan and rubbed Zhou Yuan's waist. Although Zhou Yuan knew that Da Huang was a male, who would not be confused if they touched a fox? Zhou Yuan stroked Da Huang's head and said with emotion:

"I understand King Zhou."

Zhou Dad collapsed on the sofa again, and asked his son while he was slumped:

"How is it? Have you thought about it? Do you want the Katie from your uncle Liu, or do you want to buy another one?"

"I want Katie." Zhou Yuan said without hesitation.

"Hahahaha, okay, then your mother and I will take you to your uncle Liu tomorrow."

At night.

Zhou Yuan tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. He was even more excited when he thought that he would have his own Pokémon tomorrow, and it was a Growlithe.

"Growlithe Growlithe, cute Growlithe."

In this way, Zhou Yuan was excited until the early morning before he fell asleep.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Even though he slept very late the night before, Zhou Yuan still opened his eyes early in the morning. Although he didn't sleep well and had some dark circles under his eyes, he was so handsome that his dark circles looked like eye bags.

After washing up and having breakfast, Zhou Yuan set off with his parents.

After Zhou's father drove for more than 40 minutes, he slowly slowed down and drove into a ranch.

Zhou Yuan knew that this was Uncle Liu's ranch, and Growlithe was also in this place.

After getting off the car, a tall and strong man came towards him. The man had a crew cut and a diagonal scar on his face, which visually divided the man's face into two halves.

Zhou Yuan remembered this man, Uncle Liu. He was also a policeman in his previous life when there were no elves, but he did not retire in the end and there was no scar on his face.

It seems that this scar was left by the accident six years ago.

Liu Yongming strode to the front of the family, smiled and hugged Zhou's father, and patted Zhou's father on the back, which interrupted Zhou's father's laughter.

"Ahem, Yongming, stop patting. Don't you know how strong you are? If you pat someone weak like this, he would have been patted to death by you."

Liu Yongming smiled and touched his short hair, then turned his head to Zhou Yuan.

"This is Yuan'er, I haven't seen him for a long time. How come he has grown so tall and big in a blink of an eye?"

Zhou Yuan knew how to deal with things. He didn't wait for his father to urge him. He greeted him first: "Hello, Uncle Liu. Uncle Liu is still in good health as always."

Hearing this, Liu Yongming laughed, put his arm around Zhou Yuan's shoulders, turned around and dragged him to the ranch.

"Hahahaha, you are still so good at talking, come on, come in and see the gift your Uncle Liu prepared for you."

Zhou Yuan knew what was going on and knew that he was going to be taken to see his original Pokémon.

The two walked to the door of the house next to the ranch, and Zhou Yuan saw the wind speed dog lying inside at a glance.

The wind speed dog is a Pokémon that looks like a large dog. It has fluffy flaxen hair covering its face. Its eyes are brown, its body has black and orange stripes like a tiger, its feet are surrounded by hair, and it has a long tail, which is quite majestic.

Dahong saw his trainer coming over with a young man in his arms. He knew that this might be the trainer of one of his children. He looked Zhou Yuan up and down and thought that he looked okay. Since he was brought here by his trainer, he thought there should be no problem with his character.

So she didn't act like a mother-in-law meeting her son-in-law, and walked to Zhou Yuan with her tail wagging.

Zhou Yuan looked at the wind speed dog in front of him, who was taller than him, and was not afraid. He reached out and touched its fur, which was unexpectedly smooth, but also felt a little strange.

Dahong is so big, and Dahuang is two circles smaller than her. How can this be...? It can only be said that elves are too magical.

Looking past Dahong and looking inside, he saw two elf eggs in the incubator.

When Zhou Yuan saw the elf eggs, he was stunned. It took him a while to realize that, yes, Zhou's father was talking about elf eggs at the time, but he thought it was a hatched Caterpie, and he was still tossing and turning there and couldn't sleep.

When Zhou Yuan thought of this, his face flushed a little.

However, this little thing was soon forgotten by Zhou Yuan, and replaced by another sigh.

"Even puppy-sized Pokémons are laid from eggs. I can only say that Pokémons are amazing."

As Zhou Yuan approached, the Pokémon eggs became clearer and clearer. They were about 50cm tall, with red lines on a yellow background, and a little black lines mixed in the red lines.

As if sensing Zhou Yuan's gaze, the two Pokémon eggs shook in the incubator, as if asking:

"Are you my master?"

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