After the video was uploaded, Zhou Yuan didn't pay attention to the video playback and comments. He walked out of the house and rode Gyarados towards the Diamond Training Hall. Not long after, he came to the familiar training room again. After swiping the card to enter the training room as usual, Zhou Yuan released Gyarados and Growlithe. Today, his goal was to let Gyarados learn to guard from Growlithe. It was three o'clock in the afternoon. After informing Gyarados and Growlithe of today's goal, the two Pokémon began to communicate with "woof woof" and "roar". Training time always passed quickly. At 8:30 in the evening, after five hours of training, with the help of Growlithe's teaching and learning devices, Gyarados finally mobilized energy to form a barrier in front of him. Hold on, study successfully!

After finishing dinner in the canteen of the training hall, Zhou Yuan rode Gyarados back to the small villa he rented, and let Gyarados sleep in the pool tonight.

The night was quiet, the moonlight sprinkled in the pool and on the scales of Gyarados, and the blood-red scales showed a kind of enchanting beauty.

The next day, it was the familiar 8:30 in the morning, and Zhou Yuan stood in the player channel again to prepare to enter.

At this time, a phone call came in, it was the class teacher Lao Yang.

"Hello? Teacher Yang?"

The voice of a middle-aged man came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello? Zhou Yuan, I heard that you entered the top eight in the Nuannuan Pig Cup? I didn't expect that classmate Zhou is so strong."

Lao Yang came up and praised Zhou Yuan first.

After hearing what Lao Yang said, Zhou Yuan had a rough idea in his mind. He probably knew that the school knew that he had entered the top eight, so they called to encourage him and hoped that he could move up a little bit. After all, it would be a great honor to say that his school's students ranked high, and it could also be used as an opportunity to promote the school's reputation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan did not take the initiative to mention this matter, but waited for Lao Yang to speak up to see what kind of rewards and support the school could give him.

"Oh, that's right. I'm in the contestant channel preparing to enter. Thank you, Teacher Yang, for calling to care about me. Is there anything else you want to say? It's my turn to enter soon. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Hearing Zhou Yuan say this, Old Yang couldn't beat around the bush and said:

"Zhou Yuan, it's like this. Our Shancheng No. 2 Middle School has always supported and rewarded students who participated in the Novice Cup and won a place. Generally, it is based on 32nd place. We will give rewards to students who have won 32nd place or above after the start of school. If Wu Jinyan hadn't told me yesterday that you were in the top eight, I wouldn't have known about this."

At this point, Old Yang paused and continued:

"After I saw and confirmed that it was you yesterday, I reported it to the school leaders. The school leaders also took it very seriously. I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. In the past few years, the best ranking of our school was only the top eight, and the top three were generally taken by No. 1 Middle School."

"The school leaders are very optimistic about you. I don't have any other intentions. I just hope you can push forward. It would be best if you can get into the top three. Then the school will give you a certain reward."

Old Yang on the other end of the phone lowered his voice and continued:

"The previous is the official message from the school leaders. The next is the private message from Principal Wang. His original words are as follows:

Classmate Zhou Yuan, you can rest assured to play. I watched your game video overnight. In my opinion, you are stronger than most of the players who entered the quarterfinals. Don't worry, the school will not treat you unfairly in terms of rewards. As long as you can win, the school will give you rewards. Whether it is energy cubes or evolution stones, they can be obtained for you. Of course, classmate Zhou Yuan should not have too much pressure. It doesn't matter if you lose. Anyway, you won't be worse. Just give it a try."

After passing the microphone, Old Yang also encouraged Zhou Yuan and then hung up the phone.

Zhou Yuan put away his mobile phone, passed the player channel, and sat in the waiting area to think.

Shancheng No. 2 Middle School is different from No. 1 Middle School. Most of the students in No. 1 Middle School come from wealthy and powerful families. Relatively speaking, they are better than No. 2 Middle School, whose students are mainly from civilian families, in terms of obtaining and training initial elves. In the previous Novice Cups, most of the top eight were students from No. 1 Middle School, and even the top three have been students from No. 1 Middle School for three consecutive years.

This is very disadvantageous for the enrollment of other schools, so it is no wonder that Principal Wang asked Lao Yang to pass on the message that he wanted Zhou Yuan to get a higher ranking.

For Zhou Yuan, this does not conflict with his goal. Even if this did not happen, Zhou Yuan was prepared to take whatever place he could get, after all, this was related to how much reward the system would eventually issue.

Now, it's good that he can get rewards from both the system and the school, and he can get the benefits from both sides at the same time.

It just so happened that the tree fruits and energy blocks were almost used up recently, especially after the arrival of Gyarados, which was so big and spinning there every day. If he didn't find some channels to increase revenue, he would have to force himself to save money.

This wave, this wave was like a pillow for someone who was sleepy.

Just as Zhou Yuan was thinking about what reward he should ask for from the school, the other three people arrived one after another and sat beside him to speculate on the subsequent battle order and opponents.

Zhou Yuan was used to listening to their discussions, but suddenly there was silence around him.

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