The whole world was in chaos.

Due to the sudden silence around him, Zhou Yuan looked up in confusion and glanced at the big screen, which clearly displayed the order of the eight-to-four battles.

In the first game, Zhou Yuan played against Li Feiyong.

In the second game, Li Chengqian played against the trainer of Ant-Mel.

In the third game, Yun Duo played against another trainer.

In the fourth game, two passers-by played against each other.

The four looked at each other and were speechless for a while.

According to the rules of the eight-to-four and the subsequent four-to-two, the winners of the first and second games will play against each other, and the same is true for the winners of the third and fourth games.

In other words, if Zhou Yuan defeated Li Feiyong and Li Chengqian defeated Ant-Mel, they would meet in the semi-finals to decide the winner.

This is true. Zhou Yuan had defeated Li Feiyong once. Although Tiegutu's strength has improved recently, Growlithe is not a pushover. Zhou Yuan is confident that he can win. Li Chengqian used Squirtle to fight Molten Ant, so there is no reason not to win. Therefore, the first match of the semi-finals is almost a foregone conclusion.

The atmosphere was a little subtle for a while, and Li Feiyong finally spoke first.

"I didn't expect it, Zhou Yuan. Not long after I said I would never lose to you next time, we are about to face another fateful match? Don't worry, this time, Tiegutu and I are very confident, we will never lose! Come on!"

Zhou Yuan was amused by his exaggerated tone, nodded, stood up, and decided to do as he wished and beat him up.

Under the command of the referee, the two walked onto the ring from the stairs on both sides.

"The first match of the top eight of the Nuannuan Pig Cup begins now!"

The two looked at each other, nodded, and threw the Poké Balls in their hands at the same time.

"Go, Ironbone!"/"Go, Growlithe!"

It was still the familiar duel between the two Pokémons. The enemies were particularly jealous when they met. Looking at the dog on the opposite side with its tongue sticking out and grinning, Ironbone felt a little ashamed. Did he lose to this dog last time?

"Ironbone, show your enthusiasm! This time it's our turn to avenge the previous shame! Use Gathering!"

Unlike before, Li Feiyong chose to strengthen the start this time. After all, Growlithe's characteristic is intimidation. It will reduce the attack power at the beginning. If it doesn't strengthen, it will hit the head.

The Ironbone standing on the field is surrounded by pale white airflow, which shrinks quickly and then spreads out. Gathering is completed, and there will be a 1/2 chance of causing double damage in subsequent attacks.

Of course, when the Ironbone Man used the Qi Gathering, the Caterpie was not idle either. Under Zhou Yuan's command, it howled for a long time and increased its attack power.

Seeing that the Ironbone Man wanted to use the Qi Gathering to strengthen, Zhou Yuan immediately ordered the Caterpie to use high-speed movement to approach and interrupt.

Because after using the Qi Gathering twice, each attack must hit the vital point, that is, it must cause double damage, so the effect of intimidation will be eliminated.

With the high-speed approach of the Caterpie, Li Feiyong originally wanted to quickly grab the strengthening before it approached, but with the blessing of high-speed movement, the Caterpie rushed directly to the face of the Ironbone Man, opened its mouth and watched a spiritual tooth fall.

As a last resort, the Ironbone Man could only interrupt the strengthening and use the sonic punch in the reverse direction to avoid the attack.

Li Feiyong learned this move from Zhou Yuan. When there is no displacement skill, the skill with the rush effect is the best displacement skill.

"The command is really tight, there is really no chance at all."

Li Feiyong felt a little uncomfortable. After many days, he felt Zhou Yuan's high-speed command again. It was really one link after another. As long as he dared to give the opponent a chance, he would dare to take the opportunity to beat him up.

Taking advantage of the distance, Li Feiyong commanded the Ironbone Earthman to use the falling rocks. The Ironbone Earthman put his hands together, and several large rocks fell and went straight to the Caterpillar.

Caterpillar dodged all of them under Zhou Yuan's command, but the falling rocks also restricted the venue to a certain extent.

This is exactly the effect Li Feiyong wanted to achieve. The Ironbone Earthman was originally slow, especially after Caterpillar used high-speed movement, it could not catch up with it at all. He simply used falling rocks to block the route and gradually narrow the venue, forcing Caterpillar to confront the Ironbone Earthman head-on. As long as he could hit the vital points a few more times, he could win.

Li Feiyong's calculations were making a lot of noise, so how could Zhou Yuan not hear them?

Judging from the direction of the falling rocks, Zhou Yuan saw what Li Feiyong was thinking, which was exactly what he wanted.

After all, now

The Iron-bone Earthman has only gathered his energy once, and has no other strengthening skills. He is even in a state of weakened attack power. When is it time to beat him up?

Caterpillar: [・ヘ・?]

Under Zhou Yuan's command, Caterpillar quickly approached the Iron-bone Earthman. While running, his mane fluttered in the wind, and he could actually see a bit of coolness.

Seeing Caterpillar rushing straight to the face of the Iron-bone Earthman, Li Feiyong did not hide. Damn it, the elf battle must be punched to the flesh. It's not fun to fight with these old bitches for so long. This time, I must have a good fight!

Ideals are full, but reality is still skinny.

Although Li Feiyong is very ambitious to let the Iron-bone Earthman and Caterpillar fight to the death.

But after Growlithe's long howl, Ironbone was weakened by intimidation. In addition, Growlithe has two skills, Spirit Fang and Play, which can restrain Ironbone. Although Ironbone also has Rockfall, it is two Pokémon that hit together, and it is not certain whether it can hit. Ironbone can only fight hard.

In the words of Li Chengqian who was watching the game from the audience, this battle can be described in one word.

"Too miserable."

"It's really miserable. Ironbone was not killed by pure explosion? Why is that dog so fierce! I'm already worried about my Squirtle!"

As Li Chengqian said, Ironbone could only barely parry under Growlithe's Spirit Fang and Play, and had almost no power to fight back, and was almost pressed to the ground by Growlithe.

After using the sonic punch to distance himself again, since the Ironbone Man had little energy left, Li Feiyong decided to give it a try and commanded it to use the Resurrection. The Ironbone Man rushed towards the Caterpillar waving the steel bar.

According to the current energy state of the Ironbone Man, if this blow is solid, Caterpillar will not be able to withstand it no matter how weak it is, and it will not be able to withstand it even if it has 100,000 lives!

But unfortunately, the swinging steel bar finally hit a light green shield.

Caterpillar: Hold on and save my dog's life!

At this moment, the name of a certain Ultraman was heard in the gymnasium, and the lingering sound lingered for three days.

After blocking the Resurrection, Caterpillar also used the last skill under Zhou Yuan's command. Caterpillar's eyes gradually climbed up to a touch of blue-purple, and its claws and fangs were also covered by blue-purple energy.

Reverse scale!

Caterpie swung his claws repeatedly, accompanied by occasional teeth bites, leaving scars on the body of the Ironbone, and taking away the last of the Ironbone.

After forcing himself to give his trainer a thumbs up, the Ironbone fell heavily to the ground and could not get up again!

The defeat is not my fault, it's all because the enemy is too strong!

After taking the Ironbone back into the Poké Ball, Li Feiyong walked up to shake hands with Zhou Yuan, and said something fierce while shaking hands.

"I lost this time, next time, you wait for me next time, next time we will definitely beat you!"

After saying the fierce words, Li Feiyong walked to the other side of the ring. It was embarrassing. After losing twice in a row, he could only say some fierce words and wait for the Ironbone to evolve before coming back to get back.

Watching Li Feiyong go to the spectator seats through the defeated passage to watch the battle, Zhou Yuan also found it a little funny. This guy is a little prince who is threatening. There is still next time. According to the current condition of the dog, it is not far from a breakthrough. Even if the iron-boned earth man evolves, he is not afraid.

Back to the waiting area, Li Chengqian nodded and greeted him before going on stage. His battle was about to begin, and Yun Duo did not take the initiative to communicate today. It seems that the opponent she will face next makes her feel pressured and she is thinking about tactics.

Zhou Yuan is happy to be free. He leans back on the back of the chair with his arms folded and watches Li Chengqian's battle leisurely.

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