In the morning, the alarm clock rang again. Zhou Yuan reached out and picked it up, pretending to smash it, but when he thought about having to buy a new one, he finally put it back on the bedside table.

After moving Mimikyu lying on his chest away, Zhou Yuan stood up from the bed and stretched his body, making a series of clicking sounds, and then left the room to prepare breakfast.

Mimikyu woke up when the alarm clock rang, but it couldn't figure it out. Wasn't it sleeping next to it last night? Why did it lie on Zhou Yuan when it woke up?

I wanted to sneak down before Zhou Yuan woke up, but because the alarm was too loud, Zhou Yuan gradually woke up. When she noticed Zhou Yuan reaching out to turn off the alarm, Mimikyu played dead instantly. She couldn't let him find out that she was awake, otherwise she couldn't explain it!

Hearing Zhou Yuan's footsteps gradually fading away, Mimikyu also stood up, covering her little face under her painted skin and shaking it wildly, which also caused the painted skin outside her body to shake left and right.

When he came to the first floor and saw the dog lying on the carpet, Zhou Yuan shook his head. He didn't wake up even after falling off the sofa. He must not count on it when he goes out to guard the night in the future.

He opened the door and let Gyarados, who was still awakened by the scorching sun after the beginning of autumn, enter the room. Zhou Yuan looked at the pool and decided to let the decoration team build a small shed after the game today, and then install an air conditioner in it, at least to make Gyarados not so hot.

After patting the scarlet scales of Gyarados, Zhou Yuan turned into the kitchen and started making breakfast for the elves and himself.

It was exactly eight o'clock. Zhou Yuan slapped the dog's butt with a slipper to wake it up, and then called Mimikyu down from upstairs. He and three elves had breakfast together.

After breakfast, he put them all into the elf balls, put on the elf ball belt, put a few bottles of energy cubes and full recovery medicine in his backpack, and then Zhou Yuan took a taxi to No. 2 Middle School. He had to gather there first, and then go to No. 1 Middle School to compete together.

After getting off the taxi, Zhou Yuan saw Wang Wei and Wu Jinyan standing at the door at a glance, and three people he didn't know. They looked about the same age as him. I think they should be players participating in the inter-school league like him.

Seeing Zhou Yuan coming, Wang Wei nodded at him and motioned him to stand in the team. Zhou Yuan stood next to him under Wu Jinyan's crazy suggestion.

Wang Wei cleared his throat and said:

"The last student is here. The five of you are the players who will represent our school in the inter-school league this time. I hope you can show your full mental state and strength to face this competition."

He winked at Zhou Yuan implicitly while saying this.

Zhou Yuan also understood what he meant. He was reminding himself that these words were not meant for himself. He didn't have to go all out, but could hide some of his strength and make a splash in the Little Flame Emperor Cup.

But Zhou Yuan felt that it was unnecessary. The speed at which his Pokémon's strength was improving was very fast. Even if other schools knew his current strength, what would it matter? There were still two months before the Little Flame Emperor Cup. Zhou Yuan was even confident that he could cultivate an elite Pokémon in these two months.

You know, there is a big gap between the senior level and the elite level. Before, Caterpie and Gyarados fought against a Venusaur that had just broken through the elite level and failed to win, not to mention the group of rookie trainers in the Little Flame Emperor Cup.

Little Flame Emperor Cup? Baby Cup!

Wang Wei continued:

"This competition is divided into singles and arena competitions. The participating schools are No. 1 to No. 6 Middle Schools. Each school sends five students to make up 30 people."

"In the singles competition, the order of the players is shuffled and randomly assigned. Of course, players from the same school will not meet in the first round. After the first round, there are 15 people left, one person is a bye, and then seven games are played. Eight people advance, and then it's eight to four, four to two and the final."

"The team competition is a battle between schools. According to last year's final The first match will be based on the ranking. Last year's No. 1 Middle School will play against No. 4 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School will play against No. 3 Middle School, and last year's No. 5 and No. 6 Middle School will play against No. 5 and No. 6 Middle School. "

"The loser of No. 5 and No. 6 Middle School will be eliminated directly, and the winner will enter the loser group. You ask why? Because they ranked low last year. "

"And the match between No. 1 Middle School and No. 4 Middle School, and our match against No. 3 Middle School, the losers will enter the loser group, and the winners will play against each other, and after winning again, they will enter the finals. "

"And the match order of the loser group is the winner of No. 5 and No. 6 Middle School

The winner of the two schools will play against the loser of No. 1 and No. 3 Middle Schools, and the winner will play against the loser of No. 1 and No. 4 Middle Schools. The winner will then play against the loser in the winner group. The winner of this match will enter the finals. "

"Of course, these are not very relevant to us. Although our school's strength was not as good as No. 1 Middle School in the early years, it would not lose to No. 3 Middle School. Therefore, we often play against the winner of other schools after losing to No. 1 Middle School in the winner group. After winning, we will play against No. 1 Middle School in the finals. "

After talking about the competition system, Wang Wei began to talk about the ranking.

"The top eight in the singles competition will have one to eight points added to their respective schools, and the points for the team competition are 20 points for the first place, 15 points for the second place, 12 points for the third place, 9 points for the fourth place, 6 points for the fifth place, and only 3 points for the sixth place. "

"In previous years, the scores of our school and No. 1 Middle School in individual competitions were often comparable, but the team competitions were almost always second place, so the ranking every year was also second place. "

Speaking of this, Wang Wei seemed a little disappointed, and the students who were listening to him attentively were also moved by his emotions and felt a little disappointed. Of course, Zhou Yuan was not included.

Zhou Yuan complained in his heart, why are you pretending here? If I hadn't gotten to know you well, I would have believed it.

The next second, Wang Wei was high-spirited again and said:

"But this year is different. This year our school has a group of excellent students like you. Do you have the confidence to win the final victory?"

Inspired by Wang Wei, the other students roared one after another, whether they had it or not.


Zhou Yuan nodded to Wang Wei.

I will do it, don't worry.jpg

Wang Wei also nodded to him, and then continued to say to several students:

"I have made it clear to you on the competition system. Next is the reward for this league. In the individual competition, the top eight will receive cash rewards ranging from 20,000 to 160,000 from the lowest to the highest. The team competition rankings are rewarded from 300,000 to 50,000 yuan, which means that if you win both the individual and team championships, you will receive a cash reward of 220,000 yuan. "

"In addition to cash rewards, there are more invisible benefits. The higher the ranking in the individual competition, the greater the training you will receive after returning to school."

"So, students, for your own sake and for the sake of the school, do your best to fight! Get in the car!"

After delivering the mobilization declaration, Wang Wei took the lead in getting on the business car arranged by the school, and the group drove towards No. 1 Middle School.

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