After arriving at No. 1 Middle School, under the leadership of Wang Wei, the group came to the training ground of No. 1 Middle School. The center of the training ground was the venue for the league match. Zhou Yuan looked around and found that the training ground of No. 1 Middle School was more than half larger than that of No. 2 Middle School, and the equipment was obviously replaced this year. ‘Sure enough, they are rich…’ Zhou Yuan was a little emotional. This school is really rich and powerful. The venue is secondary. The most important thing is that Zhou Yuan saw the audience, the dense audience. Judging from their young age, they should all be students of No. 1 Middle School. This is purely the home advantage. In their own field, the players will be more confident. On the other hand, the players from other schools must be under great pressure in front of so many students. At this time, it is a test of whether the trainer is strong enough.

But Zhou Yuan is not worried. Hehe, big heart? No one can beat me.

The group came to the seats of No. 2 Middle School and sat down. As soon as Zhou Yuan sat down, he heard someone calling his name.

Turning around, he found that Yun Duo, Li Feiyong and Li Chengqian were all sitting in the players' seats of No. 1 Middle School. In addition to them, there was another person who was the top eight trainer of Molten Ant in the Novice Cup, and another one he didn't know.

Zhou Yuan probably understood why No. 2 Middle School always lost to No. 1 Middle School in previous years. With this lineup this year, if he hadn't turned against them, No. 2 Middle School would face five of the top eight players in the Novice Cup. This nm is going to fight head-on.

The lineup of No. 2 Middle School is also quite luxurious this time. The other four players are one in the top eight, two in the top sixteen, and Wu Jinyan, who is in the top 128.

Zhou Yuan was also confused at first, how did Wu Jinyan get into the team.

It was not until Wu Jinyan quietly told him that her Green Vine Snake had broken through to the early senior level after hard training that Zhou Yuan understood the school's approach.

At this point, Zhou Yuan had to sigh that the growth and development of grass-attribute elves is really fast, especially with sufficient energy supply and sufficient training absorption, the level improvement can be described as flying, and as long as a certain amount of training is received, it can become an instant combat force, which is similar to insect-type elves.

After greeting Yun Duo and the other two, Zhou Yuan cast his eyes back to the center of the training ground. There were five arenas built in the training ground, which could support five battles at the same time, and several middle-aged bald men who looked like leaders were standing on the arena in the middle and talking, probably saying that it was an honor to hold the competition.

Zhou Yuan's ears were almost callused by this kind of official rhetoric, but he had no good way to interrupt it, so he could only pretend that he didn't hear it.

Finally, it was almost half past nine, and the speeches were over. The leader looked at the time and immediately announced the official start of the inter-school league.

The names of the contestants, the arena, and the number of matches were displayed on the big screen, and began to scroll quickly.

After the scrolling ended, Zhou Yuan saw his own name, arena No. 5, second match, and the opponent was...

Zhou Yuan moved his eyes to the camp of No. 1 Middle School, and just happened to meet the eyes of the fat Li Chengqian who was laughing and crying.

That's right, Zhou Yuan's opponent in the first game was the unlucky child Li Chengqian.

Now Zhou Yuan believed that this allocation was indeed random. After all, even if they wanted to do something shady to stop him, they would not send Li Chengqian to let him eat the points.

Seeing Li Chengqian's gloomy face, Zhou Yuan was happy. Logically, Li Chengqian's Squirtle only broke through to the late stage of the ordinary level in the late stage of the Novice Cup. Now it is at most the early stage of the senior level. If it evolves when it breaks through to the middle stage of the senior level, it will be directly promoted to the late stage. It will not be so easy to fight at that time.

The players who will participate in the first match of each family stood up from the player seat and walked onto the stage. A player from No. 2 Middle School came on stage. He was a guy named Liu Wei. His elf was a late ordinary level Magnemite. He achieved a good result of the top 16 in the Novice Cup. His opponent in this match was a student from No. 4 Middle School. Zhou Yuan took a glance and found that his elf was a mid-ordinary level Toucan.

The outcome of this battle has been decided. There is no need to watch it anymore. Unless Magnemite is hit by Toucan's direct drill twice, there is no possibility that Magnemite will lose.

Zhou Yuan looked around and saw that most of the elves on the field were still in the late stage of the ordinary level. There were only two ordinary level perfect elves, one of which was a Molten Ant Beast from the first middle school.

From this, it can be seen that there are not many elves in the players of each school who have broken through the senior level.

Although each school needs its students to achieve good results, for the time being

It's not that urgent yet.

Everything will have to wait until this inter-school league and the selection competition organized by the school later, and then we will select the seedlings and invest resources to cultivate them.

Moreover, not every seedling can get the treatment of Zhou Yuan, who starts with millions and is equipped with an elite teacher.

What a joke, there are not enough elite teachers in my school, okay?

So, in this inter-school league, the level of most players' elves is only slightly higher than that of the Novice Cup. Then, our classmate Zhou Yuan can easily achieve a crushing blow to the opponent, which is commonly known as,

Dimensional strike!

After scanning the battles in the other arenas, there is nothing to see, even the arena of the Molten Ant Beast directly killed the opponent in seconds.

Seeing this, Zhou Yuan became a little serious. The strength of this Molten Ant Beast has greatly improved compared to the Novice Cup. The improvement here is not about the level, but the release of skills and the mastery of energy.

It is similar to the content of Wang Wei's elves teaching their own elves, but not as advanced. It can be concluded that No. 1 Middle School has found senior teachers to tutor these seed players, but it is not luxurious enough to invite elite teachers to come every day. The school's small treasury can't support it.

Zhou Yuan also asked Lao Yang what the relationship between Wang Wei and the school is and why he is willing to teach students in the school all the time. Lao Yang didn't say anything. He just said that the principal's surname is also Wang and left.

Zhou Yuan scratched his head. It seems that there is a past story here.

Of course, the most important thing at present is not this past, but Zhou Yuan saw Liu Wei's Magneto being hit by the Toucan with a straight drill once!

Because Magneto has both electric and steel attributes, it is four times restrained by the ground attribute straight drill, and it was almost killed by it in seconds.

Zhou Yuan was shocked. Is his poison milk so strong? He almost killed his teammates. If Wang Wei knew about this, wouldn't he kill himself? No way, no way?

Fortunately, Magneto had caused considerable damage to Toucan before, and paralyzed Toucan through electromagnetic waves, otherwise Toucan would have rushed forward several times with its speed.

In the end, relying on the long-range poke ability of special skills and the fast release speed of electric skills, Magneto took away the Toucan with a shock wave, and won a good start for No. 2 Middle School!

Zhou Yuan applauded, then stood up and looked in the direction of No. 1 Middle School, especially the little fat man Li Chengqian, with an evil smile.

Hehehe, little fat man, it's your turn...

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