The first two matches have ended, and the third match between No. 5 Middle School and No. 6 Middle School will begin. Since these two schools ranked in the bottom two in last year's inter-school league, this match will determine their ranking in the team competition. The loser will be eliminated directly and become the sixth place, and the winner can continue to play.

After nearly half an hour of fighting, No. 6 Middle School won the final victory with a head advantage, and eliminated No. 5 Middle School by defeating the superior, which also brought itself the opportunity to advance.

The host came on stage to announce the results of the match, and announced that after a half-hour break, the promoted No. 6 Middle School will play against the loser group No. 4 Middle School, and the winner will play against the loser group No. 3 Middle School again to compete for the place in the loser group to enter the semi-finals.

Half an hour later, the battle between No. 6 Middle School and No. 4 Middle School officially began.

The levels of the elves of both sides are very similar, both have one senior-level early elves, two normal-level perfect elves and two normal-level late elves. On paper, the two are equal in strength, but the senior elves of No. 6 Middle School are water-attributed Poison Jellyfish, which has an attribute advantage over the senior-level Flareon of No. 4 Middle School, but the final result still depends on the command of both sides and the elves themselves.

After more than 20 minutes of fierce fighting, only the last player was left in No. 4 Middle School and No. 6 Middle School, Flareon and Poison Jellyfish.

The fourth players of both sides were injured and retired at the same time, leaving the stage to the seeded players of both sides in full state.

Under the command of Chang Jiang, Poison Jellyfish still used barriers to strengthen itself, and coupled with attribute resistance, Flareon could hardly cause effective damage.

With the barrier enhancement and the disgusting tactics of Poison Ling, Chang Jiang led the players of No. 6 Middle School to advance again and advance to the top four in the team competition.

At this time, it was close to noon, and the game was suspended. Let the players go to eat first, and then continue the game at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhou Yuan sat in the cafeteria of No. 1 Middle School, chewing the elbow again. This elbow was really delicious. Zhou Yuan even wanted to pack a few back when he left.

After eating and drinking, he took a short rest in the lounge provided by No. 1 Middle School, and returned to the player area on time at two o'clock to prepare for the afternoon battle.

As the time came to two o'clock, the host came on stage again and announced the official start of the afternoon game. The first round was between No. 6 Middle School and No. 3 Middle School for the opportunity to enter the semi-finals.

The players of the two schools walked onto the stage, and after the referee's whistle fell, a fierce elf battle began.

The situation was just like the battle between No. 4 Middle School and No. 6 Middle School in the morning. The four players of No. 6 Middle School fought all the four players of No. 3 Middle School. There was even a normal level perfect elf left in No. 6 Middle School. Although it was not in good condition, it also caused some consumption to the state of the seed player of No. 3 Middle School, Infernape.

In the end, the seeded players of both sides still fought against each other, with Stinger vs. Infernape, but Infernape's condition was not perfect and was somewhat exhausted.

Under the command of the trainer, the two sides broke out into a fierce battle. Although Infernape had tried very hard, the venue was larger this time, the water surface was larger, and Stinger had given himself a layer of water flow environmental protection at the beginning, and the turbidity flow did not miss again.

In the end, Infernape fell down unwillingly.

No. 6 Middle School counterattacked all the way to the semi-finals!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan was also a little surprised. If he didn't have the system on him, he would have thought that the protagonist was Chang Jiang.

But No. 6 Middle School's steps stopped here. Their opponents in the semi-finals will be the losers of No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School in the semi-finals, and no matter which of these two schools is against No. 6 Middle School, there is an absolute chance of winning.

As the players on the field left, the host came on stage again and announced that the next will be the semi-finals of the winner's group.

As soon as this was said, there was thunderous applause.

The audience had been waiting for a whole day. Yesterday, they watched their school's players being annihilated by the seeded players of No. 2 Middle School. Today, they finally came to the team competition. How could we lose with four senior-level elves in the team competition? Ah? How could we lose!

This team competition will avenge yesterday's revenge!

As the host stepped down, the starting players of both sides also began to go on stage. The first player to go up was still Li Feiyong from No. 1 Middle School, and it seemed that he wanted to suppress the opponent with stronger strength.

In the No. 2 Middle School player area, Wang Wei hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to let Zeng Tingting go on stage. Her elf was a normal-level perfect heart bat, which evolved from the rolling bats commonly seen in the caves of the Sinnoh region. Its attributes were Psychic plus Flying, and it had four times the resistance to fighting skills, which was just right for dealing with the Ironbone Earthmen.

The two players came on stage, and after the referee confirmed that they were ready, he blew the whistle to announce the start of the game.

"Go, Heart Bat!" / "Go, Ironbone!"

After the whistle sounded, both sides threw out the Poké Balls at the same time to summon their Pokémons.

The winner's group semi-finals, start!

Under the command of Zeng Tingting, Heart Bat took advantage of the wings to distance himself from Ironbone, and then used meditation.

This Heart Bat has a simple hidden characteristic, and each time the ability value is increased, it will be doubled, which means that a meditation can increase the special attack and special defense by two levels each.

Ironbone looked at the bat flying in the sky on the ground, very annoyed, this thing bullied him because he was short-handed.

But it doesn't matter!

Li Feiyong had thought of this kind of situation a long time ago, and let Ironbone learn a trick to shoot it down!

Under his command, the Iron-bone Earthman kept throwing the steel column upwards. The evil energy on it frightened the Heart Bat. If this thing hits, it will not only cause a lot of damage, but also seal the Heart Bat's high-altitude flight ability, so that it can only fly within the range that the Iron-bone Earthman can hit.

The Heart Bat kept dodging left and right, and also used meditation for the second time to strengthen itself. At the same time, the body was a little stiff due to the influx of power after strengthening. Because of this stiffness, the Heart Bat failed to avoid the steel column from bottom to top and was hit by it.

Shoot down!

Influenced by the shoot down, the Heart Bat fell from the sky. At this time, the Iron-bone Earthman had already clenched his fist to accumulate power, and lightning was lingering on his fist.

Lightning Fist!

According to the Heart Bat's resistance, if it was shot down and then hit by a lightning fist, it would probably die directly.

But it doesn't matter!

Zeng Tingting screamed!

"Heart Bat, use Feather Roost!"

Hearing the trainer's command, Heart Bat wrapped his wings around himself, his whole body glowed white, and he recovered his energy before the Thunder Punch hit him, and temporarily lost his flying attribute!

The Thunder Punch can no longer cause double damage!

Although the Thunder Punch hit Heart Bat, it was not as bad as the Shoot Down!

After being knocked away by a punch, Heart Bat quickly adjusted his state and flapped his wings to keep flying at a low altitude.

How could Heart Bat bear being hit by a punch? Under Zeng Tingting's command, he used auxiliary power to fight back!

An invisible energy wave attacked the Ironbone Earthman with it as the center.

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