The battle was a battle, but the battle was a battle.

Zhou Yuan, who was sitting in the audience, felt that this set of tactics was a little familiar.

How could he know that Zeng Tingting was also a fan of A Yuan's account of teaching you to play Pokémon. She learned the tactics of outputting with auxiliary power after strengthening in Zhou Yuan's video, and applied it reasonably to her own heart bat. It was with this tactic that she got the opportunity to fight for No. 2 Middle School.

Turning his eyes back to the ring, the auxiliary power was barely blocked by the light green barrier condensed in front of the Iron Bone Earthman.

Hold on and save me!

Zeng Tingting was not in a hurry even though the attack was blocked. Anyway, her own enhancement was enough. With a total of eight levels of auxiliary power, four of which were special attack enhancements, the Iron-bone Earthman would fall down as long as he was hit by the auxiliary power. Even the gods could not save him. I said that!

Li Feiyong was also distressed when he saw the Heart Bat distance himself from the Iron-bone Earthman.

I was really impressed. This enhancement tactic was too disgusting. I couldn't just ignore it. If I didn't care, I would die. I had to take the initiative to attack in order to crack this tactic.

Under his command, the Iron-bone Earthman approached the Heart Bat with a sonic fist, and then raised the steel column, applied evil energy, and swung it at the Heart Bat.

Swinging wildly!

Because the speed of the sonic fist was too fast, the Heart Bat didn't react until the Iron-bone Earthman rushed to his face, and at this time the Iron-bone Earthman had already raised the evil steel column.

Since Heartbat had not learned to defend this skill, Zeng Tingting knew that she could not dodge this attack, and she might even be killed.

At this time, she also showed her decisiveness as a trainer.

"Heartbat, use auxiliary power!"

Hearing the trainer's command, Heartbat also understood that the trainer wanted to exchange him with the opposite Pokémon. With this awareness, Heartbat used auxiliary power!

Invisible power gathered and exploded between the two Pokémons!

And the Ironbone Man's wild dance also hit Heartbat!

Or two steel pillars on the left and right!

The aftermath of the energy dissipated, and both Pokémons lay on the ground with circles in their eyes. The Ironbone Man was killed in seconds by the auxiliary power of the eighth level enhancement, and Heartbat lost his combat ability under the attack of the two wild dances on the left and right.

Li Feiyong took back the Ironbone Man in silence. He never thought that one day he would be defeated by a Pokémon with a lower level than the Ironbone Man. This was an unbearable pain for him.

At this time, the audience seats around were also in an uproar. For them, Li Chengqian was defeated by Zhou Yuan in the first round, which was already embarrassing enough. At this time, Li Feiyong was replaced by an opponent with a lower level than him. This was simply a great shame, so the audience seats once again rang with curses.

Listening to these curses, Li Feiyong was also a little numb. To be honest, he really didn't expect this result.

He returned to the contestant area in a daze, sat in his seat dejectedly, pulling his hair with both hands, feeling a little lost.

At this time, a tissue was handed over from the side. Li Feiyong looked up and found that it was Li Chengqian.

He wanted to say that he didn't cry, but there was no point in explaining it at this time. He simply took the tissue and said thank you in a deep voice.

Li Chengqian sat down next to Li Feiyong and said to him:

"How is it, did you hear those people's curses? Is it really worth it?"

Li Feiyong didn't know how to answer, so he could only remain silent.

Li Chengqian strikes while the iron is hot:

"It's like this, I have a plan..."

Hearing Li Chengqian's words, Li Feiyong's eyes gradually brightened. Yes, why didn't he think of it?

He turned his head to look at Li Chengqian. He didn't expect that this boy looked quite honest and had a lot of ideas.

Just as the two were whispering, the second battle on the ring was over. Liu Wei from No. 2 Middle School lost to the fifth player from No. 1 Middle School, and then Lu Long went on stage and both of them were injured and left the stage at the same time.

Now the situation on the field has reached 3 to 2. There are still three players from No. 1 Middle School who can go on the field, and only Wu Jinyan and Zhou Yuan from No. 2 Middle School.

Seeing that it was his turn to go on the field, Li Chengqian patted Li Feiyong on the shoulder and asked him to think about it carefully, and then got up and went to the ring.

Holding the Poké Ball of Squirtle in his hand, Li Chengqian was a little silent.

No matter what, he still had to fight the last battle well, so well that even if he left, they couldn't say anything wrong about him!

Both sides threw their Poké Balls at the same time, and Squirtle and Viper pounced on each other, and the battle broke out!

Accompanied by waves of energy, the battle

Finally it was over, the Green Vine Snake fell to the ground with ice crystals on its head, and it was obvious that it was hit by the Frozen Fist.

The turtle still had the last bit of energy left, and was standing on the stage, but the parasitic seeds rooted in its shell sucked away the last bit of energy from the turtle.

The turtle finally couldn't hold on, and fell to the ground with a plop after shaking a few times.

Kame Turtle: _(:з」∠)_awsl

Another draw!

Now everyone can see clearly that No. 2 Middle School is just exchanging pieces, forcibly exchanging the players from No. 1 Middle School, laying the foundation for Zhou Yuan's final cleaning.

Looking at the eyes of the four classmates, and then looking at Wang Wei.

Zhou Yuan knew that although Wang Wei said that he wanted to save his strength for the Little Yan Emperor Cup, he must have been longing for such a victory in his heart.

Or, No. 2 Middle School needs such a victory.

Although he didn't stay in No. 2 Middle School for a long time, how can I say it?

Zhou Yuan was more or less touched by Wang Wei's selfless teaching, Principal Wang's frankness in giving money, Lao Yang's concern, and the friendship between classmates.

Now that it has come to this, it is not good to hide it. Anyway, there are still two months before the Little Emperor Yan Cup. Zhou Yuan believes that according to his plan, the improvement in these two months can catch up with the improvement of other students in one year.

So Zhou Yuan stood up and walked towards the stage.

Let you see the burning fire will (crossed out) trainer spirit in my heart!

Seeing Zhou Yuan on the stage, the trainer of Molten Ant also stood up. His task is to consume the state of Zhou Yuan's Pokémon as much as possible, and see if he can hang some abnormal states, so that even if he recovers with the morning light, he can also gain some advantages for Yun Duo to play.

After five minutes of fierce fighting, Molten Ant finally fell under the heavy stomping of Growlithe, but its fall was not meaningless. It consumed Growlithe's energy. Even if Growlithe used Morning Light to recover, it would slow down the pace, enough for Tengchui to use Sword Dance once.

In addition, it used gastric juice to temporarily eliminate Growlithe's characteristics, which means that Tengchui will no longer be affected by intimidation.

With the expectations of his teammates, Yun Duo tightened the Poké Ball in his hand and walked onto the stage. I must win this battle!

Twenty minutes later, Yun Duo, who was in a state of dismay, took back the fallen Tengchui.

Surprisingly, even though Yun Duo lost the battle as the last player to play, there was no dissatisfaction in the audience, because they witnessed with their own eyes how Yun Duo suffered.

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