What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 97: I am honest and upright...

Today, the relationship between the imperial court and Qingyun Pavilion is rather delicate.

Qingyun Pavilion's old nest, Longxi, is home to 100,000 elites from the imperial court, and Qingyun Pavilion has repeatedly claimed that there is no objection, and even sent their young pavilion masters to the capital as hostages. Therefore, the court is currently pacifying or suppressing Qingyun Pavilion. Arguing.

Such important matters should have been decided by the sage himself, but unexpectedly, he did not pay attention to it, and even said that he would leave this matter to the prince of the supervising country to test his ability to govern the country.

Although the Qingzheng Division cannot control these matters, it is true that the Qingzheng Division really hates Qingyun Pavilion, and the conflict between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, the one-eyed strong will have this statement.

Zhao Zongzhen also had a dark face at this time. Obviously, he was also quite unhappy about the arrival of Qingyun Pavilion.

But in the end, it's a big head, and his words are more layered.

"Nonsense! It's all for the people to get rid of demons. If I play black hands on them, wouldn't it help the demons to abuse them? I have always been upright and honest in my work, so how could I do such a disgusting thing?

It's just... As we all know, my armoured department has always been open-minded and informal in extermination of demons. If they get close, there will still be accidental injuries.

So everyone remember that you must be polite to them, so that even if you accidentally hurt, you will not misunderstand that we did it on purpose! "

After a lot of powerful and generous speeches, the others were instantly enlightened.

Stumped Foot Deng: "What the big stall said is that we must greet people with a smile to show our integrity."

One-eyed Qiang: "Don't worry, we must try our best not to be so open and informal, so as to reduce accidental injuries."

Su Ruoyi: "Then I... try to be nice to them?"

Qin Yuan looked at Zhao Zongzhen, and for some reason, he suddenly thought of the great master of the Mo family.

My Mo family is open and upright, and we must not feed poison to fish teeth...

Have these leaders undergo special prophecy training?


After flying over the ancient ruins of Dingxian County, it didn't take long to arrive at the current Dingxian county seat.

The county seat of Dingxian was a city surrounded by a city wall that was eight miles long and six miles wide. In the ancient times of Blue Star, such a city might not have been small, but in this world, it was really nothing but a small county.

The reason is very simple. In this world where monks are everywhere and where different techniques are exquisite, humans have a stronger ability to build cities.

From the air, the buildings in the city are a little old, but they are still clean and tidy. The streets are also very open. There are several rivers passing through the city, and the riverside willow trees are shady. It should be a relatively livable county.

According to the rules, they still go to the county government first, ask the county magistrate to send the official document to eliminate the demon, and then learn about the basic situation of the goblin.

However, when they were about to approach the county government office, they could see the entrance of the county government office from a distance.

In front of the group of people, there was a statue of a leopard-faced man about 10 feet tall. Under the statue, three men and three women, all about eighteen years old, were tied with red ropes.

The old county magistrate was standing in front of these people with a sad face at the moment, explaining something.

"Everyone, gentlemen, elders, this official has said many times that a goblin is a goblin! Even if you give him a statue today, worship him every day, and pay tribute to three men and three women every year, can it be so kind? Just imagine, If these three men and three women are your children, brothers and sisters, and siblings, wouldn't you be sad? So how could this official detain you?"

At this time, an old man on crutches stepped forward and said angrily, "Zhao County magistrate, you have been here for more than ten years! Tell me, the people of Ding County are immoral and unscrupulous, killing innocent people indiscriminately. ?"

The old man looked very prestigious, and even the old county magistrate went up to help him and said, "Elder Yu, this official has never said that."

The old man said, "That's right! County magistrate Zhao, if I didn't really have no choice, how could I do this? Among the three men and three women, one of them... one is my hard-working one. niece!"

As the old man spoke, he burst into tears, "However, this is what the goblin said in his own mouth when he was manifested in Shikou yesterday, how dare I not obey? Master Zhao, you forgot, last October, there were 70 people in my city. The three were killed by that goblin, and the corpses were inhumane?"

Zhao county magistrate was at a loss for words, and quickly said, "Don't be afraid, Mr. Yu, this official has already reported this matter to the Qingzheng Division, and the Qingzheng Division will send someone to capture this monster in a few days!"

As soon as the old man heard Zheng Si, he stomped his feet in anger.

"Zhao County magistrate, why are you still mentioning the Qingzheng Division? They came here in March last year, and they had a fight with the goblin. After collecting a few little demons, they went back to deal with the business. You don't know about this! They really killed that big demon, how could the October massacre happen?"

Above Feijian, several people, relying on their cultivation, heard these words from a distance, and then their faces darkened.

One-eyed said with hatred and hatred, "Last time I came here, it was T-ke's gang of rice buckets!"

Su Ruoyi said, "What's the use of talking about these now, just get rid of them this time."

Zhao Zongzhen said coldly, "Not only is it cleaned up, but it needs to be set on fire by the Demon Territory."

Having said that, with a thought, the long sword flew directly to the gate of the county government office. I wanted to explain it to everyone first, first to reassure the people, and secondly to save the innocent three men and three women.

But at this moment, they saw a flying sword before them and quietly landed at the entrance of the yamen.

The three people who went up and down the sword were all wearing Tsing Yi.

Qin Yuan could see at a glance that the three people in Tsing Yi were the three people from Qingyun Pavilion before.

After the three fell, the crowd bowed their hands.

Afterwards, the man with thin face and high cheekbones at the head said loudly, "Fathers and elders, Fang Qiwen in Xia Qingyun Pavilion, on the order of the tutor, come here to exterminate the people of Ding County!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole place was suddenly silent.

Immediately, there was another roar!

"It's the Qingyun Pavilion, it's the Qingyun Pavilion dedicated to exterminating demons!"

"Is it the Qingyun Pavilion that 'if you have Qingyun ambition, you should enter the Qingyun Pavilion'?"

"I heard people say that Qingyun Pavilion is more powerful than Qingzhengsi! Now we are saved!"


After a commotion~www.readwn.com~ the old man stepped forward, gave the three of them a bow, and asked, "Three strong men, are you really from the Qingyun Pavilion? This demon is so powerful that even the Qing Zhengsi failed to clear it last time. , are you sure?"

Fang Qiwen smiled lightly, stepped forward to help the old man, and said, "Old man, our Qingyun Pavilion and Qingzheng Division are different. They eliminate demons just to perfunctory, and we eliminate demons, just for the peace of the world."

Before he finished speaking, he only heard an explosion in the air.

"Presumptuous! I am dignified and honest, when did you say it so unbearably?!"

With this deafening roar, a long sword also quietly landed, and then four people descended from above.

The four of them all had cold expressions on their faces, glaring at the three Qingyun Pavilion disciples in front of them.

However, the sharp-eyed person found that there were actually five of them, but there was only one person who didn't come down. This person was diligently cleaning up a strange, foldable small bench...

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