With the appearance of Qing Zhengji, the crowd caused another commotion.

After all, he is one of the two Optimus Pillars of Dacheng who has been famous for hundreds of years. Many people still have a little respect in their eyes when they see the legendary Qing Zhengsi.

But because of the failure to remove the demon last time, many people directly showed disdain.

Zhao county magistrate was overjoyed, so he hurried up and hurried up to a few people and said, "A few of you are the adults of the Qingzheng Division Jiaji Division? Welcome, welcome, we Dingxian people can look forward to you every day!"

Zhao Zongzhen returned the salute to the Zhao county magistrate, but did not speak, just glared at the three Qingyun Pavilion disciples.

However, even though they were caught talking badly behind their backs, the three of them showed no signs of timidity. Instead, they all smiled contemptuously.

"Zhao Dangtou?" Fang Qiwen glanced at Zhao Zongzhen and said indifferently, "The demon here, I, Qingyun Pavilion, will definitely be captured within three days. Your Qingzheng Company is busy with business, so don't worry about it."

This tone and demeanor is completely like a commanding Qing Zhengji to do things!

Zhao Zongzhen was furious in his heart, and the veins on his forehead bulged slightly, but it was inconvenient for so many people to be present, so he just said coldly, "Just now, what are you talking about, dare to say it again?"

Fang Qiwen laughed, and then said loudly, "What I said below is the truth, why don't you dare? In March last year, did your Qing Zhengsi come here to hunt demons, or did you only capture a few little demons and scribbled back for business? If you didn't perfunctory things, why did the October massacre happen?"

After he finished speaking, he shouted to the people below, "Fathers and elders, do you think there is something wrong in what you say?"

As soon as his voice fell, someone jumped out.

"Yes, he is telling the truth!"

"If it weren't for you, Qing Zhengsi, how could I, my poor eldest brother's family, have died so miserably!"

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's that you... Really hurt the people of Ding County this time!"

Those who spoke were all who lost their relatives in the October massacre. When they mentioned that massacre, they were filled with self-righteous indignation, and it was hard to restrain them.

Under their leadership, all the people soon roared in anger, and the crowd was angry.

Although the yamen kept shouting loudly, it was useless at all.

The corner of Fang Qiwen's mouth could not help revealing a faint smile.

Several people present, including the county magistrate Zhao, knew that he was deliberately trying to confuse the people, but what they said was the truth, so even though their eyes were red with anger, they were helpless.

Only now did Zhao Dangtou realize that the Qingzheng Division lacked someone who could quarrel.

This group of people is rough, and apart from fighting, they can't speak their minds at all.

At this moment, Su Ruoyi couldn't help but stepped forward and said angrily, "Fang Qiwen, you just said that our Qingzheng Division's hunting of demons is perfunctory, and your Qingyun Pavilion's hunting of monsters is to keep the world peaceful, right?"

Well, I would like to ask, what happened to you when more than 30 people were killed and injured in the Battle of Chiyue Mountain in March of this year and I captured the third-grade monster?

Okay, Chiyue Mountain is far away from you, then in May the **** battle of Huaiyin River is only more than 200 miles away from your Qingyun Pavilion. "

When Su Ruoyi said this, she was already furious, because many of the brothers who sacrificed were from their A-letter class.

When Qin Yuan saw that the Empress' wife had spoken, he quickly put away the small bench.

A stride stepped forward and began to hold the chi.

"Okay, if the co-author is a big demon, you can hide, and if it is a small demon, you will come out to fight for your reputation? All good things will be accounted for by your Qingyun Pavilion!"

When Su Ruoyi heard this, she glanced at Qin Yuan and nodded again in her heart.

Hmm, that's what I meant, I didn't express it well just now!

The first time Zhao Dazang heard it, he was even more delighted: Yes, yes, that's it!

Or Xiao Qinzi can talk!

Zhao Dangtou was so excited that he wanted to go up and hug Qin Yuan right now - woo woo, Hua An, you are here just in time!

Fang Qiwen couldn't help but glanced at Qin Yuan. He knew all the people in the Jiazi Branch, but this kid seemed to be a newcomer?

If you are a newcomer, you dare to jump, you really don't know how to live or die!

After pondering for a while, he said calmly, "I have only a few thousand disciples in Qingyun Pavilion, and only a few hundred people can catch monsters. How can it be possible to eliminate every monster? Speaking of big monsters, don't we get rid of them? Has it been? Otherwise, how did 'Longxi Land without Demons' come from?"

Jia Zi Ke was silent again, but this time, including Su Ruoyi, they all turned their attention to Qin Yuan.

Zhao Dangtou was even more eager to see through.

Hua An, quickly fight against him!

Qin Yuan smiled slightly. As for quarrels, he has never been afraid of anyone in his life.

"Well said!" I saw him nodding in agreement, then turned around and said to everyone, "Everyone, as he said, Qingyun Pavilion has thousands of disciples, but only one corner of Anlongxi is already stretched... And as we all know, The Qingzheng Division only has a staff of more than 5,000 people, but Dacheng has 70,000,000 people and 1,000,000 miles of territory! Compare our hearts to our hearts and ask if it is possible to do everything without any flaws?”

Fang Qiwen was at a loss for words after listening.

Only then did he realize that his own words had actually become a weapon in the opponent's hand?

When the people below heard the words, they immediately whispered to each other, and the roaring became much smaller.

"Furthermore," Qin Yuan raised his voice and continued to speak to the crowd, "Qingyun Pavilion has a lot to do with removing demons. If it is difficult or strong, they may be able to avoid them, or they can make preparations before they start. Naturally, they seem to be able to catch them! But Qing Zhengsi What? If you encounter a big demon, Qing Zhengsi can't say it, or you plan to start it in a few months, will you agree?"

As soon as these words came out, there were more whisperers below, and many people began to nod their heads slightly.

Qing Zhengsi, after all, is still one of Dacheng's Optimus Pillars. The reputation accumulated over five hundred years cannot be lost so quickly.

Before everyone's accusations, it was nothing more than sadness and anger in their hearts, and they rushed into their emotions for a while, but after talking about it, many people regained some sense of reason.

In Dacheng, of course, the one who can catch demons the most is Qing Zhengsi!

At this moment, Qin Yuan could only hear another stern voice, "Qingzheng Division sacrifices every year to eliminate demons, how many more than these ten, one hundred, and one thousand? They are naturally responsible for the previous mistake, but because of this one mistake, they have to Is it too much to deny them all? You, all the officers and men of the Qing Dynasty who died in the battle to exorcise the demons, look at you from the sky, from below, and from the bottom of the icy river. You are so cold to their hearts, how can you bear it! Yu! What's wrong?!"

With this stern questioning, he finally suppressed the overwhelming accusations against Qing Zhengsi at the scene.

In the same way, if it is replaced by other people, it may not have such a good effect.

But who is Qin Yuan?

An old performance artist with excellent lines and perfect body!

Every word he said was cadenced and full of emotion~www.readwn.com~, with just the right gestures, scarlet eyes, sad and indignant expressions, in terms of infectiousness, it was definitely an explosion.

In this scene, even Zhao Zongzhen, One-eyed Qiang and others resonated from the chest to the pelvis.

Tears welled up.

They felt that Qin Yuan completely and deeply restored their inner grievances and anger.

Xiao Qinzi, understand us!

Swish, more than 30 golden lights flew up.

Su Ruoyi looked at Qin Yuan in shock, but didn't react for a long time.

Little Qinzi, under the laughter and scolding, actually hides this kind of blood...

He is a real man!

Swish, more than 20 golden lights flew up!

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