What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 100: Older gingers are more spicy!

Zhao Dangtou's expression was awe-inspiring, apparently aware of the abnormality.

At this moment, the one-eyed, sunken eye suddenly opened, and a faint red light emerged from the black hole.

After looking around and walking around, he said, "Qian, Kun, and Li have three monsters attacking!"

After everyone listened, they immediately drew their swords and stared at these three directions.

Qin Yuan was surprised for a while, thinking that this is the legendary blood wheel eye?

So he used the discernment technique to take a closer look again, and it turned out that there were demonic energy rapidly attacking these three positions.

It's just that these demonic auras are a little weird... as if they are all attached to the big tree?

Qin Yuan was shocked, and quickly shouted, "Cut down the trees, cut down the nearby trees!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately drew his sword, and without hesitation, chopped down a big tree beside him.

The sword qi swept across, and the big tree that the two of them couldn't hug was cut off in an instant.

Zhao Zongzhen and others couldn't help but be stunned, but Su Ruoyi was the first to react, and the long sword immediately unsheathed and chopped down a nearby tree.

One-eyed Qiang saw it and cut it down, but he still didn't know why, so he asked Su Ruoyi, "Why cut down the tree?"

Su Ruoyi continued to chop and said, "I don't know, it just makes sense."


So everyone stopped talking, and made concerted efforts to cut down trees madly.

One tree after another fell.

Soon, the earth shook violently.

Immediately accompanied by the splashing dust, countless huge tree roots rose up one after another, attacking everyone like giant pythons.

Zhao Zongzhen's pupils shrank, and he immediately shouted, "It's the tree demon! They were awakened by the demonic energy!"

In the dark, with the light source of the illuminating stone, I saw countless towering ancient trees around me slowly gathering, and in the distance, I could also hear the sound of the trees moving.

Everyone was shocked, a single tree demon is not terrible, but if it is the whole forest... I can't imagine it!

There are demon clan restrictions in the demon domain. At this time, the fake flying sword cannot be used. Even if the real flying sword of the great master, it depends on what grade of the great master and what level of the demon domain.

So, don't even think about flying out!

Fortunately, Qin Yuan just asked everyone to cut down the nearby trees, and the tree demons were creeping slowly, so they still had time to react.

One-eyed slashed with two swords, and after cutting off the two canes that had been beaten, he said to Qin Yuan, "Little Qinzi, your magic spell seems to be better than my third eye?"

Qin Yuan was taken aback, "The third eye?"

You are obviously one less than others, how come you have one more?

"I originally had two eyes," explained the one-eyed strong, "later, in order to practice the 'Waiting Demon', I gave up one, and then grew another one. The last one was called 'Waiting Yaoyan', the third one. only."

Qin Yuan grinned, thinking that if he wanted to say that, he now has a... root.

Originally there was one, but one was discarded when entering the palace. Later, one was refined in my heart, and this one is immortal!

When the red salamander is found, there will be two.

"Little Qinzi, follow me!"

Su Ruoyi's coquettish drink pulled Qin Yuan back from thinking about life.

The tree demons gathered more and more.

Countless thick vines and sturdy roots are overwhelming, like strips of leather whips, mercilessly whipping over, and the tree demons use their best methods to train these ignorant intruders.

If it is drawn, it will open the flesh, and if it is entangled, it is more likely to directly suffocate to death.

Su Ruoyi stood beside Qin Yuan, the long sword in her hand was flying like a phantom cherry blossom, setting off a purple sword qi that enveloped her and Qin Yuan, no matter how thick the rattan was, it would break.

It was obvious that she practiced the best swordsmanship, and Qingzheng Si Fan was not stingy with her at all.

But in the end, there is still a sparseness. In order to cut off a tree root that emerged from the ground to wrap around Qin Yuan, Su Ruoyi's arm was drawn by a rattan.

With a crisp sound, Su Ruoyi's arm was left with a deep visible bone and **** scar!

Qin Yuan became anxious when he saw it, and shouted, "Looking for death!"

The figure flashed and slashed with a sword, then cut off the cane, and then the long sword turned into light, and stabbed the tree demon body with a sword following the cane.

Wife of the Empress, I can teach you, but the Emperor cannot. What's more, you are a tree demon?

Su Ruoyi looked at Qin Yuan in surprise, and then there was a slight smile between her eyebrows, and everything was silent.

Qin Yuan gets eight starlights.

But he said that after the tree demon hit the sword, an extremely painful demon face appeared from the trunk, and then the tree body trembled, and then withered and rotted.

Qin Yuan suddenly understood.

There are many kinds of tree demons, and there is only one kind of death like this, which is called "the carnivore tree demon with long vines and iron rods and broken bones".

The old rule is that the longer the name, the more fierce the monster.

Judging from the current situation, if the five of them want to rush out, if they don't have a powerful magic weapon, they will have to be half disabled if they don't die.

But it has one feature...

At this moment, Su Ruoyi shouted, "Little Qinzi, be careful behind!"

Qin Yuan took a look and saw more than a dozen vines roaring from behind him.

So without saying a word, he immediately fell to the ground.

Su Ruoyi frowned, thinking what does this mean?

Wasn't it quite majestic just now, but all of a sudden your legs are weak again?

I was anxious, so my toes were a little light, and in the blink of an eye, I came to Qin Yuan, and was about to help him up, but I saw the vines turned and rushed towards him.

Su Ruoyi was about to raise his sword to fight, but Qin Yuan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly "spoofed the corpse", threw Su Ruoyi down, and pressed him under him.

Su Ruoyi was stunned and was about to speak, but heard Qin Yuan first say, "Don't move, just lie on the ground!"


"Listen to me, yes."

Su Ruoyi frowned, pushed Qin Yuan with the lower half of her body to rub against her, and put her legs on her own, and asked, "Do you have to lie down like this?"

Qin Yuan nodded, "You have to lie down like this! When the two become one, they can't distinguish the human form!"

Su Ruoyi took a look and found that the vines no longer attacked him, and even the roots that emerged from the ground shrank back when they touched him!

Although she didn't know why, she was still overjoyed.

So she hurriedly shouted at Zhao Zongzhen, One-eyed Qiang, and Stump Deng, "Lie down, lie down like us! When the two become one, the tree demon will not be able to distinguish the human form!"

Qin Yuan wanted to shout at first, but after hearing Su Ruoyi shout, he stopped shouting.

Anyway, the queen's wife is right... Although the book says that you just need to lie down, but today the emperor and Lao Tzu have to lie down like this.

One-eyed Qiang and Stump Deng both had shocked expressions on their faces when they heard ~www.readwn.com~, but soon they flashed and hugged each other quickly.

Lie down.

The one-eyed is strong, and the stump climbs down.

But Stump Deng may have his own perseverance. With a kick of his big foot, he turned over and took the upper position again.

Now only Zhao Dangtou is left alone!

The popularity is so bad?

Seeing that this method worked, Zhao Zongzhen couldn't care less, and immediately fell from the sky with a loud roar, and squatted on One-eyed Qiang and Stumped Foot.

If two people can't distinguish human form, aren't the three people even more indistinguishable from human form?

Sure enough, the Dryad's attack soon stopped completely!

Zhao Zongzhen smiled in his heart.

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy!

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