Qin Yuan hugged Su Ruoyi, and only felt a faint fragrance intoxicated into his nose, and then spread all over his body, causing every cell to swell.

Qin Yuan is indeed qualified to swell now.

How can I put it? As a young eunuch, he bravely climbed the peak of Zhong Jinyi, the commander of the inner court, and also embraced Su Ruoyi, a beautiful girl who was the first genius of the Qingzheng Division and a close disciple of Lord Sizheng. who?

Of course, being eligible to inflate is one thing, and having the conditions to inflate is another.

After experiencing the warm fragrance for a while, he immediately took out the "detox tourniquet" that had been prepared from the Nashi and helped Su Ruoyi bandage it.

"Do you have Nashi?" Su Ruoyi said while raising her hand to let Qin Yuan bandage it.

"Yes, our Qin family was originally a big family, but it was only overnight when we offended someone..." Qin Yuan's eyes blushed, and he said in a low voice, "It was only destroyed by the enemy overnight. The whole family consists of three, four or six people. , only ran out of me, my brother and my sister. In order to make a living, I had to enter the palace as a eunuch."

This is no nonsense. Qin Yuan’s predecessor was so miserable—to tell the truth, how many eunuchs in the palace are not miserable? If it's not miserable, who will reluctantly bid farewell to the second brother and leave alone from now on?

Su Ruoyi's clear eyes widened, and there was a trace of pity in her eyes.

"So it's like this... You said that your sister is ill, and you decided to treat her... You decided to become an eunuch, right?"

The corners of Qin Yuan's mouth twitched, thinking that the current audience and friends will make up the details by themselves?

Immediately with tears in his eyes, he smiled bitterly, and said lightly, "I just... think I'm useless. I'm not a good brother, definitely not... By the way, from the first time I saw you, I felt you Much like my sister."

"That's why you... did your best to save me?"

"Hehe, what are you talking about?" Qin Yuantou tilted his head and wiped his eyes with the corner of his shoulder, "Didn't you save me just now?"

Hurala, more than twenty golden lights emerged from Su Ruoyi's head.

In Qin Yuan's body, the righteousness became more and more agitated!

According to this trend, as long as there are about 100 points, you can be promoted to the fourth rank!

The corner of Qin Yuan's mouth raised slightly, thinking that Su Ruoyi is really a good girl, so he rushed to this, and this marriage will never be changed again.

Su Ruoyi's wounds were bandaged, and one-eyed Qiang's injuries were also treated. Now a new problem has come.

How can I get out?

Although lying down did stop the tree demon from attacking, but as long as they dared to move their position, it would trigger a new round of attack by the tree demon.

At this time, One Eyed strongly suggested, "How about we hug each other and walk together? In this way, the tree demon should still be unable to identify the human shape."

"No," Qin Yuan hurriedly stopped, "You will also find out if you are holding the tree demon. This trick is only useful when you are lying down."

"Then how about hugging and rolling?" One-eyed Qiang asked again.

"Is there a difference?" Qin Yuan glanced at him speechlessly, "Can you give some constructive advice? Still holding the roll, invincible Hot Wheels, you?"

One-eyed Qiang frowned and asked, "What is the Invincible Wind and Fire Wheel? Is it as powerful as my Seven Swords of Wind and Fire?"

The one-eyed strong sword technique is called the Seven Swords of Wind and Fire.

It is said that more than 300 years ago, the one-eyed family used this sword technique to roam Jiangnan, Jiangbei, and parts of Hexi, totaling seven states and sixteen prefectures, and even produced a first-rank grandmaster.

Don't ask why it is a one-eyed family, just ask that their ancestors have one-eyed for the sake of repairing the demon eye.

One-eyed Qiang finished speaking, but no one spoke to him again, and successfully ended the chat with one sentence.

Obviously, his Fenghuo Seven Swords are not as strong as his ancestors.

But staying like this is not always the way to go.

Remembering that Qingyun Pavilion may have already acted, so Zhao Zongzhen no longer waited, but shouted, "Cripple, go up and have a look!"

The lame is the stump.

Stump Deng basically didn't talk much along the way, and when he heard Zhao Zongzhen calling him, he just said "um".

Then, I saw him stand up abruptly, then raised the huge right sole, and slammed the ground.


After a muffled sound, the earth trembled slightly.

Stump Deng's body suddenly shot into the sky like a cannonball.

At this moment, a huge net made up of dozens of vines and tree roots intertwined and intertwined was lying across the air.

However, Stump Deng turned a blind eye, and saw that his neck shrank, and with a "bang", the "giant net" was forced out of a hole.

In the blink of an eye, he jumped into the sky.

This head is really iron!

After observing for a while in the air, Stump Deng quickly fell from the air again.

At this time, the hole just now had been filled with new rattan, and because more and more tree demons gathered, it looked more dense than before.

Qin Yuan thought to himself, would he come down with his head upside down and break the rattan net with his head again?

But this is a bit difficult, right? He swoops down at such a high speed without braking. If he hits the ground directly... Doesn't his cervical spine hurt?

However, it turned out that he was superficial.

I saw a huge foot about 20 feet long and more than half a zhang wide falling from the sky...

Qin Yuan was stunned at the time, thinking what if he stepped on grandma's Penghu Bay, a footprint accompanied by a string of laughter, grandma guessed that the bridge would be bridged overnight, or the old captain would take her on a boat.

A joke is a joke, but Qin Yuan was really shocked.

Accompanied by a huge sound of breaking the sky, the giant foot directly smashed the large rattan net.

The ground trembled, the giant tree shook its branches, and the leftover leaves flew.

Absolute power is the strength of the head iron!

So, in this world, whether people with disabilities are still a disadvantaged group, it seems vague now.

However, the giant foot should be very righteous, because after the stump foot landed on the ground, he immediately received the magical power and continued to lie on the one-eyed strong body.

Then he said lightly, "There are tree demons everywhere, but there is a lake one mile to Duwei, but there is no lake there."

Redemption is the direction evolved from the gossip, which is the front left.

Qin Yuan thought to himself, why not there?

Zhao Zongzhen pondered for a while, and then said, "Then go over there and go to the lake for repair."

The reason for mentioning the word trimming is because he also knows that even though it is only one mile away, it will be a huge test for everyone's righteousness, energy, and physical strength to kill them.

But there is no better way now, after all, it is the first time he has encountered such a powerful tree demon forest.

At this moment, I just heard Qin Yuan say ~www.readwn.com~ big gear, wait a minute. I may have another way. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

"Little Qinzi, what can you do?"

Su Ruoyi smiled sweetly, and this smile was bright enough to illuminate the entire dark forest, at least for Qin Yuan.

Because the two of them still maintained their previous posture - Qin Yuan went up, Su Ruoyi went down, facing each other.

So Su Ruoyi's smile easily made Qin Yuan think of a certain picture on Blue Star in a trance.

In the early morning, the sun shone softly into the room through the window. In a bright and quiet environment, the girlfriend in his arms woke up, and then looked at him and smiled. That smile was so pure.

It is also the only one.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan couldn't help but smile at Su Ruoyi, and then said, "Wait a while, it should be there soon."

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