What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 102: Does this work too?

Stump Deng just said that there is no tree demon by the lake, which reminds Qin Yuan of one thing.

Long vines and iron rods are riddled with flesh-eating tree demons with broken bones, and they are most afraid of a kind of goblin called "Iron-jawed Venomous Ant Demon".

This kind of ant demon can easily bore the tree demon, but because of its relatively small size, fast movement and large number, the huge tree demon can't do anything about them, so it is like a tiger.

One thing falls to one thing, it is very reasonable for the demon domain to have a stable ecosystem as a part of this world.

Qin Yuan wondered, the reason why the tree demon dare not go there, is there such a demon ant by the lake?

At this time, Ah Da had already been flying for a while, and quietly came to the lake.

Then he immediately swung the big sword and started digging in the grass without saying a word.

What Qin Yuan means is that the ant demon is good at building a hole in the ground, let it find an ant hole, and then catch a few demon ants over, so that it may be able to scare away the tree demon.

Generally speaking, the nest of the demon ants is about half a zhang from the ground, so there is no need to dig too deep.

But Ah Da obviously has his own understanding of digging holes.

When it comes to digging a hole, it always thinks that digging half a zhang is not enough, at least one or two zhang deep.

What if you want to bury someone?

It felt that Qin Yuan intended to bury a few people here, such as the three people in blue clothes. Although Qin Yuan smiled at them, thinking about the two buried in Ganxi Palace, which Qin Yuan was not right Are they smiling?

After all, Ah Da has brought two younger brothers with him, so he is very stable and takes the initiative to worry about the master's urgency...

Soon a hole more than two feet deep was dug.

If you are good at it, it will be very fast.

However, because it is by the lake, water will soon pour out as soon as the hole is deep.

Then, with a bang, the ground collapsed.

Behind the collapsed soil, two big eyes suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a huge frog with a height of a person and a colorful body popped out, and began to roar wildly at Ah Da.

quack, quack?

quack quack quack? !


A big frog?

No, it's the long-tongue anteater frog.

You can tell from the name that this is the nemesis of the monster ants.

Demon frogs also like to live underground. First, they are safe. Second, they are neighbors with monster ants, so it is convenient to eat them.

It's just that in order to prevent being disturbed, their nests are relatively deep, and they generally choose to be underground two to three meters above the ground. After all, under normal circumstances, unless they are digging graves, who would dig so deep?

But it really hit a grave.

So now the anger of this demon frog is easy to understand - Ah Da digs up its nest.

The newly built three-bedroom apartment collapsed so suddenly, and there is no insurance, so who will not get angry?

In the collapsed nest, a few thumb-sized corpses of monster ants could be seen, but at the same time, a human thigh bone could be seen.

It can be seen that they also eat people. Perhaps some of the people who have disappeared recently in Dingxian are also eaten by these monster frogs.

The demon frog had a bad temper, and after screaming wildly for a while, seeing that Ada didn't respond, he spit out his long tongue and threw it at Ada.

Ah Da was caught off guard and was thrown, and suddenly a small hole appeared in his body.

It turned out that the tongue had barbs and was extremely sharp.

Ah Da is so violent, how could he have suffered such a loss? At that time, he raised the big sword and chopped it!

The two sides immediately fought together.

In terms of combat power, A Da, who was at the top of the sixth rank, was slightly inferior to the demon frog who was also at the top of the sixth rank.

But Qin Yuan was afraid that Ah Da would suffer, and soon sent Ah Er and Asan over.

Now Ah Er has reached the sixth rank, Ah San has entered the eighth rank, and the three paper figurines can form a small formation with extraordinary power.

After Ah Er and Ah San arrived, they soon formed a triangular position with Ah Da with the monster frog as the center, and immediately began to rotate rapidly.

During the rotation, a silver halo was quietly generated, and then quickly became larger, becoming a transparent silver light mask, like a barrier, covering the monster frog.

The demon frog has excellent eyesight. Although the three paper figurines are spinning rapidly, they still lock on to one of the targets and flick their tongues out.

Since it is a long-tongued demon frog, the tongue is naturally its most powerful weapon.

Unexpectedly, its tongue was immediately cut into two pieces as soon as it touched the edge of the silver mask.

The demon frog screamed "quack", but this was only the beginning, and soon countless tiny rays of light shot out from the halo, stabbing the demon frog straight away.

The demon frog jumped on the ground for a while, but soon died of anger.

There are no obvious scars on its body, but if you look closely, you will find that the whole body is densely packed with wounds the size of pinholes.

The "three-person formation" composed of three paper figures tried a small knife, and it looked good.

When there are six or nine, there will be a "six-person formation" and a "nine-person formation", which will naturally be more powerful.

But the formation method needs to consume Qin Yuan's righteousness, and the demand is quite large, so if it is not very important, or if the righteousness is abundant, Qin Yuan will not let them use the formation method easily.

After killing the monster frog, Qin Yuan immediately asked three paper figurines to cut open the monster frog and peel off its skin completely. Although the skin is full of pinholes, the whole skin is still intact, but it has good ventilation. some.

The reason for this was because Qin Yuan had a bold idea.

At this time, in the tree demon forest, someone was already impatient.

"How long do you have to wait? If you wait any longer, maybe the people from Qingyun Pavilion have arrived!"

It was still a bit laborious for One Eye to say this, because now there are two strong men stacked on top of him.

But the most difficult thing to say is Deng Foot. There are people below him, and there are people above him, forming a pattern of men on top of each other.

In fact, this pattern was supposed to be borne by Dazhao Zhao. After all, Stump Deng just got up, and if he lay down on the ground, it should be on Dazhao Zhao.

However, as a leader, Zhao Dangtou felt that such a situation was too small, so he switched positions with Stumped Foot and returned to the upper position, so that he could live up to the words "building a high house".

Although Stump Deng had a big head and feet, he didn't complain and silently endured the pressure that shouldn't belong to him.

The team seemed cohesive at first sight.

At this time, Dazhao Zhao also spoke.

"Little Qinzi, how long do you have to wait? Lao Zhao, my head is still on the waist of my trousers. If it is snatched by Qingyun Pavilion, I will not be able to press it back."

Qin Yuan ignored them and just waited for the paper figurine to come back.

After all, he didn't find a live demon ant for a while, and he wasn't sure whether this alternative would work next.

After a while, Ah Da finally came over with a complete demon frog skin.

Qin Yuan has only exposed Ah Da so far, and Ah Er and Asan are all hidden as trump cards.

After getting the frog skin, he reluctantly got up from Su Ruoyi.

Then he put the frog skin on his body and jumped like a frog.

"Quack, quack."

Su Ruoyi, Zhao Zongzhen and others all looked at Qin Yuan dumbfounded.

One-eyed strong: What the **** is he going to do?

Su Ruoyi: You're not pretending to be a big frog, are you? Is it fun? Would the Dryad want to beat him more?

Zhao Zongzhen: Hmm...why do you always feel that since this person appeared ~www.readwn.com~ the Achieving Department is not as serious as it used to be?

Stump Deng: "???"

However, a moment later, a scene that made them even more jaw-dropping happened.

I saw Qin Yuan jumping recklessly in the woods, but the tree demon didn't even attack him!

This, is it possible?

Hiding under the frog's skin, Qin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

It turns out that his reasoning was correct.

The tree demon is afraid of the demon ants, and the demon ants are afraid of this kind of demon frog, so the tree demon regards the demon frog as a protector and has a natural goodwill. Perhaps it was because they knew that the demon frog lived by the pond, so the tree demon didn't bother.

And when a person puts on the skin of a demon frog, there is the breath of a demon frog, which is essentially a tree demon of a plant. According to the records of "Yao Wen Guang Ji", its perception is far lower than that of animal goblins, so it cannot be distinguished. True or false is not uncommon.

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