What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 105: That's not right...

Qin Yuan naturally knew that he was in a plot.

If it weren't for the ink armor, now he has activated the "hidden guard", which is equivalent to being torn to the last underpants.

This is not a question of whether it will be cool next, but whether it will be cool.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan was extremely frightened.

After all, for someone like him, even if others fart, they would doubt whether it is poisonous or not. Now that someone has directly revealed murderous intentions to him, how could he not be nervous?

When nervous, he wants to kill.

In his eyes, when he knew that the other party was going to kill him, the only way to eliminate the tension fundamentally was to kill him.

Then let Ada dig a deep hole and bury it.

The soil needs to be tamped down and better covered with something to make sure it doesn't crawl out.

However, Fang Qiwen has 4th rank, and killing him really takes a lot of effort.

But Qin Yuan felt that the biggest problem was that Qing Zhengsi had so many people following him, and it was quite inconvenient to do it.

Must find a way to separate them.


Here, the Qingyun Pavilion disciple who was stabbed has died.

In the silence, the old man and Fang Qiwen looked at each other, and their eyes were meaningful.

That Hua An was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and even the top geniuses would not be able to surpass the sixth rank.

But he first lightly blocked the golden-tipped poison-headed carrion monster, and then backhanded and killed one person in an instant, and the whole process was almost silent.

Such a fierce and tyrannical method, even a fourth-grade master like them may not be able to do it.

So they all thought of a possibility.

The old man spoke first and said solemnly, "That's from the Mo family, he has a mechanism!"

After Fang Qiwen listened, he nodded calmly, but there was an uncontrollable glint of greed in his eyes.

This is of course a Mo Family organ, and it may be a rare organ armor in the world!

Just the fact that it can block the worm monster thrown by the fourth-grade grandmaster with all his strength is enough to show its powerful protective ability, not to mention its unexpected instant counterattack ability.

The Mo family was willing to give this person this set of divine armor, which should be an act of protecting the seedlings. It is estimated that this person is extremely talented, maybe sixteen or seventeen years old, and maybe even six rank.

However, after all, it is only a mere sixth-rank... If you fight against yourself, if you don't kill him within two moves, you will lose.

Thinking of this, an inappropriate smile appeared on Fang Qiwen's face.

Gaozu said: "Everyone is innocent, but he is guilty. It seems that the Mohists don't understand this truth."

The old man seemed to see through Fang Qiwen's thoughts, and said lightly, "Go get that skin first, this thing is not in a hurry, it will be ours sooner or later."

Fang Qiwen said, "It's the people from the Qingzheng Division who are a little more troublesome."

The old man chuckled, "The old man has a way to separate him from the people of Qingzheng Division for a while."

Fang Qiwen glanced at the old man with joy.

That's it, it's done!

I didn't expect that I would get a pair of Mojia treasure armor this time.

For a while, the resentment caused by being ridiculed and teased by the other party immediately disappeared.

Isn't it cute to give a baby boy like this?

Well, even if it's not cute, let him die after a little tossing for a while, what kind of hatred can't be solved?

Qingyun Pavilion is the No. 1 chivalrous gate in the Central Plains, would it be possible to take revenge with a dead person?

Thinking of this, he quickly said, "Thank you, Elder! If you get this treasure, the kindness of Elder Wu will definitely be remembered in the future!"

From the pavilion master below the Qingyun Pavilion, there are two messengers, four guardians, and seven elders, and this old man is Wu Lao Er, one of the seven elders.

Wu Lao Er smiled slightly, patted Fang Qiwen's shoulder lightly, and said, "What are you talking about, the elders love you the most, hehe."


Qin Yuan and the others continued to hop to the center of the Demon Domain.

As you get closer to the center, you encounter more and more fairies.

The sixth-rank demon tiger, the fifth-rank demon ape, the fourth-rank tooth fox... It seems that the demon's rank is gradually improving.

In front of these fairies, the frog skin is naturally useless, so they can only fight.

After killing another rank four demon, the faces of Zhao Zongzhen and the others began to look solemn.

One-eyed Qiang kept mumbling, "That's not right, it's not right..."

The chatter made Qin Yuan upset.

When cleaning up the demon corpse, Su Ruoyi suddenly and quietly said to Qin Yuan, "Which day did you enter the Qingzheng Division?"

Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment and said, "Forgot, it's almost a month?"

"Left or right?"

"Where do you remember this, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Su Ruoyi said indifferently, "If it exceeds a month, the court's pension will be more."

"Ah... well, why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"Don't be nervous," Su Ruoyi said while putting the demon skeleton into the stone, "I don't have a family, so I can give you my pension, and I have saved more than 5,000 taels of silver, which is on my bedside dressing room. In the cabinet, it's also yours...if you can get out."

Qin Yuan's eyelids jumped after hearing this.

Good guy, is this the beginning of the story?

In the end what happened?

Wouldn't it be so coincidental, the first time you went out to practice, you just finished the flower arrangement?

Swish, get twenty stars.

There are a lot of stars, but I can't be happy...

Speechless all the way, keep going.

Until, a giant snake with a length of six or seven feet and about two waists of Zhao Zongzhen suddenly appeared in front of him.

Su Ruoyi glanced at the giant snake, sighed, looked at Qin Yuan and said, "Okay, I also hid 10,000 taels of silver notes, just under the floor tiles under my bed, I wanted to do a dowry... It's yours too."

Qin Yuan's mouth twitched sharply.

No, there is no problem with the dowry being owned by oneself, but the question is whether the wine can still be handled alive?

What is the situation?

At this moment, Dazhao Zhao finally spoke up.

The tone is calm, but not heavy.

"This snake demon visually measured the third-rank lower-level... We miscalculated. This demon domain is not a fourth-grade middle-rank demon domain at all, at least the third-rank lower-rank, maybe higher. I don't know why people who watch the demon platform make mistakes."

When Qin Yuan heard this, his head suddenly exploded.

The grade of the demon domain is divided according to the concentration of demon qi, and generally, the concentration of demon qi will produce what grade of demon, and there are rules to follow.

According to this rule, people call the demon realm that can produce the fourth-grade middle-level demon at most as the fourth-grade intermediate-grade demon realm.

The Demon Watching Platform under the Qingzheng Division is a department led by five tyrannical masters who specialize in observing the world's demons. It is said that their observation results are never wrong.

But according to Zhao Zongzhen's statement, this time, the demon viewing platform actually mistakenly regards the lower-rank third-rank or even higher demon domain as the fourth-grade middle-rank demon domain?

This is so unheard of~www.readwn.com~ At this time, Qin Yuan recalled that those tree demons had no demonic aura when they were sleeping, and they couldn't even see their own discernment... This shows that this demon domain It's really different from other places, very strange.

Perhaps there is some kind of special factor here, which caused even Guan Yaotai to slap the eye.

But the question is, what to do now?

This is a third-grade lower-level monster, and even a third-grade lower-rank grandmaster is difficult to deal with.

You must know that the rank of the monsters is divided according to the combat power of the human monks thousands of years ago. At that time, the combat power of the monsters of the same level was comparable to the human race, but for thousands of years, after the monsters disappeared, the human races The combat power is actually going backwards.

Therefore, a third-rank lower-rank monster generally requires a third-rank middle-rank grandmaster to deal with.

And among the five of them, the strongest Zhao Zongzhen is only the fourth-rank upper-level!

At this moment, I heard the one-eyed strong shout again, "Kunwei, Kunwei has another snake demon!"

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