What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 106: Will it be a waste?

The snake demon in front was entrenched on a demon tree, hissing and spitting out letters, and his green eyes looked at the five people in front of him with disdain.

The mighty tree demon, under the pressure of the snake demon, did not dare to move.

In the back, another equally huge snake, spitting out letters, swam towards them unhurriedly.

Front and rear pinch.

Qing Zhengsi and the others all had solemn expressions and sweaty palms.

One-eyed Qiang and Stump Foot Deng cut the frog skin in half and put them on each, ready for battle.

Fortunately, the frog skin is still effective, and the tree demon still hasn't moved. Otherwise, with the addition of the tree demon, none of them will want to live.

When Qin Yuan and Su Ruoyi saw this, they immediately did the same.

Even so, Qin Yuan's scalp is numb now.

From the pattern and size of this snake, it should be called the "giant-body bast, poisonous fog barrier, and bone-shattering demon snake." It is the most powerful snake demon.

The key is that "Yao Wen Guang Ji" does not record the weaknesses of many big demons, including this kind of demon snake.

And the strongest combat power Qin Yuan had ever dealt with was only Yu Wanxiu, a lower-rank 3rd rank.

Now, he has brought a lot of organs with him, but where did he get the time to arrange it slowly?

Moreover, this kind of snake demon is stronger than Yu Wanxiu in terms of direct combat power, regardless of IQ.

Even more desperate, they have two!

After a while of silence, Zhao Zongzhen said indifferently, "I'll lead the snake, you all retreat."

One-eyed Qiang, Stump Deng and Su Ruoyi all showed disdain at the same time.

Obviously, they feel that this proposal is more like Zhao Zongzhen scolding the street.

Zhao Zongzhen didn't care about this. After speaking, his figure burst into a flash, turning into an afterimage and running towards everyone's left.

At the same time, two thick-armed red sword qi burst out from the afterimage.

The sword qi cut through the darkness, illuminating the forest, and the scorching and powerful qi flame rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground and set them on fire.

Howling, the two sword qi went straight towards the two snake monsters respectively.

The snake demon on the tree suddenly swayed its tail, setting off a yin wind, instantly extinguishing the sword qi, and then snorted, like a giant sword from the string, chasing after Zhao Zongzhen.

After the other snake demon made similar moves, it rushed towards Qin Yuan and others.

The snake demons were not fooled, indicating that their IQs are not low.

Accompanied by a huge overcast wind, the leaves of the tree demons on both sides shuddered and fell one after another.

Several people did not dare to resist, and they all evaded.

At this time, I saw a big foot whistling down in the air.


After the ground shook for a while, the big foot stomped on the snake's head, and the snake's head sank into the ground, as if it had entered a hole.

But the snake demon didn't seem to care. In the blink of an eye, its sturdy body had already wrapped around the giant foot.

Stumped Foot Deng's huge legs suddenly burst with blue veins, and the bones rattled again, like popping beans, very terrifying.

Gritting his teeth, Deng shouted, "Go, if you can live, take care of my grandmother!"

Seeing this, One-eyed Qiang scolded, "Cripple, I will take care of your grandma!"

After that, he jumped and the long sword came out of its sheath. At this time, his closed eyes opened again, and a red light instantly shone on the long sword.

Under the blessing of an inexplicable red light, the long sword suddenly turned into a giant sword that was more than one zhang long and half a zhang wide.

The giant sword fell, and it burst into flames in mid-air. The flames caused a gust of wind. When it fell, there were seven afterimages, which finally merged into one and smashed into the snake monster's abdomen.

I only heard the sound of "Boom", and sparks flew everywhere, but when I looked at the snake demon closely, there was only a not too big wound on the abdomen, and some black blood slipped slightly.

The Seven Swords of Wind and Fire, at this time, looks like Qin Yuan's macho manhood, looking fierce and powerful, shocking, but in fact it is empty and useless.

The snake demon was in pain, and before Qin Yuan and Su Ruoyi could make a move, they suddenly threw Stump Deng onto a giant tree. The giant tree was lazy and broke, and Stump Deng vomited blood on the spot.


One-eyed roared powerfully, intending to help, but only to see the snake demon roll, open the mouth of the **** snake and attack him, so he had to jump up to avoid it.

However, the snake demon was extremely fast, and with a swoosh, it chased after it, and in the blink of an eye, Shekou was less than a foot away from the one-eyed force.

At this time, Qin Yuan was frantically digging something into the Nashi.

Dark arrow fishing net? not this!

Seven-star crossbow? Definitely useless!

Knife cart? The snake car won't die, but if the one-eyed force can't fix it, the car will die.

Damn, what am I doing with mines? !

It's not Qin Laogou's style to drop the chain at a critical moment, but because there are too many things in the Nashi, and the use of Nashi is not so simple, if you want to take out things at will, you must go through a lot of repeated training only possible.

Fortunately, after some struggle, Qin Yuan finally got the mine.

But at this time, Shekou was only an inch away from One-eyed Qiang.

Qin Yuan's heart skipped a beat, it was too late!

At this moment, he suddenly found that Su Ruoyi was floating in the air.

She was surrounded by a purple cyclone, and a few bunches of slightly messy blue silk drifted in the wind, like a small stream of water. She was wearing a white dress and a long plain green dress that also floated in the cyclone, and her beautiful and slender figure became more and more delicate.

Like a fairy still in the world, you can see it from a distance but not touch it up close.

There was a sword suspended in front of Su Ruoyin. At this time, her blood was already on the sword. When Su Ruoyi opened her arms, in a burst of dazzling purple air, the long sword shot towards the mouth of the snake demon like a beam of light. .


The long sword entered the Shekou with precision, splashing a pool of black blood, and the snake demon was in pain, and immediately the snake rolled and slammed into a tree demon next to it, and the tree demon immediately stopped by the waist.

The tree demon beside him buried a small step and fled frantically but slowly.

One-eyed Qiang Shekou escaped and shouted to Su Ruoyi, "Okay!"

Qin Yuan was shocked.

Su Ruoyi is only rank 6, so how can she actually use such a strong sword energy?

Although the strength of Shekou does not have the factor of hard skin, it is a miracle that this sword energy can cause such great trauma to the third-rank snake demon, and successfully rescue the one-eyed strong!

Wait, she seems to have used her blood just now?

Could it be that her blood has some special effect?

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan frowned.

Ahhh... So is there a waste of every month?

If collected...

Just when Qin Yuan was about to diverge his thoughts, he suddenly found that the snake demon got up again and rushed towards Su Ruoyi at the speed of lightning and fire.

Obviously, that level of injury is not enough to affect its combat effectiveness.

Su Ruoyi was already prepared, she flicked like a butterfly, and avoided the past, but she didn't want the snake to fail, and swept its tail again.

In the end, it was the third-rank snake demon, and it moved as fast as lightning. The sixth-rank Su Ruoyi couldn't avoid it, and he was about to be swept by the tail of the snake.

Suddenly, an iron hand appeared behind her and pulled her over with a snap.

Of course, it was Qin Yuan who shot.

Su Ruoyi saw that it was Qin Yuan, and smiled, "How come you have so many wonderful tools?"

Qin Yuan thought to himself that I have many wonderful little toys.

But he didn't have time to speak, and when he saw the snake demon rushing up like a madman, he quickly pulled Su Ruoyi and ran wildly.

Snake chasing.

Qin Yuan throws a fog puppet.

A thick fog that can't see five fingers, instantly enveloped the snake demon.

The snake demon didn't care, his eyes were instantly red, and everything in the foggy area could be seen clearly again.

It's just that the thick fog exudes a soft fragrance, and in the fog, another snake demon appeared, the one that was lying on the tree just now~www.readwn.com~ The snake demon suddenly thought of the past.

That year, I was ninety-seven and she was thirty-eight.

At the first sight of that day, the sun was setting, and the forest was covered in mist, and she was eating.

At that time, she was still Xiaojiabiyu.

A spotted leopard, she took three gulps to swallow, so graceful and decent.

At that moment, I was deeply attracted.


The snake demon suddenly felt wrong, why did he suddenly think of this?

This, the fog is actually poisonous?

When it was reflected, the female snake had disappeared.

The snake demon was furious, roared up, and rushed out of the fog barrier!

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