What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 107: The fairy here laughs

With its tyrannical cultivation base, the snake demon rushed out of the fog formation.

Fortunately, Ah Da ran early, otherwise it would definitely be a piece of waste paper by now.

After coming out, Ah Da immediately warned Qin Yuan, telling him that the snake demon had broken through the formation, and seemed to sense the direction they were fleeing, and was chasing after them fast.

Qin Yuan scolded secretly in his heart, is it too fast?

Is it that Ada is not coquettish enough?

Is it difficult to imitate the style of the female snake?

Well, it can't be said that it is not difficult at all.

The loyal Ah Da proposed to Qin Yuan to try their three formations through consciousness, but Qin Yuan refused.

The snake demon is too powerful, and the three paper figurines may be able to trap it for a while, but they will eventually be cracked by it. At that time, the paper figurines will be fiercer and less fortunate, and the little time they gain will be of little significance.

Qin Yuan and Su Ruoyi were light-hearted and shuttled through the forest quickly, but the snake demon was so fast that it was not far from them again.

Obviously, the snake demons who were deceived just now must kill them to relieve their hatred.

Qin Yuan poured his spiritual sense into the Nashi stone and prepared for the next wave of organs, and said to Su Ruoyi next to him, "I will count one, two, three in a while, and you will immediately withdraw to the side."

"what are you up to?"

"Just listen to me, one, two, three!"

Su Ruoyi didn't know why, but she still tried her best to dodge to the side.

In an instant, I saw a huge knife cart appear out of thin air. The cart was two people tall. In front of it was a thick wooden board. On the wooden board were inlaid more than 20 long knives with cold light. No handle.

After the knife car appeared, it whistled and slammed into the monster snake that was rushing up.

At this time, the monster snake was chasing Qin Yuan with all its strength, and the distance was so close that it didn't have time to twist its huge body to change direction, and suddenly hit the knife cart.

Just hear the bang!

The knife car was instantly smashed into countless pieces, and the blades made of the fourth-grade demon teeth flew all over the sky, and some even turned into pieces!

With just one glance, it can be seen that the knife car is ineffective!

But at this moment, only a blue-dragon-like lightning came down in the forest.


It turned out that Qin Yuan also hung a mine behind the knife car. The moment the knife car shattered, he also detonated the mine.

The big cyan thunder struck the head of the demon snake. The demon snake suddenly smoked from its nose and mouth and fell to the ground. It twisted its torso frantically in pain, and the sturdy snake body kept hitting the surrounding demon trees.

The unfortunate demon trees continued to move small steps, squirming and squirming, trying to stay away from this **** snake demon.

Su Ruoyi was surprised and happy when she saw this, and shouted to Qin Yuan, "Little Qinzi, what kind of magic weapon are you? It's so powerful!"

Qin Yuan didn't have time to explain, he grabbed her little hand and ran fast, trying to get out alive, and then swallowed her dowry.

"It's not a magic weapon, it's a mechanism."

"How come you have so many organs, you belong to the Mo family?"

"You just saw it?"

"I guessed it long ago, and I didn't ask if you didn't say it. By the way, besides Nashi, you also have some organs on your body, right?"

"how do you know?"

"Just now when you were pressing on me, you always felt that something hard was pressing against me!"

"Oh..." Qin Yuan sighed regretfully, "Yes, it must be an organ, it can't be anything else..."

The snake demon was struck by lightning once, and the skin on its head was split open, and black mucus continued to flow out. This time the injury finally hurt it a bit.

The huge snake's eyes blinked a few times to remove the black blood covering the eyeballs.

Qin Yuan repeated the old trick and wanted to do it again, but this time, the snake demon was prepared and easily escaped the knife and mine.

Seeing such a waste, Asan picked up the mine and happily stuck out his tongue—if it had one.

Seeing that the giant snake was getting closer, Qin Yuan had to continue digging.

What fishing nets, hidden arrows, sleeve darts, and barbed rolling stones are all used, but they are useless.

No way, the level gap is too big.

It seems that to deal with the great master or demon of the third rank, you must start with two thunders, otherwise it will be difficult!

How can I let it hit a thunder again?

The snake demon was getting closer and closer, only a few feet away from the two.

Suddenly, it opened its snake mouth, and then sprayed out a black miasma.

The miasma caught up, and instantly enveloped Qin Yuan's body. Qin Yuan felt that the world was spinning for a while, and the operation of righteousness was also stagnant.

Miasma is poisonous!

In such a stagnant effort, the snake demon was already close at hand, opened the mouth of the **** snake, and was about to swallow him.

Helpless, Qin Yuan was going to use up the dead wooden body.

But at this moment, Su Ruoyi's wrist flicked lightly, and in the beautiful bracelet on her wrist, a certain transparent crystal bead suddenly shone brightly and was extremely dazzling.

In the next instant, the crystal beads turned into a ball of spherical light and enveloped Qin Yuan.

The snake demon bit down, and the sharp snake teeth stabbed on the surface of the light ball, but the light ball was only concave, unscathed.

It can be seen that the ball of light is in substantial form. It is now stuck in the mouth of the snake demon, and the snake demon is unwilling to spit it out, but cannot swallow it.

Qin Yuan was in the ball of light, and he felt a burst of energy and clarity, as if even the venom of the snake had been undone in an instant.

I couldn't help but be overjoyed, this magic weapon is wonderful!

Well, for him, the magic weapon that can save his life is very good.

Su Ruoyi saw Qin Yuanchunfeng in the ball of light looking at him with a smile, so she also smiled at him.

The name of this thing is "Protecting Dry Gang Beads", and it was specially used by Lord Sizheng to save her life.

Su Ruoyi had never used this magic weapon before, but now it seems that it is really useful.

It's a pity that there's only one... and it's already given to Xiao Qinzi!

Master will be very sad when he finds out, right?

It's okay, people are inherently mortal, as long as they are worthy of their hearts, Haoran's righteousness can stand between the heavens and the earth forever.

This is what the master said.

Xiao Qinzi had worked hard for himself, and he brought him to the Qingzheng Division himself, so why not save him?

Su Ruoyi smiled and comforted herself in her heart.

She has come to Qingzheng Division for five years and has seen countless monsters. She knows that without Gan Gangzhu, she is doomed today.

To be honest, a little scared.

However, she still decided to help people to the end.

This time, she wants to beat the snake demon and make it spit out the dry ganglion beads, so that Xiao Qinzi can escape under the protection of the dry ganglia beads.

Su Ruoyi vacated again, the long sword wiped the palm of his hand, stained with a trace of blood.

Blood soaked into the blade, and it was dyed a crimson in an instant.

The long sword trembled and let out a roar like a phoenix roar. The huge sound wave caused the air to tremble, and the sword energy overflowed like a long wind.

Su Ruoyi slowly opened her hands, and her slender figure hovered proudly between heaven and earth.

The white clothes and blue silk are flying, and the **** red sword Fengming sings.

The fairy here smiled and only asked how much mortal rosy was.

"Little Qinzi, I'll give my life to you too!"

The voice fell, and the long sword roared, turning into a red light, wrapped in a gust of wind and dust, and went straight to Shekou.

Chiguang shot into Shekou ~www.readwn.com~ against the dry ganglion beads, and a huge energy erupted. Shekou, which had already been traumatized, was hit hard again, and flesh and blood flew.

The snake demon was in pain, and the giant threw it out, and immediately threw Gan Gangzhu and Qin Yuan out.

Qin Yuan was stunned and couldn't figure out why Su Ruoyi of the sixth rank had such a tyrannical sword qi?

But in a blink of an eye, the giant tail of the snake demon swept away again, and Su Ruoyi's speed of action was obviously sluggish, and she suffered this life.

Qin Yuan's eyelids jumped.

She just exhausted all her righteousness in one go?

What kind of exercise is this, can her meridians withstand it?

But now is not the time to think about it.

Seeing that Su Ruoyi slammed into a giant tree and passed out after falling, Qin Yuan was very anxious.

Holy crap, how can this broken ball be untied?

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