What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 109: The old man is afraid of himself!

If a paper figurine is killed in battle, it cannot be resurrected.

The remade paper figurine is another paper figurine, unrelated to the previous one.

This is not a question of re-leveling, but a question of whether the feelings that have been invested will be lost.

A Da, a pit digging enthusiast, A Er, a sentry expert, and A San, a good boy, he knew the temperament of each paper figurine.

In every lonely night, who wipes his back when he takes a bath, feeds him grapes, and plays a tune for him?

Who guards the door for him, kills people, and digs a hole to bury his body?

It was Ah Da, Asan, and later Asan.

This kind of feeling, how can it be said that re-training can replace it?

At this time, not only Qin Yuan was worried about Ah Da and Asan, but Ah Er also became uneasy, and frequently sent signals to find them, but Qin Yuan stopped him.

If the other party can kill Ah Da and Asan without being aware of it, then it must be an extremely terrifying existence, and Ah Er will die when he goes.

I just don't know whether the existence on the back of the mountain is a human or a demon?

So what to do now?

At this moment, Ada's contact was suddenly restored.

The screen came.

I saw a foggy lake, sitting an old man with crane hair and silver threads. The old man held a bamboo pole in his hand, half in the fog and half outside the fog, as if he was fishing.

In his other hand, he held a palm fan about the size of two palms.

With a slight shake of the fan, the fog on the lake dissipated a little, and at the same time, the rays of light emerged from the lake, dazzling.

But soon, the fog gathered again, and the glow disappeared.

The old man was indifferent, and he shook the paddle fan so unhurriedly. As the paddle fan swayed, the mist on the lake gathered and dispersed, and the rays of the sun disappeared now and then.

The breeze blew lightly, and the old man's white beard and hair swayed with the wind.

Qin Yuan's brows gradually gathered.

This place is dangerous and big monsters are haunted, but this old man is as stable as Mount Tai, fishing safely by the lake, what kind of cultivation is he?

In addition, the fog on the lake is filled with fog, and the rays of light in the lake are dazzling. What is there?

What is the old man fishing?

Thinking that even the observation of the demon platform in this demon area made a mistake, combined with the strange scene in front of him, Qin Yuan couldn't help but be even more surprised.

But at this moment, the old man said indifferently, "Do you still want paper figures?"

Qin Yuan knew that the old man wanted to see himself.

According to Qin Yuan's consistent thinking, the first reaction was naturally that the old man might harm him.

But after thinking about it, since he has such magical powers, even if he hides here, he will be discovered by him. When the fight starts, it will be quite inconvenient to lie next to Su Ruoyi.

It's better to go over first, anyway, I have a hidden guard by myself, if it's a big deal, I can run away.

Of course, it's best not to fight, talk to him about something nice, and ask Ah Da and Ah San to come back.

So, leaving Ah Er to look at the entrance of the cave, Qin Yuan strengthened his courage, and after a while, he came to the lake.

About thirty feet away, Qin Yuan bowed to the old man, and then said, "Senior, this kid has a low cultivation base and is afraid that the monsters here are quite fierce, so he asked the paper man to investigate one or two, but he didn't know that he swept the senior Yaxing, Looking forward to Haihan."

The old man did not look sideways, and continued to shake his fan, his eyes still fixed on the lake.

After a long while, he spit out a few words, "The ancestral puppet of the Mo family?"

Qin Yuan was slightly startled, thinking that this thing has been lost, how can this old man recognize it at a glance, could it be that he is a member of the Mo family?

But he still said calmly, "Go back to the seniors, exactly."

"Do you know Mo Qingqiu?"

"do not know."

The old man was silent for a long time.

Then, without any warning, he suddenly raised a hand.

Qin Yuan's pupils shrank, and he was about to take out the guy.

But I only heard the old man spit out two words, "Come here."

Qin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and walked over cautiously.

The old man handed over the palm fan in his hand and said again, "You help the old man to shake it."

uh, fan?

Qin Yuan glanced at Ah Da and Asan, who were placed under the old man's buttocks and used as seat cushions.

I had no choice but to take the fan and shake it.

The dense fog gathers and dissipates, and the rays of light appear and disappear.

This palm fan looks like a treasure, because it does not need any force to fan away a large fog. How can a normal palm fan have such power?

The two were speechless, one was fishing and the other was watching.

The old man's fishing rod is an ordinary-looking branch, and the fishing line is a thin hemp rope that also looks ordinary.

Half an hour passed.

Another half hour has passed...

The sun in the distance began to set in the west, and an hour and a half had passed.

The old man still sat motionless by the lake, like a statue.

And his rod and line have not moved.

Qin Yuan thought to himself, he won't see if the bait has fallen off?

Also, did he hit the nest?

When is this going to be fished?

After staring at it for so long, is his eyes dry?

Remembering that Su Ruoyi was still in the cave, and it was getting dark soon, I wonder if there will be night-walking fairies coming out after dark?

Finally, Qin Yuan couldn't help but say, "Senior, I still have important things to do, do you think..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Yuan hurriedly caught it when he saw a dazzling object flying from the old man's sleeve.

What the hell, did the old **** give a gift?

Ah, this... is it actually yellow and white?

And only a penny?

Bah, I am a dignified man of Qin Dashan, the **** of gambling in the harem, and the **** as a servant, the head of the secret guard of the inner court, the secretary of the Qingzheng, and the legal heir or beneficiary of Su Ruoyi's 15,000 taels of dowry. I am short of your money. silver?

"Shake it, it won't hurt you."

The old man still had a face to say.

Qin Yuan sighed and said something with dignity.

"Senior, if the kid is offended, please ask the senior to speak directly. There is no need to humiliate with yellow and white things."

As he spoke, he flicked his wrist habitually, and skillfully put the money into his sleeve.

Hey, I'm used to it in the palace, seeing money like this.

The old man turned his head to look at Qin Yuan in surprise, raised his long white eyebrows slightly, and asked, "When you see this fan, you don't know who the old man is?"

"This fan?" Qin Yuan glanced at the fan in his hand, frowned, and said, "Could it be that the senior is the Bull Demon King?"

"Demon King?" The old man frowned and chuckled lightly, "It's quite appropriate."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and saw that on the hillside a hundred feet away, the wind suddenly blew up on the ground, flying sand and rocks, and the towering demon trees were all toppled, uprooted, and some were even swept up to dozens of feet in the air.

The demon tree that didn't fall, took small steps desperately, and wriggled...

After the old man used some tricks, he took his breath away and persuaded Qin Yuan with a smile.

"Fan quickly, don't make this old man unhappy. If the old man is unhappy, he is afraid of himself."

Qin Yuan's face was ashen, stunned.

Gudong swallowed his saliva~www.readwn.com~ sternly said, "Master, I am not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, mainly...Do you think this strength is enough?"

The small palm fan was in his hand, shaking rhythmically.

"Shh! Don't talk." The old man pointed to the water and said.


Nodding obediently, Qin Yuan stood on a steady stance, shaking his fan with a light wrist and a serious expression.

Another hour passed.

The sun was already setting on the mountain, and it was about to get dark.

The old man's fishing line still hasn't moved.

Qin Yuan felt like he was going crazy.

What is this old man trying to catch?

But at this moment, the old man suddenly frowned and his expression changed slightly.

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