Qin Yuan thought that the fish was about to take the bait, and hurriedly fanned away a wave of thick fog, and looked curiously at the position of the fishing line.

But I saw the old man hurriedly got up, tidied up his clothes, and asked, "How, is the old man dressed properly today?"

Qin Yuan was stunned, didn't the fish take the bait?

But he still immediately offered Rainbow Fart, "It's more than decent, it's just like a fairy! Just looking straight at it, the boy thought he had met an old fairy!"

Hearing the words, the old man laughed and said, "Well said, well said. In this way, my senior sister is here, the old man will go to the meeting first, and you continue to fan here."

"Ah this... what if the fish is hooked?"

"Hey, the old man has been waiting here for seven days and seven nights and the fish has not been hooked. If the fish is hooked after a small amount of time, is it possible that it was arranged by God to have a chance with you?"

Qin Yuan expected that the fish that made the old man wait for seven days and seven nights was definitely not an ordinary thing, so he couldn't help being a little excited, so he asked, "Then, what senior means is that it will be mine if you take the bait?"

"God's will cannot be violated, naturally it belongs to you."

The old man smiled slightly, but then there was a hint of slyness on his face, "But the old man can buy it from you, and the old man will not lose your money. In other words, you must be willing to sell it, right?"

"Senior, is it disrespectful to God when we buy and sell God's will?"

"That's right, what if you don't give money?"

Qin Yuan has a black face.

But he still nodded helplessly, and said against his will, "Senior said well, if you don't give money, it's not a sale..."

It was obvious that the old man was unwilling, so Qin Yuan naturally did not dare to talk nonsense any more, or else the fish had not come up yet, and he would have been beaten to death by the old man.

It's not that such an example has never happened before. There is a couple on Blue Star who just fantasized about how to spend money after winning the lottery, and ended up fighting because of differences in the money...

The old man nodded with satisfaction, and smiled again, "Ruzi can be taught! Remember, fan the fairy mist well, and make sure that this light and dark can attract the fish to come."


Qin Yuan couldn't help but grin, thinking that this name was given to him, could it be that this is a fairyland?

Of course, a fairyland is impossible. No matter how he lacks understanding of this world, Qin Yuan also knows that although this world has produced Sword Immortals, there is absolutely no such thing as a fairyland.

The old man didn't explain much to Qin Yuan. He raised his hand and saw a long sword flying over. After getting on the sword, he walked away leisurely, and disappeared into the mountains in an instant.

Really come and go, there is a fairy style.

At this moment, Qin Yuan suddenly felt the ground shaking slightly, and then there was a loud "bang".

Looking at the sound, I saw that the small mountain on the opposite side, which had been ravaged by the old man before, suddenly collapsed, accompanied by a huge dust, and half of the mountain disappeared directly!

Numerous tree demons were buried in the dust, and those who were only partially buried were squirming desperately, trying to crawl out...

Qin Yuan was stunned.

This... ruined half of the mountain with a single wave? !

What the **** is this old man doing?

Compared with him, the third-rank Yu Wanxiu, although he is also known as the Great Master, is simply weak.

It seems that his understanding of the world is still too little.

No wonder, after all, most of the previous information was inherited from a 16-year-old **** who had no talent in martial arts. How much did he know about the world?

If it weren't for this trip, I probably couldn't imagine that there are still people in this world who can be so strong.

From this, it can also be speculated that what kind of strength can those real bigwigs in the palace become?

Can't be bothered.

Not daring to be neglected, Qin Yuan had no choice but to sit by the lake and keep fanning his fans.

But as soon as the old man left, Ah Da and Ah San, who were under his butt, were finally able to move.

Qin Yuan gave them some righteousness, and the two paper figures quickly flew up slowly.

Just a little dejected.

After all, they have been taught a lesson. The key point is that their masters can't beat others, so they can't fight people's power... ah, no, paper fights people's power to take revenge.

Qin Yuan had no choice but to comfort him, "Okay, one day I will be so strong, you go back."

Ah Da and Asan flew around Qin Yuan and went back to the cave.

Qin Yuan continued to shake his fan on the spot, daring not to neglect at all.

This is not to be cowardly, but from the heart... From the bottom of my heart, he is also a good young man who respects the old man.

After a while, the bottom of the lake suddenly stirred.

He quickly fanned away the thick fog, and saw that the thin hemp rope was stretched straight!

Qin Yuan was stunned at the time, thinking that his protagonist's halo is so obvious, really the old man will take the bait as soon as he leaves?

The movement at the bottom of the lake is getting bigger and bigger, and when the thick fog disappears, it is clearly visible that the lake water has formed a huge vortex, and the rays of light are getting more and more dazzling, like the sun, which cannot be seen directly!

The fine linen rope was stretched straight, and the fishing rod was bent into a bow shape, but the strange thing was that the fishing rod was only placed on the shore, but it was not dragged away by the things underneath.

But soon, only heard the sound of "bang".

The hemp rope breaks!

Qin Yuan suddenly sighed regretfully, what a pity!

Otherwise, I can see what that thing looks like.

But at this moment, sixteen long swords suddenly rose from the grass on the shore of the lake. After a strange rune flashed, the long swords turned into sixteen orange rays of light.

Each ray of light was about the thickness of an arm, and soon intertwined into a large net.

Obviously, the sixteen places are sixteen positions, and this big net is a kind of formation.

Dawang descended from the lake mask with lightning speed, covering the vortex that had not disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, I saw a water column several feet thick rising into the sky, and above the water column, a fish more than ten feet long, covered with purple and golden rays of light, was twisting wildly in the orange net.

As soon as the fish appeared, the rays of light and dense fog in the lake dissipated without a trace. It seemed that all the rays of light were concentrated on the fish. Qin Yuan only watched the fish take a breath, and then his eyes were tingling, and he had to twist it. Go over it.

At this time, not to mention the lake and the lakeside, were instantly swept by a gust of wind, the lake water was swirling upside down into the sky, like a huge wave, and the sky suddenly changed color, dark clouds rolling, lightning and thunder, it was really like the end of the day!

Qin Yuan was stunned!

What exactly is this? !

But no matter what it is, it looks terrible!

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan jumped up at the time, and immediately prepared to run away.

At this moment, the old man suddenly appeared in the dark clouds, and laughed wildly, "Haha, the little thing really fell for it!"

Qin Yuan was shocked. It turned out that the old man left on purpose because he was afraid that the fish would not eat the bait!

After the old man appeared, he gently threw a long golden rope and tangled it around the fish in the net, probably wanting double insurance.

But at this moment, I saw the fish slammed, and after dropping a large piece of golden scales, it broke free from the fishing net.

Afterwards, the fish body turned into a glow and flew towards Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan was only a rank 5, so he didn't have time to dodge. He was hit by the light immediately, and he flew up after hearing a loud bang.

Heads are flying off!


Xiaguang turned into a big fish again in an instant, as if his anger was still alive, he swallowed "Qin Yuan" again in the air.

The old man's pupils shrank suddenly.

Oops, Mo Qingqiu's disciples and grandchildren are gone!

But in the next second, his old eyes suddenly opened again.

Good boy, it turned out to be a death trick!

The Mo family has a successor!

Besides, the giant fish, after swallowing "Qin Yuan", suddenly twisted frantically in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a thick plume of smoke came out of the fish's mouth.

The big fish scurried wildly in the air, even the old man couldn't help it.

Besides Qin Yuan, after using the dead wooden body, he teleported several feet away from the original position. At this time, he did not dare to delay at all, and Sa Yazi ran away.

If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would even have to activate the hidden guard. By then, he would have lost his life-saving cards, wouldn't it mean Guo Ben?

However, just after running a few steps, he suddenly felt as if something huge fell from the sky?


I saw a big fish ~www.readwn.com~ like a falling meteor, hitting him directly on the head.

Then, it fell to the grass again.

Qin Yuan felt that the world was spinning for a while, and after making a circle in place, he finally couldn't help falling to the ground with a thud.

"Coincidentally", he happened to fall on the fish.

It was also very straight, with two feet and two hands separated, holding the head of the fish in his hands, and the belly of the fish between his feet, which was firmly attached like a gecko.

Qin Yuan: I don't know why it died, but...Do you think it's really God's will?

Your special total score, let me order something!

Just thinking about it, Qin Yuan suddenly felt a cool breath entering his body.

Suddenly, he was shocked, and an indescribable feeling spread all over his body.

The feeling of comfort is like being reborn!

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