What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 152: Who doesn't give Qin brother face on the road?

The contempt of Zhou Tongjuan by the Jiazi Branch was already obvious, and an unnatural look flashed in Zhou Tongjuan's eyes.

But this was only a flash, his face was still calm, and he walked to Gu Yun calmly, as if he had acquired skin that was immune to mental damage.

He crouched down and helped Qin Yuan to feel his pulse.

The brow with a few silver threads slightly wrinkled, and then I saw him nodding to himself, and said lightly, "Internally injured, but it should be fine. Bentong guessed right, Yu Yanxing is a Confucian. Great master, disdain to kill a little **** and lose his identity."

Well, it means that everything was within his expectations.

Qin Yuan laughed angrily, looked at Huang Tongjuan panting heavily, and said "heartedly and convincingly", "Haha, Master Tongjuan... what you said is very true!"

You are right, your whole family is right, you are the number one in Dacheng, a golden fairy with a broken iron mouth.

After listening to Su Ruoyi, she followed with a smile, and then said sarcastically, "Haha... It's really far-sighted to pass the sentence."

As Si Zheng's close disciple, she is not afraid of Huang Hanguang.

One-eyed Qiang, Stump-footed Deng and others originally wanted to express their sarcasm, but Huang Tong had no choice but to hold a high position. Whether or not Jia Zi Ke had a good life depended on his face, so they had to endure it.

However, a few people still followed the "Haha" a few times, followed by a courtesy, and chatted with each other.

Huang Tongjuan was still calm, and asked Qin Yuan again, "Little Qinzi, you have talked with him for a long time, have you learned anything?"

Qin Yuan nodded with "difficulty", and then said weakly, "Subordinate...cough cough...subordinate has been dealing with him for a long time, and finally got a piece of news, and it was also because of this news that the subordinate revealed his flaws."

Huang Tongjuan's eyes lit up immediately and asked, "What's the news?"

"On June 15th, Qingyun Pavilion wants to... kill the head of Zhao Yuan and the three third academies of the Baijia Academy!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes widened in shock, and they were speechless for a long time.

This news is indeed earth-shattering.

Although Baijia Academy is not located in the imperial palace, it is only seven or eight miles away from the imperial palace. It can be said that it is located in the most important part of Gyeonggi, so one can imagine how well-prepared it is.

Moreover, among the hundreds of academies, the head of Zhao Yuan is already a third-grade grandmaster. Does it mean that killing can be killed?

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Qin Yuan was not surprised.

Because even he himself was shocked when he heard the news, and even suspected that Yu Yanxing was lying to himself.

But on second thought, he felt that Yu Yanxing should not lie to himself.

After all, first of all, what he said was basically the truth, and there was no flaw to find at all, and nothing would be revealed.

Secondly, since he is of great use to them, why does he need to use such a low-level method to make himself lose the trust of Qing Zhengji, and even lead to death?

If Yu words and deeds did not lie, then this matter is very intriguing.

Let's not talk about whether Qingyun Pavilion can kill the head of Zhao Yuan, but if Qingyun Pavilion's actions are discovered, it is tantamount to starting a war with the imperial court.

From the current point of view, if there is a war with the imperial court at this moment, Qingyun Pavilion has little chance of winning.

Because the world is not chaotic enough, there are not enough refugees, and the influence of Qingyun Pavilion has not yet reached the level of raising its arms and the world responding.

So why did they take such a big risk to assassinate Chief Zhao?

What made Qin Yuan even more puzzled was that the time they started was also on June 15th.

Qin Yuan determined that the assassination incident of Qingyun Pavilion and the incident that Mo Dao mentioned in the secret letter could not be the same incident, because if it was the same incident, there would be no need to talk about protecting King Qing and protecting himself.

But if two events happened on the same day, will there be any inner connection?

"Little Qinzi, this news is no trivial matter. Are you sure that it is June 15th, and the Qingyun Pavilion is going to start?" Huang Tongjuan said with a stared eye.

Qin Yuan nodded and said, "He said so, but his subordinates feel that it is not certain who will do it, but it must be guarded against."

"Okay, okay!" Huang Tongjuan raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "If that's true, then you've done a great job!"

Qin Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart. Originally, he just wanted to get some news to perfunctory, but he didn't expect Yu Yanxing to give him such a big news.

I can't help but think of the old movies on Blue Star. In order to make their own people a high-ranking police officer, the criminals asked the younger brother to give away all kinds of people to help him get credit for promotion.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a new inspiration.

If one day I tell Qing Zhengsi that he has been secretly drawn into the Holy Society, and is still highly valued, will Qing Zhengsi also have an idea... All kinds of help for himself, let himself take credit, and then be promoted in the Holy Society ?

Ah wait, the same is true

If you tell King Qing that King Jing is recruiting him, and at the same time tell King Jing that King Qing is recruiting him...

Oh hey, if you want to say that, then you can grit your teeth and stomp your feet again, and go with Qingyun Pavilion and Mo Island, right? If you can sneak in, some people hope that they can be promoted so that they can help them as an internal response!

My dear, all of you are your own people in this way, so why are you still making a fuss, what can't be solved by a barbecue?

Who is going to make trouble?

Why, don't you give Qin brother face?

If you don't ask about it, who on the road doesn't know that I'm doing Brother Qin in Xigong?

Cough cough... Forget it, let's just be a person.

Just kidding.

There are four red salamanders, which does not mean that he can really grow four more legs and can step on so many boats.

Besides, it's not that easy.

This kind of thing is like picking up girls. You take a step in this organization, and that organization hooks up again. What will you do when the Shura Field comes?

For example, A wants you to kill B, and B wants you to kill A, what should you do?

If you fail to pick up a girl in the Shura field, you will at most return to being a single dog. If this kind of thing fails in the Shura field, you will have to cut off the dog's head directly!

Qin Yuan quickly collected his scattered thoughts~www.readwn.com~ but continued to lie in Su Ruoyi's arms with peace of mind. After all, he was still "severely injured" and very weak.

But in any case, tonight he may have broken into the Holy Society and made a great contribution to the Qingzheng Division. It can be said that he can eat both ends.

The only fly in the ointment is that when he went back, One Eyed Qiang forcefully snatched him from Su Ruoyi's arms, and hugged him in a princess hug.

One-eyed Qiang's armpits were covered in sweat, with a sour smell, Qin Yuan wanted to spit on his face.

What's more, when it was time for Qing Zhengsi, One Eye said forcefully, "Little Qin Zi, just sleep with me at night. With such a serious injury, I won't be relieved to let him go back."

Damn Zhao Zongzhen actually agreed, "Alright, I wanted to take him to my house, but my wife... is reasonable, mainly because the baby is noisy."

Qin Yuan shook his head in a hurry.

No, no, let go, I'm calling someone...

Fortunately, Stump Deng said, "The one-eyed house is like a dog's kennel. It's better that Xiao Qinzi doesn't get poisoned when he goes there."

When he said this, Su Ruoyi answered, "otherwise, Xiao Qinzi will stay at my house tonight, and I'll help him take care of it."

At that time, Qin Yuan looked at Su Ruoyi with bright eyes, and exclaimed in his heart, "Okay, okay."

Conditioning or something, I like it the most!

After fighting with Su Qinqin on the bed last time, the progress of breaking out seems to have accelerated a lot.

Who knows if this conditioning will promote growth again?

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