What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 153: Same Bed Different Dreams belong to yes

When Su Ruoyi proposed to let Qin Yuan go home with her, she didn't act too coy. After all, she didn't think about too complicated things.

Qin Yuan naturally wouldn't have any embarrassment. After all, everyone knows that he is a **** with conscience, so what kind of bad thoughts can he have?

Of course, he still asked politely, "Miss Su, cough...is that convenient for you?"

Su Ruoyi nodded without thinking and said, "It's convenient, I live alone."

Ah, that's really convenient.


One-eyed Qiang and Stumped Foot had another quarrel. The quarrel was quite fierce. If it wasn't for Zhao Dangtou to stop drinking, the two almost fought.

But this has nothing to do with Qin Yuan. After all, he soon got on the pseudo-flying sword and went to her house with Su Ruoyi.

Su Ruoyi often lives in Qingzhengsi because she handles cases, but she actually has a home of her own.

Before that, Qin Yuan had been thinking about what Su Ruoyi's home should be like.

A single girl should live in a very small and exquisite house, right?

But after arriving, he realized that poverty limited his imagination.

It was a big mansion with three entrances and three exits on the west side of the imperial city. The mansion was surrounded by clear water, and the inside and outside of the walls were lined with green trees.

Although it can't compare to the low price in the central city, Qin Yuan estimates that such a big house will cost seven or eight thousand taels of silver. Ordinary people may not be able to earn this amount in their lifetime.

Down the sword.

Qin Yuan continued to be weak, so Su Ruoyi had to let him put a hand on her shoulder and help him in.

"Miss Su, do you usually live here?"

"This is the house that Mr. Sizheng gave me," Su Ruoyi said lightly, "but it's a little old, so I live in Qingzheng Si a lot on weekdays."

"Yes, in such a big house, it would be very deserted to live alone, right?"

"Is it deserted?" Su Ruoyi frowned slightly, thought about it, and said, "Not really."

"Aren't you cold?"

At this moment, the door opened, and five or six servants greeted him.

They are all middle-aged women...

Qin Yuan sighed, thinking that with so many middle-aged women gathered together, a handful of melon seeds could chat for three hours, it was really not deserted at all.

At this moment, a fat aunt said with a smile, "Miss, are you back?"

After speaking, she quietly glanced at Qin Yuan again, and there was a hint of vigilance in Aunt Fatty's eyes.

The other middle-aged women all looked at Qin Yuan with the same eyes.

This person looked at Zhou Zheng, but in the public eye he put his arms around the young lady's shoulders. Judging from their life experience, he didn't look like a serious son.

Miss has a simple nature, don't be deceived!

"Aunt Qi, go and boil some hot water." Su Ruoyi said, "boil more, and make some food."

The plump Aunt Qi came back to her senses and said with a smile, "Okay, miss, take a break, this young master will be handed over to us."

After speaking, Aunt Qi made a decisive look.

The two tall middle-aged servantwomen with dark skin understood it and walked to Qin Yuan with vigorous steps, like two ruthless machines, they snatched Qin Yuan from Su Ruoyi's shoulder without any reason.

Then, one person held Qin Yuan's arm and lifted it slightly.

Qin Yuan immediately lifted his feet off the ground... and was carried in like a cargo.

The old artist Qin sighed helplessly.

What's the matter, a group of shrews, can't they treat the future young master with respect?

I don't want to be ashamed, huh?

Su Ruoyi followed Qin Yuan and gently untied the gauze. The wound on her wrist had completely healed.

After entering the second door, I came to a yard. There are east and west rooms on both sides of the yard, and in the middle is the master room, which must be Su Ruoyi's boudoir.

But she didn't want to, Su Ruoyi pointed to a wing next to her and said, "Just this one."

"Okay, miss."

The two servants answered in unison, then carried Qin Yuan into the house, and threw him on the bed mercilessly.

Qin Yuan sighed again.

Hey, how sincere did you treat Su Ruoyi when you were in Ganxi Palace? When did you let her live in a slave room?

Come here, can't we all come to your boudoir?

Su Ruoyi entered the room, let the two servants go out, and said, "How do you feel now?"

"The arm is a little sore," Qin Yuan said in a sullen voice, "The two aunties are very strong, where did you get them?"

"Oh, they used to be homeless refugees. I looked pitiful and took them in." After Su Ruoyi finished speaking, she frowned again, "No, I'm not asking you this, I'm asking you. How's the injury?"

"The injury... It's still a little uncomfortable, why don't you help me recuperate?"

"Well, I prepared a medicated bath for you, which is very effective for internal injuries."

"Just... just take a bath?"

Su Ruoyi opened her clear eyes and said in confusion, "Yeah, why not?"

Qin Yuan grinned and smiled shyly, "No, I thought conditioning was a very troublesome thing."

"It's not troublesome," Su Ruoyi said lightly, "you wait here, the water will boil in a while, and I'll help you prepare the powder."

Are you going back?

"Wait," Qin Yuan said quickly, "you sit down, I want to discuss something with you."

Su Ruoyi was stunned for a while, and finally closed the door, then sat on a chair opposite the bed and asked, "What's the matter?"

"To be precise, it's a kind of...academic discussion." Qin Yuan sat upright and said very seriously, "Let's talk about it first~www.readwn.com~ Let's talk about it in a while, don't just draw your sword and let it go. on my neck, okay?"

Su Ruoyi looked at Qin Yuan more and more curiously, and then said, "Go ahead."

I try my best!

Qin Yuan thought for a while and felt that it was time!

For the great cause of cultivating immortals, and for the progress of human medicine, I gave it my all!

After carefully organizing the words, he asked, "What is the matter with your blood, do you know it yourself?"

Su Ruoyi shook her head, "I don't know, it's always been like this."

"Then have you ever thought about collecting your blood as much as possible without harming your body to save the dying?"

"This..." Su Ruoyi hesitated and asked, "How to do it?"

"I've thought about it," Qin Yuan sat up straight and pronounced in the middle to make himself look like a gentleman with no distractions before continuing.

"Girls your age, if I'm not mistaken, every month...emmm... blood will be excreted from the body on a regular basis, it is a normal physiological phenomenon, if the blood is thrown away, it will be This kind of waste belongs to... If it can be handed over to me to use, it will be very good..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a swoosh streak across the air, and then a long sword was placed around his neck.

So, Su Ruoyi planned to chop off his dog's head on the spot.

The old artist Qin sighed helplessly. This girl shares a different dream with herself and cannot communicate with her.

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