What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 154: From now on to be in love with sisters?

Su Ruoyi's sword was cold against Qin Yuan's neck.

Theoretically speaking, as long as she exerts a little force at this moment, Qin Yuan's dog's head will fly up, complete at least a 720-degree rotation in the air, and then fall to the ground and roll out ten meters away.

At such a critical moment, Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, and Ah Si were actually indifferent, still lying motionless in his arms, as if they were waiting to see a good show.

"Look, you don't want to live anymore, it belongs to yes."

Su Ruoyi followed Qin Yuan's words and said coldly, and gently scratched her wrist. The wound on her wrist had just healed, and it was still a little itchy.

She thought that Qin Yuan was different from ordinary eunuchs, but she never thought that he would be so different.

In these years, when she was walking around the market, she often encountered rogues who didn't know whether to live or die to molest her, but what the rogues said were nothing more than some common obscene words.

It was the first time she had encountered Qin Yuan's method of flirting with a peculiar angle and novel words.

The key point is that he can still speak in a serious and plausible manner, which makes Su Ruoyi even more difficult to understand.

How did he tell the private affairs of such a girl's family without blushing?

In his eyes, is he such a frivolous woman?

Or did he not see himself as a woman at all?

It just doesn't make sense!

When thinking of this, Su Ruoyi tightened the sword in her hand again.

She found that what she cared about the most was the last two questions.

But, why do you care about a eunuch, whether you consider yourself a woman?

Is it because of his impure motives, or because he thinks too much... Wait a minute, he is a eunuch, where does his motive come from?

Thinking of this, Su Ruoyi suddenly felt that the action of drawing the sword was a bit strange, but... after pulling it all out, isn't it a bit embarrassing to put it away?

Hmm, who cares about him, now he should show a very fierce look, and he is the one who is embarrassed!

Qin Yuan looked at Su Ruoyi with a murderous look and sighed in his heart.

But still not reconciled!

So he tilted his head a little to the side, and with the idea of ​​giving it a try, he explained seriously, "Miss Su, I, Qin Yuan, have always asked myself questions and have a clear conscience, and I'm telling you this for a reason. Can't you just... do me a favor?"

What happened? help?

Looking at Qin Yuan with a persistent face, Su Ruoyi frowned, and after pondering for a while, she suddenly realized.

The case is solved!

He must have believed in that evil magician!

In the five years of Qingzheng Division, Su Ruoyi not only caught demons, but also caught many evil cultivators. They were not a hundred schools, but the real evil cultivators who lost their morals and human relations.

Among those evil cultivators, there is one that specializes in collecting girls...that kind of blood. It is said that by refining medicinal pills, they can be...very fierce in that kind of thing.

So under the falsehood, Xiao Qinzi doesn't think that if he collects that kind of blood, he can really... become a man again, right?

Thinking of this, Su Ruoyi looked at Qin Yuan's eyes and felt distressed and sighed.

Sigh, Xiao Qinzi still has a manly ambition, and it is understandable that he wants to find a boyhood.

But, how could that kind of thing be true?

If it is really possible, the powerful eunuchs in the harem will soon turn back into men?

In other words, if even the eunuchs in the harem knew about this, wouldn't the Sword Temple Society not know it? If Jian Temple knew about it, it would have asked Qing Zhengsi to investigate those eunuchs.

But until now, I have never heard of anyone using this formula, which is enough to show that this is nonsense.

It's okay to misbelieve the rumors. The key is, Lord Sizheng once said that if people are addicted to evil cultivation, they will gradually become evil and become demons. If Xiao Qin is obsessed with this idea, I am afraid that in the future...

Su Ruoyi didn't want to catch Qin Yuan herself one day, so she became anxious.

After taking the sword, she adjusted her emotions and said to Qin Yuan seriously, "Little Qinzi, I know what you're thinking, and I... also understand your pain. But some things are already true, so you can't force it any more. already."

"No," Qin Yuan gave Su Ruoyi a strange look, "I mean, your blood is amazing, right? So I want to study it to see if it has any other effects besides saving people. ."

"for example?"

"For example..." Qin Yuan thought about it and felt that it was not the time to tell Su Ruoyi about fairy tales, so he had to say, "It is not convenient for me to tell you now, but if I research it, I am sure that Very useful!"

Su Ruoyi sighed lightly.

Confirmed, I guessed correctly.

"Little Qinzi, why do you insist on this?"

"I'm a eunuch. I have no desires and no desires. Isn't it bad to have an obsession?"

He really admitted it directly!

Su Ruoyi felt that a showdown was necessary.

So he said, "Little Qinzi, if you go on like this, you will become evil, and you will not be able to control yourself by then... If you are really upset, I can accompany you more in the future, and we will... Are you sympathetic to sisters?"

"Ah?" Qin Yuan looked confused.

Why do you suddenly fall in love with sisters?

Su Ruoyi believes that the reason why Xiao Qinzi is obsessed with being a man must be that he has not changed his mind.

The most important thing is that the manly pride in his heart has not been extinguished.

Although she admits that she admires the pride in Xiao Qinzi's heart, and even his heroic appearance of dancing swords and chanting by the lake that day often comes to mind...

But she still decided that she would rather let Xiao Qinzi lose his pride and mind than watch him gradually fall into the devil's way.

Therefore, Su Ruoyi wanted to treat Qin Yuan as a sister, so that he could realize that the one who was closer to him should be a woman.

In this way, he may give up the unrealistic and dangerous obsession of returning to a man!

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to go up, sat beside Qin Yuan, and then gently held his hand.

He said, "Little Qinzi, in the future, you can tell me what you have in your heart, and I will tell you what I have in your heart, okay?

You are fine, stop thinking about those weird things. I am one year older than you, and I will be your sister from now on. Although I can't call you sister, we are like sisters. Do you understand what I mean? "

Qin Yuan was shocked, what does this mean?

Why did she suddenly have this idea, her hands are so slippery? Did she misunderstand something, her hands are so tender? What is she thinking about, how soft her hands are?

Ah wait, to say that...

Qin Yuan burst into tears at that time.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, then choked and said, "Miss Su...Why are you treating me so well?"

Su Ruoyi was sure that he must have understood her words~www.readwn.com~ But seeing Qin Yuan's painful and tangled expression, she couldn't bear it.

Yes, let him give up the man's mind completely, it should be like a pain in the skin, right?

So, Su Ruoyi also took a deep breath and gave herself a psychological construction.

Xiao Qinzi did his best to save himself, how could he just watch him fall into the evil way now?

What's wrong with your own little sacrifice, to return to the right path in exchange for Xiao Qinzi?

Besides, he is only a sixteen-year-old **** after all, and this... is not a sacrifice!


With the attitude of a mature sister, she gently embraced Xiao Qinzi in her arms.

She tried her best to use a gentle tone that she was not good at, and said comfortingly, "Because we have experienced life and death together, how can this relationship be compared with outsiders?

Xiao Qinzi, I promised you that if there is another life, I will definitely be your wife. You can rest assured that I will not break my promise. So, in this life, let go of your obsessions, and I will treat you well as well. "

After Su Ruoyi finished speaking, she took a deep breath. She felt that she was saving Xiao Qinzi.

Qin Yuantou was buried between Su Ruoyi's neck and shoulders, and he felt a faint fragrance entering his nose, which soon spread from the nasal cavity to the brain and to every corner of the body.

Warm and fragrant nephrite, like a drunken flower.

However, happiness came too suddenly, so the first thought that flashed in his mind was

What's so special, isn't it really fishing law enforcement?

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