What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 157: The awakened Qin Yuan! ! !

Su Ruoyi looked at Qin Yuan's painful face, and asked quickly, "What's the matter, can you still see me?"

"Well, it's much better, it's just..." Qin Yuan coughed, "it just hurts from time to time."

As he spoke, he took a few deep breaths, as if adjusting his breath, his expression dignified and deep.

But then, he raised his head and looked at Su Ruoyi with a smile. The smile contained the fearlessness of heroic brass and the stubbornness of unyielding silver.

He said, "But I should be able to carry it through. I still won't disturb you. It's getting late, hurry up and go to bed, you have to go to the Sili Dianmao tomorrow morning."

Su Ruoyi sighed and said, "Little Qinzi, if you feel seriously injured and need me to help you get up at night, just say it directly. It's useless to be brave like this."

"I, I'm actually... If I push it, it should be fine."

"Okay, I've already helped you take a medicinal bath, do you still care about this?" Su Ruoyi said without hesitation this time, "You can sleep with me at night, and if something happens, you can take care of it. "

"Ah this... Sister Su, is this not good?"

That's great too!

Su Ruoyi said lightly, "It's said that we treat each other as sisters, what's the good or bad?"

Qin Yuan suppressed his excitement, smiled naively again, and said, "That's right, I'm thinking too much. Then, I'll ask you tonight."

Good guy, I fell asleep the first time I came to the door, isn't it a bit crazy?

Sure enough, as we all know, a **** has no bad intentions.

Soon, Qin Yuan followed Su Ruoyi into her boudoir.

The boudoir is not very big, about 30 square meters. Entering the door is a set of tables and chairs made of high-quality sandalwood, which are engraved with exquisite patterns. There are several exquisite small objects on the table, about white Flower vases, small china sculpted in animal shapes, etc.

In addition, there is a dressing table in the north corner of the room, with a large round bronze mirror covered with pear flowers and wood, and a jewelry box with plum blossoms carved in red lacquer, which looks elegant and generous.

In the southeast corner is a carved wooden bed, with a blue curtain hanging on the bed, and there are strips of tassels around the curtain.

The whole boudoir looks very simple, without too much decoration, but it looks very delicate.

Su Ruoyi took off her robe and wore a white underwear.

Although it's called "Xieyi", I'm really sorry for the name, because it's still long-sleeved trousers, and the one that wraps the body tightly is just a long pajamas.

It is still the kind that is very loose, hides the figure, and the chain bones have to work hard to be seen faintly.

Thinking like this, Chai Mang has no intention to change the world at all!

Standing beside the bed, Su Ruoyi asked, "Do you want to sleep inside or outside?"

"I'll sleep outside."

"Okay, then go to sleep."

After Su Ruoyi finished speaking, she went to bed.

Go to a position inside, cover with the quilt, and lie down upright.

There were two thin quilts on the bed, which broke Qin Yuan's unnecessary associations.

Of course, Qin Yuan didn't dare to sleep with her on a quilt. After all, their relationship hasn't reached that level yet. If Su Ruoyi finds out that he is not such a "pure" **** when they sleep together, he will help clean up overnight. Get back to work.

Qin Yuan also took off his coat, and then decisively blew out the red candle burning by the bedside.

The moment it was blown out, the atmosphere suddenly changed a bit.

It's like the bridal chamber candle night, right?

Of course, there is still no bird use.

With the moonlight shining in from the window, Qin Yuan also got into bed, got into his quilt, and lay beside Su Ruoyi.

The moonlight is soft, the insects are chirping outside the window, and there is a faint fragrance floating in the air. This is the fragrance only for a girl of Su Ruoyi's age.

Such a quiet night made the atmosphere a little ambiguous, but it seemed very pure.

On Bluestar, Qin Yuan once played Luban Lock all night with his girlfriend lying beside him.

But today is different from the past. When he came to this world, it was the first time he slept with a girl. How could he be so focused?

After about a quarter of an hour, Qin Yuan, who was still drowsy, asked Su Ruoyi.

"Are you asleep?"


Su Ruoyi answered honestly.

She also tried to pretend that Qin Yuan by her side did not exist, but she tried several times and failed...

"Then let's chat for a while?"


Su Ruoyi did not refuse. She has slept alone all these years. She has never tried to lie down and chat with people in a quiet night, or feel a little fresh.

"I heard that you entered the Qingzheng Division at the age of twelve, why did you come so early?" Qin Yuan asked.

"I was brought to the Qingzheng Division by Lord Sizheng. That year, my home changed, and I walked in a canyon with the refugees..."

Su Ruoyi slowly told what happened back then.

After listening to Qin Yuan, he asked curiously, "What did your parents do? Do they also have magical blood like you?"

"My father... used to be a hunter in the mountains, and my mother was nothing special. She was a gentle and loving woman. Originally, our family was happy, until one day, a big monster came to the mountains..."

When Su Ruoyi said this, she took the initiative to stop the topic.

That night, let her recall it again, perhaps a little cruel.

Then he asked Qin Yuan, "Little Qinzi, do you really think people will become ghosts when they die?"

Qin Yuan thought about it and said, "If there are immortals and demons in this world, it may not be uncommon for ghosts to exist."

Su Ruoyi said "oh" and said nothing.

Qin Yuan thought to herself, she was probably wondering if she could see her parents again when she died.

With a slight movement in his mind, he moved his hand and touched Su Ruoyi's arm, then went down the arm and gently held Su Ruoyi's hand.

He said, "Actually, I miss my parents very much, especially."

Su Ruoyi's little hand moved slightly and instinctively wanted to resist, but after listening to Qin Yuan's words and feeling the temperature from his palm, she became quiet again.

It was the first time she had experienced such a temperature after being alone for so long.

After a while, Su Ruoyi asked again, "Little Qinzi, do you dream of your parents?"

"Yes, often."

This is the truth. Since he came to this world, he has dreamed about it at least a dozen times. Those who have not experienced it cannot understand the feeling of longing.

Perhaps it was because of this that he understood Su Ruoyi's mood better at this time.

So he changed the subject and said, "I will still dream of many interesting things, do you want to listen?"

"Okay, tell me."

"I once dreamed that I was in a very magical world. In that world, no lights were used for lighting at night, but a very bright night pearl. Only one night pearl can light up the whole house."

"It's so bright? Isn't that a treasure?"

"Not to mention treasures, they are everywhere at night, not only in every household, but even on the roadside."

"Ah, then...won't the roadside be stolen?"

"I said that every household has it, and it's not valuable, who would steal it?"

Qin Yuan smiled softly, and then gently squeezed Su Ruoyi's soft little hand.

Su Ruoyi suddenly relaxed a lot, and squeezed his hand gently in response.

"There's more." Qin Yuan continued, "There is something called an 'airplane'. It drinks gasoline. After drinking it, it can carry hundreds of people and travel tens of thousands of miles a day."

Su Ruoyi asked curiously, "Isn't that more powerful than the flying sword of the first-grade grandmaster?"

"More than that, it can also carry people to the moon."

"The moon? Then, is there really Chang'e on the moon?"

"No, it's just desolate and full of pits. However, the people there think that there are people living on certain stars, and they're working **** better planes to fly farther."

"Can people really fly to the stars? Then, wouldn't they become immortals?"

"People in that place believed that anything was possible as long as you worked hard."

"Any more?"

"Also, there's something called a cell phone there..."

Qin Yuan lightly told Su Ruoyi everything on Blue Star, while Su Ruoyi held Qin Yuan's hand and listened quietly.

From time to time, she would ask a question curiously, and Qin Yuan patiently answered her.

Just chatting and chatting like this, both of them gradually fell asleep.

But until the room was completely quiet~www.readwn.com~ both hands still held together.

This night, Su Ruoyi slept peacefully and sweetly, and Qin Yuan slept very comfortably.

And his body is still quietly continuing to change.

Qin Yuan, who was sleeping, had a long and beautiful dream.

In this dream, there are Su Ruoyi, Zhong Jinyi, Su Qinqin, and Concubine Min...

It wasn't until, when it was almost dawn, that a small hand "crossed the border" and placed it on a certain part of his body through the thin quilt, which interrupted his sweet dream.

And it was precisely that part that didn't exist originally—it didn't exist until he fell asleep.

Qin Yuan seemed to understand something and woke up instantly.

At this time, Su Ruoyi was only listening to murmur.

"Sleep... do you also bring a hidden weapon?"

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