What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 158: Reborn! I am not a eunuch!

When the clear tactile sensation passed from that place to his mind, Qin Yuan not only had goosebumps all over his body, but even his hair was about to explode.

For a while, a dojo seemed to be set up in the ear, and there was a buzzing sound.

The blood and muscles all over his body also seemed to be suddenly frozen, and the whole person was as hard as a sculpture from top to bottom, motionless.

At this moment, time seems to stand still, and a whole new world is waiting to be reopened.

Qin Yuan couldn't believe it, so he pinched his arm again.

It hurts, I'm sure it's not a dream.

Finally, his nose was sore, and a heroic tear slowly fell from the corner of his eye.

Bro, it's back!

And he came back with a majestic and arrogant attitude, vowing to turn the world upside down.

Sure enough, the big brother who was raised with immortal energy!

Qin Yuan's heart was roaring, and the blood all over his body was tumbling and surging!

It's been five months, who knows how he survived these five months?

But it's good to be back.

From today onwards, my brother and I have been entrusted with each other in death and life, good and bad, good and bad, good and bad, and will never be separated.

Outsiders who mess with my brother will kill him!

Brothers who mess with my brothers will kill them!

Except for the wives.

Otherwise, the Empress' wife would be very dangerous now, after all, she was unconsciously messing with his brother.

Qin Yuan felt that he needed to calm down immediately and suppress some emotions that were almost out of control.

This kind of emotion is well understood. It is like an excellent swordsman who owns a sword for the first time in his life and always wants to find something to try his swordsmanship.

But he was still awake after all, knowing that the time was not yet.

After all, the prerequisite for Su Ruoyi to lie down with him is that he is a serious **** with no bad thoughts.

If she finds out that he is not a real eunuch, and that he is not so "serious", then Su Ruoyi will definitely fight with him.

No kidding, you may really try your best, because this is like cheating. Not only Su Ruoyi's temperament can't be tolerated, but even Su Qinqin can't tolerate it. Girls in this world encounter this kind of thing. Most will not feel exciting, only feel humiliated.

Therefore, although the relationship between the two is already very close, before that, I still need to create a more reasonable scene and atmosphere, so that Su Ruoyi "surprise" accepts that he is not a eunuch, not a fright.

Only by adhering to the basic principle of "safe production and standardized operation" and the guiding principle of "acting by chance" can long-term peace and stability be achieved and a hundred battles will not be lost.

So Qin Yuanan resisted his mood, quietly grabbed Su Ruoyi's hand, and put her aside.

Su Ruoyi was still in her sleep. After being manipulated by Qin Yuan like this, she could not help but turn to face Qin Yuan, and then hung one arm and one foot on his body.

Warm, like a cute little bear.

And fragrant bursts, intoxicating.

Qin Yuan couldn't help sighing, this is really terrible.

Sending fish to the mouth of a cat that hasn't tasted fishy smell for more than ten years, but still can't eat it, who can understand this kind of torture?

If you can't sleep, just... endure it.

However, the tree wanted to be still but the wind was not unceasing, Su Ruoyi Rulan's breath kept circling in his ears, and every time she breathed, his ears tickled slightly.

Then it was an itching.

Qin Yuan couldn't bear it any longer, so he also turned sideways and hung his arm and retreat on her body.

Who wouldn't?


The sky was white with fish belly. When Qin Yuan woke up, Su Ruoyi had put on the white official uniform and official boots, and stood in front of him valiantly.

"I'm going to Dianmao. If you want to sleep, sleep a little longer, and Aunt Qi will prepare lunch for you." Su Ruoyi said lightly, "Go back to the palace after lunch, anyway, I will see the palace. The eunuch, I don't have time for you."

Qin Yuan stretched comfortably, then got out of bed, opened his arms to Su Ruoyi, walked over and hugged her.

"Okay, in the yamen, be careful everywhere, don't let me worry about you."

Su Ruoyi was wearing a jade-encrusted belt, and when Qin Yuan hugged her like this, she was stunned, and her whole body was as stiff as a stone.

This level of intimacy made her feel as if something was wrong.

But thinking about it, when I woke up this morning, it seemed like... I was sleeping with him in my arms, and I felt that there was nothing wrong.

So is it right or wrong?

Su Ruoyi's mind flashed a lot of complicated thoughts, but they were quickly erased by her.

Early in the morning, this kind of thing is too troublesome, what do you want to do?

She couldn't understand it anyway.

"Then I'm going out."

Su Ruoyi tried to act as if nothing had happened, and Shi Shiran went out.

Qin Yuan looked at Su Ruoyi's back and smiled fondly.

Well, judging from this hug, she should remember that she slept with her last night... This shows that her relationship with her has moved forward a big step forward and has stabilized.

girl, so cute.

As the most leisurely **** in the harem, Qin Yuan went back to bed and fell asleep.

In other words, he now feels more and more that this **** deserves a taste.

Isn't that right? First of all, he can get several monthly stipends now, and he can also get some bonus money and activity funds from time to time. It can be said that he is not short of money, and his work place is at "home", so he has less work, and now there are four more The paper man served him as a servant, and he didn't have to do anything.

More real money, less living, close to home.

The key is that the working environment is superior, and a set of villas is directly allocated, which can be built according to his preferences. The boss treats him well, and his colleagues are also amiable now. What's more, he is beautiful.

Can such a job be found on Bluestar?

It's a pity that the risk is a little bigger, I don't know when the car will roll over, and the head will fall to the ground when it rolls over...

June 15th will arrive in a blink of an eye~www.readwn.com~ Now I only know that there will be the Qingyun Pavilion assassination operation that day, but that operation is definitely not the only incident that happened that day, and we must continue to investigate it.

In addition, the Holy Society will definitely send someone to look for him in the future, and he will probably let him cooperate with them in the palace to "enlighten" him.

Finally, on June 15, there is a high probability that someone will kill him. What is certain now is that Mo Dao will help him at that time, so can King Qing and the Holy Society also send people to help him?

If you say that, you can ask Qing Zhengsi and Nei Tingwei to help, right?

In this case, if someone is sent to protect and assassinate his own, there will probably be a bunch of question marks above his head.

It's just... If so many forces meet together, is it equivalent to meeting several girlfriends together, and once they see that they are stepping on so many boats, it will trigger the Shura field?

Forget it, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, the most important thing is that you are strong enough.

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