What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 165: The so-called husband has a husband

Zhong Jinyi wanted to stay out of the way, so she hurriedly finished her meal and gave her family a vague explanation.

But now, looking at Qin Yuan with a bewildered face, she couldn't bear it, after all, this was her most capable subordinate, and in the end, she was the one who asked him to come to this muddy water.

So, she hurriedly gave Zhong Jinyuan a warning look, signaling him not to push him too hard, otherwise she might overturn the table ahead of time.

Then he gave Qin Yuan another look and told him to quickly pick up this thing, don't say too much.

Qin Yuan looked at Zhong Jinyi, then at Zhong Jinyuan, and turned his head several times, only then did he understand what the problem was.

It turned out that this brother Aniu didn't care about magic weapons, but about his compulsiveness!

I talked too much just now, saying "going through hardships and dangers", what are you doing with that egg? Brother Niu got this kind of magic weapon, isn't it just a matter of holding a pinch?

It should directly show that this kind of magic weapon is just a trivial state for Brother Niu!

Yeah, still too young!

So he quickly stood up, changed his posture, and said, "Brother Jin Yuan, I mean, this generous gift is not worth anything to you, but to me it's like a divine weapon, so I'm worried. I feel uneasy, as if I have exchanged 礟 for pearls, I am really ashamed!"

After this set of words, Zhong Jinyuan's face really looked better for a long time, and even showed a kind smile.

"Young Master Qin is very polite. My Zhong family treats you like this, and I don't want you to do anything. As long as you and Yimei are in love and grow old together, it's enough. Come, take your things, and if you need them in the future, just bring them up. "

With that said, he arrogantly stuffed the worm demon pot into Qin Yuan's hands.

Qin Yuan was no longer polite now, and said quickly, "That would be disrespectful, thank you eldest brother!"

"That's right!" Zhong Jinyuan laughed, then waved at the old butler Zhao behind him, and said, "Steward Zhao, you go and wrap the night pearl outside, and go back and send it to Young Master Qin."

The old housekeeper Zhao just came back from the backyard after being punished for squatting, and his legs are still sore. Hearing this, he looked bitter again.

Oh hey, that's what the emperor bestowed upon you, how can you give it away at will? If the emperor knew about it, how would you explain it?

Looking at the master Zhong Zaicheng as if asking for help, but seeing Zhong Zaicheng sighed lightly, he gave him a look of approval.

Send it, send it, Yuan Er has said it out, can you still not send it?

Who made us the weaker party now?

Qin Yuan was shocked when he heard that he had given away such a big night pearl, but with the lessons learned, he didn't dare to refuse now. He quickly got up and thanked him, and he was done with it!

Now he understands that Zhong Jinyi is not married at the age of thirty-six, and all of you here can't escape the responsibility...

And he also understood why Zhong Zaicheng had great military exploits, was an official, and managed the land in an orderly manner, but he resigned from office and returned home when he was in his prime.

With his temper, who can work with him? He was lucky if he didn't offend the emperor!

At this time, although Qin Yuan was sweating on his forehead, he still had many surprises in the end.

With the generous energy of the brother-in-law and the prospective father-in-law, will they be stingy if you ask them for high-grade demon materials in the future?

Good guy, I thought the commander's wife's thighs were thick enough, but I didn't expect her parents' thighs to be thicker...

No need to say, the next thing is definitely to be close, but we must pay attention to the way of speaking, Zhong Jinyuan just said a few words wrong, and if he said it again, he would have to overturn the table.

However, he is an old performance artist, and Qin Yuan has also initially mastered the communication skills with them, which is to try his best to devalue himself and elevate the other party.

To give them a way to be favored by Zhong Jinyi, it is as if he has accumulated virtue for eight lifetimes.

After a little accident, the atmosphere finally got back on track.

Feast, pour wine.

Qin Yuan held the wine glasses in both hands and toasted one by one. When clinking the glasses, he lowered the wine glasses and said thank you. Then he drank them again without leaving a drop, and the details were extremely well done.

He was so polite, and finally initially won some goodwill back, and the Zhong family father and son also showed sincere smiles.

Of course, the two fathers and sons do not bully others, and they have contacts, especially Zhong Jinyuan. The more polite Qin Yuan is, the more polite he is. When toasting, he must hold a cup with both hands, often showing a "flattered" appearance.

Pretending is a bit pretentious, but who makes them "weak" now? Aren't you afraid that if this uncle-to-be runs away, Yi'er will die alone?

"Come on, brother Qin, finish this cup."

"Okay, Brother Zhong, I'm bored with deep feelings, I'm bored!"

"It's such a deep feeling, don't move, brother, I'll respect it first."

Zhong Jinyi watched silently from the side, and the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

Xiao Qinzi... so familiar with his brother so quickly?

He seems to have made up his mind about his brother and father?

He was the first to be able to get along with them so happily, right?

In the past, the young masters who were introduced by the matchmakers would not only be beaten by themselves, but also by their elder brothers... My father would not do anything, but he would look at Hen and not speak.


After three rounds of drinking, I came to the "torture" session of the parents as usual.

This time, Mother Zhong, Chu Nanhong, spoke first.

"Master Qin, how did you meet Yi'er and how did you enter the palace? Let's talk casually, don't take offense, hehe."

As soon as she said these words, Zhong Zaicheng and Zhong Jinyuan looked at him in unison.

Zhong Jinyi couldn't help but glance at Qin Yuan. Although there was still no expression on her face, she still told him with her eyes that this issue was very important.

Qin Yuan understood as soon as he heard it. On the surface, this was asking about the history of love, but in fact...it can be replaced by another expression.

"Since you are not an eunuch, how did you enter the palace? If Yi'er helped you enter the palace, how did you know Yi'er before entering the palace?"

It seems that the three are still a little unconvinced, so this question must be answered logically.

So after thinking about it, Qin Yuan said, "Speaking of which, Master Zhong and I also have a lot of fate. A few months ago, my sister and brother came to Beijing to escape from the enemy's family, but I didn't want the enemy's family to chase after me. To ask for life again.

Although the younger generation has some cultivation bases, it is impossible for two fists to defeat four hands. At this time, Lord Zhong happened to pass by, and she was rescued by her righteousness, so she escaped.

Then, seeing that I had good qualifications, she asked if I would like to serve for the Inner Court Guard? I was worried and had nowhere to go, so I agreed. I don't know that the inner court guard only needs women. If I want to enter the palace, I need to become an eunuch. But I didn't want to be an eunuch, so I went to Lord Zhong to cry, and Lord Zhong looked upset, so he helped me buy a clean room..."

As soon as the words came to this point, Zhong Zaicheng said lightly, "Yi'er, those old eunuchs in the purification room are not too strict except for recognizing money..."

Zhong Jinyi said hurriedly, "I know, I checked some of their crimes and asked them to go home to retire."

Chu Nanhong wanted to ask again, but was interrupted by Zhong Zaicheng with his eyes.

There is nothing to ask, but if he is a real eunuch, he will find out if he looks back - as for how to investigate, he has already thought about it.

"So good." At this moment, Zhong Jinyuan nodded and asked with a smile, "By the way, why do you still call her Lord Zhong?"

Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "I'm used to it... In the inner court, I was afraid of being seen, so I didn't dare to slack off."

Zhong Jinyuan waved his hand and laughed loudly, "The inner court is the inner court, and the private is private. Since you are sincere with Sister Yi, you should change your tune. Don't be afraid, if Sister Yi is impatient, I will make the decision for you."

Chu Nanhong also smiled slightly, "In private, it's better to be casual. The relationship between the two of you in the inner court should not be brought home, otherwise it will affect your relationship."

Zhong Zaicheng also said with a serious face, "Although my Zhong family has more foundations than your Qin family, it is definitely not a snob! Since you are Yi'er's future husband, you don't need to bow her head."

"Yes, the so-called husband has a husband, and don't bring the rules of the palace to your home. How to shout, you can think for yourself." Zhong Jinyuan reminded again with a smile.

In order to stabilize this marriage, this family of three really struggled.

"This..." Qin Yuan grinned, then looked at Zhong Jinyi inquiringly.

Zhong Jinyi didn't expect this to happen again, and sighed again, wishing to escape on the spot.

But in the end, with cold eyes, she told Qin Yuan that she could do it herself, anyway, she has no face today.

Therefore, Qin Yuan held back the joy in his heart and shouted "reluctantly".

"Yi'er~www.readwn.com~ Zhong Jinyi never imagined that anyone other than her family would call her that.

It never occurred to me that a sixteen-year-old **** called her that.

This kind of feeling is very strange, she is very resistant, but also vaguely feels that she doesn't seem to hate it?

But she couldn't admit it.

So he made a vague voice, and he didn't know whether to agree or refuse, and then silently poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all in one go, trying to vent his emotions and pass the test by the way.

But when she put down the wine glass, she suddenly saw three cold eyes shooting towards her.

In particular, Zhong Zaicheng's face was as black as charcoal.

Zhong Jinyi sighed helplessly in her heart, and after swallowing the wine fiercely, she finally regained her composure and responded.


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