What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

: Volume 1 Summary and Acknowledgments

Time flies, and the new book has been updated for more than two months. In the past two months, thanks to the love of all book friends, I have achieved the best result in my more than ten years of writing a book, and I am flattered.

I will report to the readers that the average price of this book has been set at around 5600 so far, which is very difficult for me (this is my first high-quality book, and the last one is still a few hundred points away from the high-quality book).

For me, the biggest takeaway from this book is that I have explored some of my own styles, rather than copying the styles of those great gods.

This style may not have been formed, but I am trying to make it take shape. If the vest is hidden one day, book friends will know that I wrote it when they see the writing, then I think this is also one of the success points of the author.

Of course, there are still a lot of problems with this book, such as the plot design is not refined enough, the plot advancement is not focused enough, the early story is relatively empty, and it failed to focus on a single point to lay out and explode, and the structure and clues are not rich enough... …

Many book friends have mentioned it in the comment area. I have seen it and admitted the gap between myself and the great gods.

I also know that the plot is the core of a story, so I still need to work hard to ponder and improve this aspect!

Recently, I have also been chatting with the editor in charge and other authors about this matter. I hope that from the second volume, there will be a relatively big improvement!

Dear readers, if you have good ideas and suggestions, you can also join the group and chat with me privately. Everyone who joins the group knows that I am not the kind of author who is aloof. Even if it is a private chat, I will definitely reply - unless you are watching pirated copies.

Summarizing, improving, summarizing, and improving again, I believe that only in this way can we tell this story well.

So what exactly is this story about?

Some people say that this is a copy of Wei Xiaobao's story, and I admit that to some extent, they have similarities.

Book friends who have seen the latest chapter know that the protagonist has joined multiple forces. The next focus must be on how the protagonist manages and balances the various forces, constantly improves his position in the forces, and finally becomes the person in charge of the universe. .

In this process, it will definitely not be smooth sailing. In fact, I have also hinted many times in the book. Joining so many forces is like making so many girlfriends, and there will definitely be an asura field.

After all, these forces have different positions and different interests. Not only are they different, but they even conflict with each other. The protagonist often needs to give different forces a satisfactory explanation in the same matter, which is more like "Dear". In this book, Gu Laogou is in the Shura field among the girlfriends.

But the Shura Field is just a process, and in the end the protagonist must grow up in the Shura Field.

He will gradually see people's determination to change the world from an ordinary person who simply wants to live a good life. He will see people with different positions and different ideals.

Some of these ideals are fanciful utopias, while others are diligent and pragmatic realists. Just like in every turbulent era, there will always be a group of "saviors" with different ideas.

Qin Yuan doesn't think he is a "savior", but he will eventually become a "savior". In fact, the protagonist of every book is this routine, but he just wants to make a bit of a cheap, particularly stubborn guy a "savior", There is always a long way to go.

The guides on this road may be his wives, maybe his friends, or maybe those thinkers, capable people who are hidden outside the transformation, and maybe even his opponents (suddenly remembered a line : They forced me to make this great achievement!).

So the outline of the story came out: the protagonist walks among the major forces, with excellent basic performance skills, excellent strength and various show operations, step by step in the major forces, and finally takes charge of the major forces, Unite them to defeat the ultimate boss and save the world.

I think the outline is just right. It doesn't involve spoilers and can be explained in a few words. It looks like the author is very smart?

Just like setting up a stall, the first volume actually just set up the stall and expanded the social relations of the protagonist. At least everyone knows one thing now, that is, he has joined many forces, and these forces have their own demands.

But in fact, I haven't shown much about the characters, missions, ideals, and positions of these forces, and I should strengthen them in the second volume.

The disappointing thing in the first volume is that I don't think I have set up a few important characters. For example, Su Ruoyi, I have revised this character several times, and finally found that there are no differences in her personality. I can't forgive myself for writing love essays.

Next, I will find a way to strengthen her character design. She is actually a girl with a high-level appearance and a cute heart, and a lot of strange ideas... Well, I admit that I didn't express it well, and continue to work hard!

Having said that, I would like to explain to many book friends who are worried that the protagonist is leveling up too fast, why I did this.

First, after the appearance of the fairy, there will inevitably be a situation of breaking the first-rank realm, and there is still a lot of room for improvement, so I am not very worried about the situation at the end.

Second, the core of this book is not actually about upgrading and fighting monsters.

Although it must be admitted that leveling up is a very important guarantee for the protagonist, and many key nodes still require the protagonist to use force to solve and pretend, but more is the protagonist's management of different forces.

To what extent does it operate?

Who on the road doesn't know Brother Qin? This is a great success. Before midnight, the emperor had the final say, and after midnight, Brother Qin had the final say.

Ah, no, now that Brother Qin said it before midnight, it's okay, and whether the emperor's is okay or not, you can decide for yourself.


Talk about Emperor Shaocheng.

The demon realm has been opened, and even larger demon realms will continue to appear. The turmoil has already begun, and more turbulence will continue to occur, but Emperor Shao Cheng turned a blind eye to this, like a faint monarch.

But an obvious fact is that when the demon domain made a comeback, Emperor Shaocheng "happily" violated the ancestral system and began to revive a hundred schools. From this point of view, there should be something in this "coincident".

In the second volume, Emperor Shaocheng will begin to appear.

Let's talk about the Eighteen Fairies.

There are seven in the Xian Xianhui, but obviously it is impossible for the Xian Xianhui to include all the immortals. After all, some people like to hide in the dark to cultivate immortals, while others, they already know how to cultivate immortals and do not need to join at all. Xian Xianhui.

In the second volume, the clues of the Eighteen Fairies will continue to unfold.


The above is my summary report and part of the outlook, please readers.

Next comes the important acknowledgement segment (plus more stipulations).

Since the book was put on the shelves, it has received strong support from many book friends. I would like to express my special thanks to the friends who subscribe to the genuine version, give rewards, vote for monthly votes, recommend votes and comments. Every interaction with you can inspire me to work harder.

Here, I would like to especially thank the following book friends:

The seven helmsmen of this book:

Little Nezha, Bielang can win, Mu Ke, Fengshuang Yexue, Xianyutai, Jie, Mo, Niu Niufeng, thank you for your tips and subscriptions!

The nine deacons of this book:

Beibaichuan Yeye, Jianghu Night Talk 01, Book Friends 20180320011002506, Huya For You, Huang Jiaxian Thirteen, God Generation Kongyin, Forget Allure, Book Friends 20210325133503170, Youth and Withering.

And book friends with a fan value of more than 3,000:

Cheng Tianwen, Longshan 1917, -Clown, readers 2021101719429782704066, a jar for a long time, a certain desire, Lang Xiaobaibai, Guangxig, Ximen Yiyun, the Dragon King turned out to be me, like being a European emperor, listening to the wind Luoye.

Many of them are old book friends, and I know it when I see the ID.

Of course, there are many friends who tip, vote for monthly tickets, and subscribe. I am equally grateful, but the space is limited, so I can't thank them all.

In addition ~www.readwn.com~ I would also like to thank my operation: Youth and Withering, he has been giving silently without asking for anything in return. He is a professional and tear-resistant good comrade.

Then, I would like to thank the Disciplinary Assistant Kamdai Kongyin, who is also the management of my book friend group. I will mention it here again. He said that when my monthly book ticket was 5,000, he would wear white silk women's clothes... (Last month, it was close to 3,000 monthly tickets, everyone. Work hard, I want to see it too)

In fact, there are many book friends to thank, such as the ones that always appear in the chapter reviews. I am wondering why you don't add me as friends and show off in person?

Finally, let's talk about the rules of the book.

Reward the leader: add three shifts, the first leader will add five shifts, well, the second one may also add five shifts.

Baiyin: I didn't think about it. If there is, I can talk to you.

Gold: Don't make trouble, there should be a limit to joking, okay?

Well, that's it for bits and pieces.

Sincerely, salute!

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