What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 172: Small things in Beijing

Qin Yuan was overjoyed, good guy, is this jealous?

After calming down, he immediately chuckled and said, "I'm catching demons for them, do I really only know how to catch demons? Naturally, I need to get acquainted with them so that you can inquire about news. Su Ruoyi is I don't know so many, but I still know quite a few people in the A-character department, such as that Zhao Zongzhen, and even that Huang Tongjing."

Naturally, he could not say that Su Ruoyi told him, because it is disgraceful to use women too much. Although it can be explained that it is for Zhong Jinyi, it will inevitably leave an impression on Zhong Jinyi that he is good at acting on the scene.

So at this time, he must shift the focus from being good at acting out to being good at sociability. The former is derogatory, while the latter is a 100% advantage for men.

Coupled with the fact that it is "to help you find out the news", the natural effect is even more.

I have to say that the old artist Qin, who already has a second brother, has now started the full-speed strategy mode.

Anyway, in this world, a man is allowed to have three wives and four concubines, and he has no burden in his heart.

At this moment, the shock in Zhong Jinyi's heart could no longer be added.

She never imagined that a little **** could be so familiar with Qing Zhengsi's stallholder and general judge.

But if not, how could he find so much information?

That's right, he is the character that this person has come to know well. If he can chat with his father and elder brother, who else in the world can't be familiar with him?

This guy is not only a martial arts prodigy, he seems to be a prodigy in the social arena. Let him be a spy, I am afraid that he will become the most proud of his work after taking charge of the inner court guard.

Thinking of this, she found it interesting again, but her face was still as cold as before, so she couldn't let this little **** see her state of mind.

Otherwise, he will not be more arrogant?

Standing at the door, Zhong Jinyi raised his hand to call Feijian, stood on the sword, and said lightly to Qin Yuan, "Don't make trouble when you are outside, and go back to the palace after finishing your business."

Qin Yuan raised his hand at her and said, "I know, I'll see you later."

Zhong Jinyi flew with the sword, stood on the sword, and looked at the box-sized room below, suddenly confused again.

Is he the eunuch?

He just said "I know" just now, but he was impatient?

It is simply outrageous to be rude to Shangguan!

Wait a minute, he has done so much again, and I didn't seem to praise him just now?

That's a draw.

Little rogue, this envoy doesn't care about him!


On a sunny day, breathing the free air outside the palace, the old artist Qin, who is now physically and mentally sound, is in a particularly good mood.

Thinking that a few months ago, he was worried about a full meal, but now he has money and leisure, and uses the palace as a high-end inn.

It was still early before the agreed time, so Qin Yuan planned to stroll around at will.

Not long after he came out of the Zhongfu, he came to Chang'an Avenue.

There was a light rain in the morning, and there were still water stains on the ground at this time, but the air was exceptionally fresh.

The prosperity of the capital is indeed not comparable to small counties like Dingxian and Zhengxian.

There is an arch bridge in front of him, called Zhiyou Bridge, on which traffic and horses travel, pedestrians are woven, and the morning market that the bridge is looking forward to is thriving.

Beneath the Zhiyou Bridge is a wide river, flowing in a north-south direction. The river is full of ships carrying grain, tea, salt, cloth, and merchants.

The trackers were pulling the ropes on the river bank. The ropes were deeply embedded in their muscles, stirring up neat and loud horns, making the giant ships of Hongge slowly move forward.

People, cars, horses, and boats gathered together, the sounds of vendors hawking, tracker horns, and children's laughter were intertwined, and the air was full of the atmosphere of the market.

The name of this river is Qinhuai River, and it goes without saying that it must have been named by the emperor.

There are many brothels, restaurants, and inns on both sides of the river, with flags fluttering, and now they have opened their doors to welcome guests.

It is indeed a thriving scene. The biggest credit here should be Jing Zhaoyin. After all, he dared to drive away the tens of thousands of refugees entrenched in the capital before the emperor went on tour.

But even so, on the piers on both sides of the river, there were still many men with old clothes and thin skin, all of whom were waiting for their employers to find short-term labor.

However, it is difficult for those who are thin and weak to work hard to earn money, and those who do not earn enough to work will not have enough to eat, and if they do not have enough to eat, they will continue to be thin... This cycle is difficult to break.

But not impossible.

Qin Yuan wandered around for a while, and happened to see Shengkui's silver number. He remembered that the three thousand tael silver note given to him by King Jing was for this silver number.

So Shi Shiran went in, took out a 1,000 taels silver note, and told the man that it would be exchanged for 1,000 taels of silver, and it was five taels and one ingot.

I thought that people might not be able to take it out at once, but the guy smiled slightly, and after leading him to the back hall to sit for a while, he quickly came in with two heavy burlap bags on his back.

Gaozu unified the weights and measures, and stipulated that ten taels are one catty, and one thousand taels are one hundred catties of silver.

"Guest officer, please order."

"No need."

Qin Yuan easily carried two large bags of silver, walked to a water and land pier, put the silver on the ground, and shouted loudly.

"There's work to do, everyone who wants to work will come here."

After a hula-la, thirty or fifty people surrounded him in an instant, all of them looking at him through Qiushui.

"Son, I can do anything, and the price is cheap!"

"Young master, do it well, let me do it, I will definitely work hard!"

Qin Yuan chuckled and said, "You guys are not enough, look for them again, at least 200, and I will invite you. The price is easy to say."

As soon as they heard that there was such a big job, these people were often subtle, and immediately dispersed, looking for someone to go.

It didn't take long for those refugees who were hiding in various places to appear one after another, and their clothes were much worse than before, so they didn't dare to come out clearly.

There are too many refugees in the capital, and the government is too lazy to verify the identity of the refugees. Most of the time, it is just to see your clothes, but if your clothes are ragged, they will directly pull you out of the city.

This is also in line with Jingzhaoyin's original intention, to drive out the refugees, isn't it to prevent the emperor from seeing his people suffer miserably?

Qin Yuan was surrounded by nearly 300 people all of a sudden, like a beggar gang gathering, which shocked Qin Yuan. It was incredible that a gathering of this scale was discovered by the officials.

So I had to take them to a remote place.

"Come on, one person five or two, take it first."

Qin Yuan opened the cloth bag and immediately showed a silver ingot.

Suddenly, everyone's faces were shocked, and then there was a bang.

What is the concept of one person five two? They only work fifteen to twenty coins a day, and fifty taels of silver is enough for them to work for a year. This is still under the condition that there is work every day.

Under the excitement of the crowd, five or six strong men suddenly came and looked at Qin Yuan with a smile.

Everyone looked at them with a look of horror.

The first **** man smiled at Qin Yuan, "Young master! I don't know what to do?"

Qin Yuan is not a young child. He naturally knows that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are bosses.

So he asked, "Are you the boss here?"

The **** man was polite to Qin Yuan and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, according to the rules, you have to find us first, and we will assign it to them."

"Oh," Qin Yuan also smiled back, "Should the money be given to you first?"

"Haha, yes, that's the case! Don't worry, Young Master, with us here, this work will be done for you!"

The **** man said, those ragged people listened, no one dared to answer, timid and even lowered their heads, and everyone's face no longer had the excitement of the previous talent, as if they already knew that the money had no relationship with them. .

Qin Yuan couldn't help but smile, pointed to the silver, and said, "You take it, how much is it."

The **** man was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up for a while, but just as he stretched out his hand, Qin Yuan grabbed it and broke it with a click.

When the remaining four or five men saw this, their hearts jumped, and they all rushed forward.

So, the sound of clicking is incessant.

Soon~www.readwn.com~ these men all lay on the ground and wailed.

Their hands were all broken by Qin Yuan, and they were completely broken. I believe that if there is no magic doctor, they will not be able to get them back.

Qin Yuan's good interest was not disturbed, and he continued to say with a smile, "Come, line up, and pick them up one by one."

One person five two, everyone has a share.

After it was sent, it was not enough, so he went to exchange a few hundred taels.

Suddenly, someone knelt down and kowtowed in tears.

Then there's a big slice.

Qin Yuan didn't think it was interesting, but he didn't say anything nice. He just picked five or six men who looked relatively strong and prepared to let them help transport the flowers and trees, so he took them away.

Well, it's a pleasure to do something small.

I feel that the red scarf on the chest is more vivid.

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