What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 173: The world is messed up

The current Dacheng Kingdom is like this. The rich are like him, and 3,000 taels of silver don't pay much attention, and the poor can put aside their dignity for a mere dozen pennies, and even sacrifice their lives.

If this goes on, the world will only become more and more chaotic, and there will be more and more refugees. Once the refugees are used, a history written by bones and corpses will begin.

However, the temples and emperors of Chengguo did not seem to realize this, and they were still fighting frantically.

The battle for succession, the battle between Jianxiu and a hundred schools, they only pay attention to these, and they give these poor refugees very little attention.

I don't know if it's because this is the first dynasty, there is no history to learn from the previous dynasty, or something else. In short, Qin Yuan felt that the court was too careless in dealing with the issue of refugees, the rich and the poor, and the merger of giants.

However, Qin Yuan couldn't think of too many ways to help these refugees. After all, he was just a young actor on Blue Star, not to mention that he only had one day, so what could he do?

The only thing he can be sure of is that giving them money is better than not giving them.

With money, they can eat enough, work hard, do small business, and then make money, and just live like this... Yes, most of the refugees are not unwilling to work, but they are too thin and weak to grab anything Good work to do.

Or the clothes are too tattered, or even not at all. They have to wear a set of clean clothes in turns, and those who don't have to wear can only nest in the corner.

With money, at least we can break this vicious cycle.

Of course, some of them may go to casinos and splurge, and some may become lazy and bad, but that's okay, the road is their own, at least they have been given a chance.

We can't let most people who want to live lose their chance to live because of the darkness of a small number of people.


After Qin Yuan turned and walked away, the stars behind him shone again, piercing the cloudy air.

The starlight gushing out collectively by more than 300 people, for example, is bright, dazzling, and dazzling at any time, like a tide, endless as far as the eye can see.

In this wave, at least six or seven thousand starlights were harvested, which was the most since Qin Yuan practiced.

Countless stars swarmed into the body, like a stream of clear springs merging into the meridians, the old and new righteousness intersected and merged, setting off a shocking wave.

The righteousness in his body roared wildly again. If he suddenly received so many stars in the past, he would have to vomit blood again.

But this time, because he had a third of immortal energy, he had no other discomfort except for the sudden feeling of being filled.

So comfortable!

Qin Yuan couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately sat down with his knees crossed, and began to attack the middle dantian.

hum! hum!

After two consecutive roars in his ears, his whole body softened and he almost collapsed comfortably on the ground.

Two levels in a row, reaching the fourth-level upper level!

Moreover, it is the peak of the fourth-grade upper-level, that is to say, he has already touched the door of the third-grade great master!

As long as he is promoted to Grandmaster, it will inevitably bring about qualitative changes. The size of the sea of ​​​​qi, the intensity of the explosion, and the speed will increase by an order of magnitude, and according to his estimation, it is very likely that other books from hundreds of schools will be opened.

Qin Yuan had thought about it for a long time. It is impossible to complete the cultivation of a hundred schools. After all, what he cultivates in his body is the righteousness of the Mo family. If he learns other schools, he must first abolish the righteousness of the Mo family. How much time does he have to do this?

However, a hundred schools of thought are linked together, and the righteousness of the Mo family can also trigger a lot of skills from hundreds of schools. Although the effect will be reduced, if it can be used well, it is also very good as an auxiliary skill.

For example, if Lejia has some battle songs, it can increase the combat output. At that time, as an auxiliary skill, even if it can increase the output by one tenth, it is terrifying enough.

For another example, if you can understand a little bit about Yaojia’s alchemy, Confucian’s war poetry, and Taoist’s Xiaoyaoshu, let’s not talk about adding bonuses during fights, and then you can sit down and brag about each other when you meet big bosses in the future. Emotions are not?

Also, after you get to the Great Master, you can read the second volume of "Yao Wen Guang Ji". If the first volume is already as good as a servant, then what is recorded in the second volume? noodle?

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan's heart was full of enthusiasm.

Too weak, I am still too weak now!

If you don't improve the sword temple, which is like a sword hanging in the air, you are the big guys in the Xian Xianhui. If you come out, you can crush yourself. You must speed up your promotion and figure out the meaning of immortal energy as soon as possible. Only then can you have enough confidence. , do whatever you love to do!


After leaving the water and land dock, there were five relatively strong young people behind Qin Yuan.

I asked them if there were any gardens with flower beds nearby, but I was told that there were none in the city, but there were a few outside the city.

Seeing that it was too early, Qin Yuan went out of the city with them, and soon found a nursery.

However, as soon as he arrived outside the fence gate, he smelled a pungent smell of blood, and when he looked closely, he saw seven or eight refugees lying on the ground.


With an angry shout, a strong man with a sword shot out from inside, and without saying a word, stabbed the homeless person who was leading the way in front of him.

The hooligan's terrified eyes widened, and before he could speak, the sword almost reached his neck.

Qin Yuan quickly flashed his figure and kicked the strong man, and the strong man flew out immediately.

He said angrily, "If you say kill, kill, is there no king law now?"

At this time, I finally saw a middle-aged man with a simple and honest appearance running out, and said with a crying voice, "Several heroes, you, if you want to grab it, I, I recognize it."

Qin Yuan frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You, you didn't come to rob them?" The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said, "I-I thought you, like these refugees, came to steal money!"

It turned out that the refugee who was killed came to rob, and the strong man with the sword was hired by the boss to help ~www.readwn.com~ I saw the refugee who took the lead and thought it was an accomplice, so he killed with a sword.

However, after seeing Qin Yuan's extravagant dress, the boss finally knew something was wrong.

Seeing the boss's appearance, Qin Yuan didn't seem to be lying. Besides, he didn't have the time to investigate, so he shook his head helplessly.

These refugees are all skinny, and I am afraid that they will come in and **** things if they really have no choice.

But the owner of the nursery may not be doing well. Maybe after being robbed, he can only be a refugee. When provoked, the cultivator asks the cultivator to kill him. What can you say about him?

The Dacheng Law stipulates that anyone who commits robbery or murder can be killed on the spot.

This world looks really messed up.

After learning that Qin Yuan was here to buy flowers and trees, the nursery owner wanted to rush him in, but Qin Yuan refused.

He didn't want to think of the refugees who fell to the ground and the blood in that place as soon as he saw these flowers and trees.

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