What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 174: Just insulting Sven

Under the leadership of the few refugees, Qin Yuan found another nursery.

I ordered an osmanthus tree, three persimmon trees, and three plane trees with the nursery owner, and pointed to a bunch of flowers, roses, peonies, and other things I couldn't tell, so I just bought a bunch of them.

Anyway, these flowers and plants are all to cover the truncated tree, and they will be planted temporarily in the palace.

If you want to really build a good Ganxi Palace, shouldn't you first go to Concubine Min to get scriptures?

As soon as the bill was settled, the boss was so happy that he lost sight of his teeth and took the initiative to wipe the zero. He also said that he could help transport it to the outside of the palace, as long as he would take care of his business next time.

When the receipt was issued, the eldest brother saw that Qin Yuan was from the palace, so he asked very cleverly, is it twenty or thirty taels?

This is to help Qin Yuan with corruption.

Qin Yuan waved his hand at that time, saying that he didn't need a receipt, what's the point of being greedy for his own?

After talking nonsense, he actually has a way to reimburse him. After all, he has a note from Nei Tingwei in his hand, and when the time comes, he will take the note and receipt to report. As long as the commander's wife does not object, the money can be allocated.

However, this woman has always been upright. If she knew that she had gone wrong for this little money, then she would not know how to attack her in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon. As the old saying goes, the evil does not prevail over the good, the wife is "right", if she is "evil" "Well, how can you hold back?

Fortunately, as we all know, I have always been rich and noble, powerful and unyielding, and I can be said to be upright!

After paying the money, Qin Yuan left five people in the nursery to help with planting the flowers and trees, and agreed with them that the children could be transported to the outside of the palace gate, so they left alone.

It was noon when he returned to the city, and after finding a good restaurant for lunch, he went straight to the Caoyue Tea House in the east of the city.

It was not dark yet, and it was a little early when he left Hai, but the old artist Qin was never too early to do things, he only cared about safety.

How can you rest assured if you don't explore this den of thieves first?


The Caoyue Tea House is relatively remote. Qin Yuan went around the east of the city and asked four paper figurines to help. It took half an hour to find it.

But after finding it, he didn't rush in, but pretended to pass by as if nothing had happened, and then sent Ada to quietly fly in to check it out.

The Caoyue Tea House is not big. In front of it is a lobby that can only accommodate five or six tables. The decoration is very simple. Huge quilt, extremely simple.

At this moment, the door of the tea house was closed, and there was no one inside.

Qin Yuan worriedly asked Ah Da to investigate the scene carefully. After all, there are many evil forces in this world. What if someone set up sword formations, agencies, etc. nearby?

After absorbing the five or six thousand points of starlight, Ah Da has now reached the fourth rank, and naturally he can handle things more neatly.

Qin Yuan was relieved, but he still let Ah Da stay in the tea house, and sent Ah Er to the back hall. After all, that kind of place is like an unfamiliar wild area. .

As far as the operation is concerned, without showing off, it is estimated that no one in this world is more detailed than him.

Night falls.

A man and a woman entered the tea house. The man was dressed in white and the woman was dressed in green. Holding hands, they went straight to the back hall.

After murmuring for a while, he immediately started to hold his clothes.

Go straight.

Qin Yuan was shocked. Are you two being so polite? I am broadcasting live?

It's just insulting, I don't see it... Ah, that's not what I mean, don't turn your head away, I mean... We don't watch, but we still have to keep monitoring, right?

In this respect, Ah Er is not as good as Ah Da. I think when Ah Da hid by the bedside of the Qinglou Hua Kui and watched for three hours without blinking...

Qin Yuan was communicating with Ah Er calmly, but he didn't expect it to be over.

"Junior sister, the lion only has five breaths." The man in white said seriously.

"Yeah." The woman nodded shyly, "Senior brother is more powerful than a lion."


"Junior sister, after this time, I will take you far away."


Hearing this, Qin Yuan sighed, thinking that the first sentence would be ignored, after all, everyone has a bad time, but the second sentence, this is for him... It seems that he will not survive for three days.

"Senior brother Zhao will be here in a while, and we will proceed as planned." The man said again.

"I..." The green-clothed woman hesitated.

"It's okay, with me here, don't be afraid."

"Well, you must protect me."

"Fool, I don't protect you, who protects you?" The man laughed, paused, and then said, "And the one who came out of the palace needs to be wiped. It is said that he has a seventh-grade cultivation. But he is not my opponent either."

Qin Yuan's brows furrowed, thinking that the two of them are going to do something together?

I want to wipe myself too... With this stand, he has designated that he won't survive tonight!

However, who are these two goods, how do they know that they are coming, and why do they want to erase themselves?

Hey, it is certain that this action of Baijia must have been leaked.

Among them, there are traitors!


About half an hour later, a man in a green shirt and a square hat walked into the house.

In his hand, he was holding a piece of red wood that was about half a zhang long and about a chi in diameter. It was probably the thousand-year-old red pine wood in the story, and there should be the goblin hidden in it.

At this time, only the woman in green was left in the house.

The man in green shirt saw the woman in green shirt with surprise on his face, but he was speechless.

Seeing this, the girl in green couldn't help but take a step forward, Xiaoniao Yi said, "Brother Zhao, I've been thinking about it for a long time, and it's you who I like."

"Brother Zhao" heard the words ~www.readwn.com~ even more shocked and dumbfounded.

The green-clothed woman gently leaned against "Brother Zhao" and said shyly, "Brother Zhao, don't you like me?"

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open, and the man in white was holding a sword and shouted aggressively, "Okay, you two are actually carrying me..."

"No, it's not," the woman in green quickly hid behind "Senior Brother Zhao", "Senior Brother Lin, you misunderstood!"

At this moment, Master Zhao silently stared at the man in white, but didn't want to, the woman in green quietly took out the dagger and plunged it into his back vest.

Brother Zhao still didn't make a sound, it looked a little weird, the woman in green and the man in white couldn't help but stunned, but at this moment they couldn't care so much, the man in white stabbed again.

But only after hearing the sound of "bang", "Brother Zhao" disappeared in an instant, but in its place was a paper figurine with a big slap and an odd-looking appearance, suspended in mid-air.

Seeing this, the green-clothed woman and the white-clothed man were immediately stunned, and their horror was beyond words!

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