What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 179: The new method of cultivating immortals

Chu Yanxiu has always been careful. When the two of them spoke, a barrier was set up, and outsiders could not hear them.

But he didn't expect that Qin Yuan's detective expert Ah Er was lying on the wood in front of him when he was talking.

Through consciousness, Qin Yuan heard this conversation completely, and this conversation had already made him take a deep breath.

First of all, he has now determined that the contents of the piece of wood are used by the Holy Society to "empower", that is to say, the Holy Society is indeed preparing to conduct a new round of empowerment.

And Chu Yanxiu's last sentence, "Lian Que praised him very much", means that the "magpie" knows him very well.

Among the princes, only King Jing and King Qing knew him very well, and only they would "compliment" him.

Then Que, is it King Jing or King Qing?

Qin Yuan remembered the maid's sentence "it will take more than half a month", and basically came to the truth.

The note on Mo Island reads "On June 15, King Baoqing", and on June 15, it is only half a month away from now.

So... now it is basically certain that Que is the King of Qing!

Although I don't know why King Qing is not depressed like a puppet, but rather high-spirited, but now Qin Yuan has to believe that he is a "magpie".

Putting all the clues together, the truth of the whole thing is—

On June 15th, King Qing was going to receive empowerment from a hundred schools of thought, because he knew that the imperial palace was bound to be more defensive than before, so this time, a hundred schools of thought asked Mo Dao to help him, and Mo Dao also hoped that King Qing could become the prince of the supervising country. To lift the siege of the court against them, so readily agreed.

This can also explain why King Qing chose to hide in the Chaolan Palace, because the fewer people who know about it, the higher the chance of successful initiation.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan couldn't help frowning.

So, on June 15, Qingyun Pavilion assassinated the head of the Baijia Academy, is it just a coincidence?

Is there such a possibility that Qingyun Pavilion is actually helping King Qing, and they attacked the Baijia Academy to attract the attention of the Sword Temple, so that the pressure on King Qing will be much less?

No... If Qingyun Pavilion was to help King Qing, it would be equivalent to helping the Holy Society, so how could Yu Yanxing sell them?

Qin Yuan couldn't understand it, but soon he felt that instead of thinking about this issue, it was better to think about a more urgent and important issue.

If the person to be empowered is King Qing, then do you want to stir it up?

It's very easy to mess with Huang, because now he has almost mastered all the plans of the Holy Society, and even knows where King Qing is hiding. As long as he tells Zhong Jinyi, Zhong Jinyi will report to the Sword Temple again, and no matter how many masters the Holy Society sends, don't even think about empowerment.

At that time, with this credit, I am afraid it will be enough to make a fortune.

But the problem is, once this happens, King Qing may not be able to live. Once King Qing can't live, Concubine Min and Su Qinqin will definitely be sad. When Concubine Rong makes a comeback, it will be a sure thing to rectify them again.

And for him, if he loses the protective umbrella of King Qing and faces the reigning King Yu alone, it will be very difficult.

After all, King Jing, a yin man, really didn't think he would reveal his strength for himself.

In addition, in terms of personal feelings, Qin Yuan also does not want King Qing to have any trouble. After all, he has experienced so many "online chats", and he has even met the basics. In his eyes, even if King Qing is not a friend, at least he is more energetic. Similar acquaintances.

If he wanted to destroy the empowerment with his own hands and put King Qing to death, he really couldn't bear it.

However, if the plan of the Holy Society is not destroyed, the commander's wife will suffer!

What's so special, in this situation, it's typical to bet too much. Although I can make a big money and decide whether to open the dice in the cup, the problem is that I don't know whether to open the big or the small. what!

Gambling on this is also a real failure.

ah wait...

Qin Yuan touched his chin and muttered to himself, "Can we make peace then?"

Not only did King Qing successfully empower him, but Zhong Jinyi was spared punishment, and he could even make meritorious deeds. How about you love me, I love you, and everyone is happy?

If they can all be happy, then they can eat everything, and they will be good at that time.

Wonderful is wonderful, but how can you answer such an either-or multiple-choice question?

Does this look like a Shura field between two girlfriends?

Qin Yuan sighed helplessly.

I thought that when I came to this world where three wives and four concubines could be used, that kind of Shura field would no longer exist, but I didn't expect that I would be unable to escape.

It seems that his remorse at the moment when he was hit by a car before crossing was still not deep enough, and he had not been forgiven, so he continued here and in another way.

But this time I really want to be a good person.


Qin Yuan sat on the steps of the dormitory and thought about it for more than half an hour, but couldn't think of a solution.

So I had to give up temporarily and began to concentrate on swallowing immortal energy.

After all, in order to become a big and small bookmaker, strength is the foundation, not to mention that on June 15th, he himself was in danger.

Last time, the feeling that Su Ruoyi's blood was transformed into immortal energy was still there, Qin Yuan continued to ponder while hesitating.

Although Su Ruoyi's blood is a unique case, but from another angle, how did the fairy energy in her blood come from?

According to her description, her parents are just ordinary people. Could it be that she is also the recipient of fairy spirits?

But an obvious problem is that, with the same immortal energy, his own blood does not have the function of curing diseases and saving people, and according to the records sent to him by Lao Jia, there is no related case in the entire Xun Xianhui.

This is strange.

And there is another problem. According to the people of the A-type family, Su Ruoyi's blood was only said to be able to treat wounds at first, but later it developed to be able to cure diseases, and then even his own internal injuries can be treated.

Does this mean that the immortal energy in her body is rapidly increasing?

Wait, does this mean that there is some kind of transformational relationship between blood and immortal energy?

If you can also make the immortal energy run into the blood, will it also speed up the absorption of the immortal energy?

This idea is indeed a bit wild. After all, take righteousness as an example. Righteousness runs in the meridians. To make it run into the blood, one is very time-consuming and laborious, and damages the meridians, and the other is that the righteousness reaches the blood. Uncontrolled, very dangerous, and thirdly, with the replacement of blood, the righteousness will automatically disappear, which is simply a waste.

This kind of idea, any person with common sense of cultivation, is afraid that he will laugh.

But Qin Yuan felt that he had no clue anyway, so he might as well try.

So, he started wrapping Xian Qi with Righteous Qi, first pushing a small trace of Xian Qi into a large acupoint, and then began to mobilize a large amount of Righteous Qi to exert pressure, gradually pressing it out of the acupoint and into the blood vessels.

In Western medicine, acupuncture points and meridians do not exist, but in the body of a practitioner like Qin Yuan, they are real like blood vessels.

It took more than an hour for Qin Yuan to push that trace of immortal energy into his blood.

Immortal energy quickly lost control and seemed very excited~www.readwn.com~ but not crazy, but spread out very warmly.

This process was surprisingly comfortable, and Qin Yuan was surprised to find that tiny dirt gradually appeared from the pores of his body!

When he tried again to connect the thick immortal energy inside and outside the palace, he suddenly felt that they were like a trace of spring water, coolly drilling into the body!

There are indeed very few "slight traces", but compared to before, it is at least three or five times faster!

It turns out that this method works!

What if there was more fairy energy in the blood?

Qin Yuan's heart was agitated, and his hair stood on end with excitement!


Before you know it, it's already dark.

There was news from Ah Da that the fox came again.

Qin Yuan took his breath, and his heart was just right.

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