What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 180: The people of this king, no one wants to move

Jingyang Palace, the residence of King Jing.

In the exquisite tea room, King Jing sat cross-legged on the couch, casually cooking the tribute tea that was newly released this year.

There were no maids or guards in the room, there was only a Da, standing straight behind him in the same posture of holding a sword for thousands of years.

King Jing's fingers were long and slender, jumping rhythmically on various tea sets. In the purple sand pot in front of him, the tea was bubbling, and the charcoal fire underneath was red.

Smelling the fragrance of the tea leaves with satisfaction, King Jing added some cold water and sprinkled some well salt produced in Liangzhou. Then use a slotted spoon to make a spoonful and put it in the tea cup.

Handing the tea cup back, he said with great interest to Ah Da behind him, "Come, have a taste."

Ah Da didn't say anything, took the tea cup and drank it immediately, then returned the tea cup to King Jing, returned to the position just now, and stood up.

King Jing smiled and said, "How many times have I told you that tea should be tasted slowly, and is it not hot to drink like this?"

Ah Da did not speak, and his face remained unchanged, standing like an unconscious club.

King Jing shook his head helplessly and said nothing more.

Ah Da has always had this kind of temperament, and his work is as agile as his swordsmanship. Even if he takes him to the brothel, he will defeat the enemy with one move.

Taking a sip of tea comfortably, King Jing looked at the persimmon tree outside the window and said lightly, "Is the news of Xiao Qinzi confirmed?"

"Judging from the news from 'Black Eye', there are indeed experts from Qingyun Pavilion going back and forth to Yanyun Mountain recently. It seems that they are discussing some important matters. Maybe the June 15th event is true."

After a pause, Ah Da added in a cold voice, "Yuquan Sect Baili Changqing has left the gate, and he left the mountain gate three days ago, but no one can follow him, and he doesn't know where he is going."

King Jing paused while holding the teacup, "Has Baili Muyun's eldest son also come out... Could it also be related to the June 15th incident?"

"It's possible." Ah Da said lightly, "Yuquan Sect and Qingyun Pavilion have always been on good terms."

King Jing smiled slightly, "If Yuquan Sect also wants to intervene, then it will be lively. At that time, we may have to change the plan. Naturally, the head of the hospital cannot let them kill them, but the two courtyard seats can be given to them."

"Okay." Ah Da nodded, "I have already found the place where the head of the courtyard is located, and I guarantee that the Sword Temple will not be found. When it comes to speaking, the head of the courtyard was kidnapped by Qingyun Pavilion."

King Jing nodded lightly, and said, "The place you are looking for, this king will naturally rest assured. In addition, let Hei Tong keep an eye on it, there are so many of them... If they are not as good as the Qin Zhuang from Ganxi Palace, but Funny."

Having said this, he first laughed to himself.

"Yes." Ah Da responded lightly, and added, "King Yu has recently started to trouble King Qing again, and it is said that it will be bigger than last time."

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of King Jing's mouth, "This is to continue throwing stones to ask for directions. They want to force King Qing to reveal more of his cards in the palace. The old man Zeng behind King Yu is not easy, let's see how Xiao Baichang is doing. Make a move for King Qing."

Ah Da nodded and said again, "However, that little Qin Zi may become the target of King Yu, after all, he helped Concubine Allergies before."

King Jing laughed loudly, "That little Qinzi not only helped Concubine Min, he also helped Su Qinqin. This king now doubts whether he is a real eunuch. Haha, he is also a wonderful person."

After laughing, he said again, "Take care of him, as long as he doesn't join King Qing's sect, let him have a good relationship with Qingzhengsi and Nei Tingwei, this king will recognize him as my person. This king is crazy, but this The king's people, don't even think about moving!"

"Okay." Ah Da replied in a deep voice.


Dry West Palace.

Qin Yuan has pushed the immortal energy in his body into the blood for the third time. As the concentration of immortal energy in the blood increases, the speed of his absorption of immortal energy is also increasing.

The current speed is at least ten times higher than before.

But he still felt that it was very slow. After all, the previous speed was as slow as a thread. Even if it was increased tenfold, it would be like a drip at most.

In the most optimistic estimation, if Lao Jia and the others are really just using this stupidest method to absorb immortal energy, then they have absorbed it for twenty years or more.

This means that at the current speed, it will take at least two years for him to catch up with Lao Jia and them.

What's more, is there really no other way for Lao Jia and the others? Does he have a better way, but only shares the stupidest way?

Qin Yuan felt that there was such a possibility.

So in order to catch up with the big boss, Qin Yuan wanted to continue to increase the concentration of immortal energy in his blood, but he soon encountered a problem.

He found that as the concentration increased, the blood vessels seemed to show signs of dilation.

This is very dangerous. If the blood vessel explodes, he will definitely be lying on the board. The harem may not be able to hold a banquet for him. Besides, he will not receive any gift money for the banquet. Will the few wives who have not visited the door burn paper for him? It's hard to say.

Even if he didn't die, he would still be paralyzed and unable to take care of himself, but there were four loyal paper figurines waiting for him, but what's the point of living?

Hurala, get more than 20 stars.

You see, even Xingguang thinks that killing himself is quite reliable.

So had to abandon this plan.

Haste is not enough, but he thinks this problem can be solved in two ways.

First, after ascending to the Grand Master, open the Yaojia Collection to see if there is any medicine that can strengthen the blood vessels, so as not to be afraid of the blood vessels being burst.

Second, while absorbing the immortal energy, I asked the little demon about her food supplement method. Maybe improving it can also increase the immortal energy?

In other words, it will be the end of the month soon, and the new Xianyuanhui will be open again. I wonder if you have any new experiences recently?

The time of practice always passed quickly, and soon it was dark again.

After an afternoon of exhaustion~www.readwn.com~ the immortal energy in his body has increased by at least five times compared to the initial time, but he can still only say a little.

Qin Yuan was hungry, so he took his breath away. At this time, Ah Si had already prepared dinner.

This product actually knows how to spread eggs. Qin Yuan remembered that he had only done it once, and he remembered it.

However, I always felt that I was eating alone, and I was missing something. After thinking about it, Qin Yuan wrote a note and asked Ah Da to take it to the person from Chaolan Palace and ask him to come and have barbecue.

The weather has turned hot, and if the half pig is not eaten quickly, it will probably stink in a day or two.

In addition, there was another very important reason that made him want to meet King Qing as soon as possible.

This matter is related to whether he can be a long-term good friend with King Qing, and whether he can truly gain the trust of King Qing in the future.

Qin Yuan believes that King Qing's praise of himself in the Holy Society is not a real trust, and even joining the Holy Society by himself may not be what King Qing wants to see.

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