In order to make safe production and standardize operations, we must first clarify the production relationship.

King Qing is a "magpie", which Qin Yuan has already confirmed, but the problem is that King Qing is not depressed as a puppet at all, but rather high-spirited, which is very wrong.

As a puppet who can only obey orders, what is he trying to do?

The snake spirit loves him again?

Or do the flower demons and parrot demons give him a new life?

Neither is established.

Therefore, Qin Yuan highly suspects that King Qing may have found a way to crack the "Initiation", and this "Initiation" may be the last time.

As for why?

The empowerment relies on the immortal energy in the palace, and when it comes to immortal energy, Qin Yuan thinks of the Eighteen Immortal Spirits.

King Qing is surrounded by top experts like Xiao Baichang, three thousand disciples with unique skills, and maybe there are clues left by the royal family. Is it possible that he also obtained the immortal energy?

If he obtained the immortal energy, then Qin Yuan believed that it would not be difficult for King Qing to crack the "empowerment" or to empower himself.

Then the question arises, once King Qing gets rid of the shackles of "empowerment", how will he target the people of the Holy Society?

Seriously terrified.

Now that he has joined the Holy Society, King Qing must have known, how will he deal with him then?

Therefore, the best way is to tell King Qing vaguely before revealing his identity that he admires King Qing more than the Holy Society, and that he trusts his "Brother Wang" more than the Holy Society.

In this way, his position in front of King Qing can be stabilized, and when the Holy Society and King Qing tear up, he can avoid the trouble.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan couldn't help but be shocked again. He never thought that there is a man with wisdom and beauty in this world. Coincidentally, that person is actually himself.

Did not expect ah did not expect.

Ah Da quickly took Qin Yuan's note to Chaolan Palace, but after a long time, the fox didn't come out to pick it up, so he had to come back in despair.

Ah Da was very annoyed, and went around the house. He felt that the fox was very heartless. He said that he would not meet if he didn't meet him. Next time he saw him, he had to poke his butt.

Qin Yuan didn't think so. He suspected that King Qing was going out to do something important.

In other words, he always feels that the palace has been too peaceful for the past two days, something is abnormal, and there will be no major incidents next, right?

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside, and with Asan's sight on the roof, Qin Yuan saw that it was Xizi coming back.

So the door opened.

Xizi stepped into the courtyard agilely, and then immediately saluted, "My subordinates meet the adults!"

Qin Yuan was not used to helping him up and said, "I don't have to do this in the future. By the way, is there something wrong?"

"My lord forgot, is this the day we reopen Qingfenglou tonight?" Xizi said.

Qin Yuan slapped his head, and then remembered that there was such a thing.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, there have been too many things recently." After thinking about it, he said, "This, do I want to go?"

To tell the truth, it's not that he doesn't want to experience the culture of the brothel. The key is that he doesn't want to be too high-profile. If it were in the past, some eunuchs who knew he was the boss behind the brothel would definitely come up to congratulate him, otherwise it would fill the harem. Got it?

However, he still wanted to keep it simple.

I just heard Xizi say, "Sir, now a large number of eunuchs in charge are waiting to congratulate you. If you don't go, isn't it inappropriate?"

Good guy, the co-authoring has been known to the whole harem.

Needless to say, it must have been spread by King Qing. On the one hand, he proclaimed that he was his own person, and on the other hand, he wanted to set an example, saying that as long as he stood by his side, he would definitely be rewarded.

Just like this, I wonder what King Jing will think?

What's the matter, always worried that these two princes will be jealous of each other?

Come on, don't think about it first, if you don't go now, you won't be able to do it. Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, it is about human feelings, so it's too careless to not show up like this.

So, Qin Yuan followed Xizi to Qingfenglou.

Qingfeng Tower is located in Qingfeng Palace. It was originally an idle palace. It was a higher standard palace than Qinyuan's Qianxi Palace. Not only was the sleeping hall larger, but also there were more and more spacious rooms for servants and servants.

Of course, they are all divided into large and small boxes. It is said that except for one hall, there are a total of thirty-six boxes, which is not too small.

However, in the end, it is on the royal site. Although Qingfenglou is essentially a brothel, it is no different from an ordinary restaurant on the surface. It is impossible for a few beautiful girls standing at the door to welcome guests.

Those girls are all sitting in the box, the box is divided into four classes of heaven, earth, black and yellow, and each class is divided into A, B, C, and D. Needless to say, the oiran must be in the room of the first class.

The idea of ​​opening a brothel in the harem, which genius came up with it, can no longer be tested.

However, according to the girl in the box, who is called the "little princess" in the industry, Qin Yuan has reason to suspect that this is Chai Mang's masterpiece.

After all, if it wasn't for him, who would dare to call the shepherd a "princess"? Wouldn't this be blaspheming the real princess?

One can imagine how much Chai Mang misses the nightlife on Blue Star, and how unforgettable those "Xin Xin" and "Qi Qi" are, so much so that five thousand beauties in the harem are not enough. Play this trick.

It is also difficult for those historians. When encountering such a founding emperor, he not only had to help him explain the profound meaning of "Juyangmen" overnight, but also help him to whitewash the absurdity.

In any case, the Qingfeng Tower tonight is full of lanterns and bright as day.

After entering the door, I saw fifty or sixty people standing in the yard, all of them whispering and laughing, and it was very lively.

And some eunuchs are sitting on the two rows of seats on both sides of the yard, and they have tea in their hands. Obviously, Xizi's etiquette is still in place.

The main building of the dining hall, the sleeping hall, was closed, and two servant eunuchs pulled a red cloth rope with a hydrangea and stopped it at the door.

This is a rule. The big shopkeeper must cut the rope before the door can be opened.

As soon as Qin Yuan entered the yard, there was a small commotion immediately, and everyone came over to congratulate him.

"Eunuch Qin is here, congratulations!"

"Congratulations to Eunuch Qin, I wish Eunuch Qin a great career and a lot of money."

After waves of congratulations came, Qin Yuan noticed that the new director Wei of Shangshi Division, the director Zhao of Shanggong Division, and the director of Shangyi Division, Eunuch Ning, were all here. It is the person of Concubine Zhao and King Qing.

In addition to them, many other palace stewards and eunuchs also came, and it goes without saying that they must also be in Concubine Zhao's camp.

Qin Yuan quickly greeted him warmly.

"I'm sorry, I've made you wait so long. It's really glorious for your father-in-law to be able to come to the restaurant today!"

While we were chatting, I saw someone outside the house shouting, "Come to congratulate Chenghua Palace."

As soon as I heard the Chenghua Palace, it was suddenly quiet inside.

The crowd let the way to stand on both sides, and saw a pretty girl with a letter in her hand, accompanied by two eunuchs.

Who else is Su Qin Qin?

Qin Yuan couldn't help but smile, and went up to greet him, "Yo, Miss Su is here."

Su Qinqin snorted arrogantly, indicating that the last time his anger was not over, and this time he came here was just a routine.

Although she didn't know why she was angry, after all, she climbed up the bed herself, and she did that action accidentally... but she still felt that she had to continue to be angry.

After all, this **** never said a good word!

"Master Min asked me to bring a word, which was written by her herself," said Su Qinqin and handed the thing to Qin Yuan, "Here, you have it, but don't break it!"

"Don't Qin Yuan smiled and said.

After stuffing things into Qin Yuan, Su Qin Qin turned around and left, she didn't want to stay in such a place for a long time.

Just as Su Qinqin left, he heard another shout from outside the door, "His Royal Highness King Jing is here!"

Before he finished speaking, King Jing rushed in with a big laugh.

"Hahaha, Qin Zhuangshi, where is Qin Zhuangshi? This king is here to congratulate you! How is this king and you studying the double dragon and the phoenix tonight?"

Hula la, everyone's faces stiffened, and then there was a trace of contempt.

Qin Yuan smiled slightly, thinking that at such a time, it would be abnormal if he didn't come.

In the midst of a beam of joy, Qin Yuan was about to go out to greet King Jing when he heard a sudden scream from inside the main building of Qingfeng.

"Ah, murdered!"

Everyone was surprised!

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