What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 207: Is this something the **** can do?

After Yu Yanxing killed Zhou Juecheng, he searched his body by the way, and quickly found a Nashi.

In his capacity as the great master of the Confucian school, he naturally disdains murder and robbery, just as he just disdain to attack from the back when he was breathing gas, and gave Zhou Juecheng a chance to make a move first.

Confucianism has always been upright and upright.

The reason why he took this Nashi was that he wanted to pass it on to Qin Yuan. After all, this kid lacks resources now, and Zhou Juecheng's Nashi should be full of good things.

Giving it away is not a robbery.

Qin Yuan took it, and that was the murderer's compensation to the victim, which was equally reasonable.

By the way, the claws of the demon falcon he asked for last time have also been obtained, and they can be given to him together when they come back.

It has been officially decided in the meeting that the Ganxi Palace will be used as a cover during the empowerment. It can be said that the Ganxi Palace is a very crucial part of the time.

As the owner of the Ganxi Palace, Qin Yuan, the importance of the next one can be imagined.

Therefore, it should be given to him more. After all, in terms of credit and future potential, he deserves to be treated like this.

It's a good seedling... It's a pity that it's not a Confucianist, otherwise I would definitely accept him as a disciple, and in time he would definitely be famous all over the world.

Yu Yanxing stood on the Spring and Autumn Brush, sighing and disappearing into the night.


Bell House.

After more than half an hour of emergency rescue, and after taking a "Dry Clear Life Pill" treasured by the Zhongfu, the one-eyed strong breathing gradually calmed down.

Zhong Zaicheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Xian... Young Master Qin can rest assured, he should wake up soon."

Originally wanted to call "virtuous son-in-law", but finally swallowed it back.

Before, he called Qin Yuan "virtuous son-in-law", but he blurted out in a hurry. Now that he thinks about it, he thinks that he has not yet been hired, so it seems too eager to call him like that.

After all, the dignified Zhongfu still has to talk about a face-to-face. If you want to make him change his words, the process of three media and six hiring is indispensable. Otherwise, how can he go out to greet his former colleagues and friends?

Not only must three matchmakers be hired, but also betrothal gifts. Not to mention comparing with the princess, at least it is on par with the daughter of the prime minister's mansion...

However, Young Master Qin's family is poor, so when the time comes, the Bell House can give him some support as appropriate, such as giving him 100,000 taels of gold, and he can collect a few more taels by himself.

Of course, this kind of thing can be discussed in private, but it cannot be known to outsiders.

Qin Yuan was overjoyed when he saw that One-eyed Qiang had been rescued, and hurriedly thanked him, "Thank you uncle for your rescue."

Zhong Zaicheng smiled indifferently, and then said, "Young Master Qin has gone out. It is nothing more than draining the old man's righteousness, and the mansion's hard-to-buy medicinal pill. This medicinal pill was the old man's expedition ten years ago. I got it by chance in the tent of the Hunman King in Mobei, and there are only three in total. Since he is your close friend, it is nothing."

As soon as Qin Yuan heard it, he knew that the old man began to "talk about arranging noodles" on a daily basis. He wanted to say that he felt uneasy after using such a precious medicine, but when he remembered the lesson of that day, he immediately stopped this terrible thought.

Having said that, based on his brain circuit, would he hear that he was saying that the strength of the Zhong family was not strong enough, and would feel distressed for a mere pill?

No, you have to change the way to flatter yourself.

So after thinking about it, he said with a serious face, "I heard that my uncle once used three thousand iron cavalry to drive the Mobei and kill the king of Xiongman. The admiration in my heart is like a surging river. I don't want to be able to sit in the same hall with my uncle one day. And Mengbo's father rescued him, it is really fortunate for three lives, and I am very emotional."

When Zhong Zaicheng heard the words, his old face opened, and he burst out laughing.

"Master Qin's words are serious. Haha, I have never met such a young man as Young Master Qin if I want to spend my whole life. Now that you and Yi'er can work together, the old man is not happy."

My virtuous son-in-law is indeed a good son who knows kindness and knowledge. What is even more rare is that he speaks nicely and pertinently.

Zhong Zaicheng went out in a happy mood.

Qin Yuan stood beside One-eyed Qiang, waiting for him to wake up.

In other words, it was a pity for him to do this operation. If he hadn't wanted to save One-eyed Qiang, he might have been able to eavesdrop for a while, and he might have heard more news.

Qin Yuan has now determined that Qingyun Pavilion has colluded with some forces in the court, otherwise they will never get the identity letter. But there is no evidence that that force is King Yu.

If you can get evidence that King Yu colluded with Qingyun Pavilion, then you will be able to send this "withered bone in the tomb" into the coffin.

For Qin Yuan, as long as King Yu falls, either King Jing or King Qing is acceptable.

Only then will he be truly alive.

Qin Yuan suddenly remembered that Wei Ying seemed to have mentioned that Zhou Juecheng had personally delivered things to the blacksmith shop in the west of the city?

This shows that the blacksmith shop is also one of their secret strongholds.

How many blacksmith shops are there in the west of the city?

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan immediately sent Asan out and let him go to the west of the city to see if there was any suspicious blacksmith shop.

If there is, wait for the opportunity to eavesdrop.

Anyway, if there is a connection, there will definitely be clues.


One-eyed Qiang finally woke up.

Staring blankly at the yellow curtain and the delicate bedpost, he was in a trance for a long time before he came back to his senses.

Suddenly shouted, "Little Qinzi!"

Qin Yuan turned his head, saw that he had woken up, and said with a chuckle, "What are you calling me?"

One-eyed turned his head and saw Qin Yuan sitting safely beside him, surprised and happy.

"You, you're not dead?"

"Your uncle, did you say that?"

"Hey...cough, cough," One-eyed forced his cracked and white lips together, frowned and smiled, his smile was ugly.

After coughing a few times, he finally cleared the congestion in his mouth. He said again, "Little Qinzi, why do I always feel that you are like a goblin? Every time I meet you, I can escape from death."

Qin Yuan picked up the fragrant pear on the table, took a bite, and asked, "Why, do you still want to get rid of me?"

"Hehe, you are a demon and I won't get rid of you, and I won't allow others to get rid of you."

"It's so mushy."

"What's numb? Why do you always talk so strangely." One-eyed smiled weakly and then asked, "But how did you find me and how did you rescue me from there? I remember, there are , There is a great master, and there is a fourth-grade master."

"That's a long story. Anyway, his mother almost didn't go with you." Qin Yuan chuckled and asked, "By the way, how did you get caught by them?"

One-eyed sighed and said, "Didn't you say that Qingyun Pavilion is going to assassinate the head of the Baijia Academy, then of course our Qingzheng Division has to investigate, and we have to take care of everything involving Jianxiu and Baijia."

Having said that, he lowered his voice again and said, "Tell you, the behind the scenes of this matter is not simple, there is an order from the Sword Temple, and we must dig deeper! Therefore, Sir Sizheng hopes to catch one or two assassins at that time. Come and ask. In this way, we must first figure out how many people are coming, who they are, and how high their cultivation level is, so that we can arrange them in advance!"

Qin Yuan smiled slightly, thinking about these things... I think I can give it to you again?

Seven copies of the identity documents of the assassins, as long as they are given two, they will be able to lock them immediately.

But having said that, last time he helped bring the entire A-letter department alive, and then he heard the exciting news that Qingyun Pavilion was going to assassinate the head of the hospital. Qing Zhengsi didn't seem to express it?

Isn't it said that merit will be rewarded?

Thinking of this, he decided not to talk about it, and told them when Qing Zhengji remembered that he was here.

Nodding calmly, Qin Yuan said again, "Then you went to inquire about news and accidentally exposed that you were arrested?"

"Let's put it this way," One-eyed Qiang smiled bitterly, "I have been observing that yard for a long time, and I have always suspected that there is something wrong. After work today, I wanted to go for a walk, but I didn't want to be discovered by the great master, hey... "

After a pause, he asked seriously again, "How did you rescue me? Could it be that you really know how to witchcraft?"

Qin Yuan said impatiently, "Of course someone helped."

"Is there? I remember that you were carrying me on your back, holding a long sword by yourself, and there was no one else. I seem to hear you vaguely saying that you want to fight side by side with me..."

One-eyed Qiang looked at the veil on the top and said to himself, "You never leave me, you depend on me in life and death, and I will never forget you in this life."

Qin Yuan glanced at him with a dog's eyes, and goosebumps were about to get up all over his body.

He said with disgust, "Have you misunderstood? Although I am an eunuch, I absolutely do not allow others to think about me in that regard. I have principles."

One-eyed Qiang glanced at Qin Yuan inexplicably, and suddenly understood what he meant. After all, there are people in this world who really like this.

"You bastard... I also have a wife!"

They looked at each other, and then both of them laughed happily.

Just then, Zhong Zaicheng walked in again.

Qin Yuan took the opportunity to say, "This is your savior, the first-class personal bodyguard of the former imperial guard, the general Weiyuan of the 3000 elite cavalry that linked the thirteen towns of Mobei, and the righteousness of the town, and the demon bandit has disappeared for ten years. The former Xinwonju Mu Zhong Zaicheng Zhong!"

This flattery has at least 800 horsepower.

By the way, he also explained why he was able to rescue One-eyed Qiang, lest this guy really think he was a demon.

When One Eye heard it, his only eyeball suddenly widened, and his shock couldn't be added.

Although Zhong Zaicheng has been an official for many years, his name and his legendary story are unknown to everyone as a public servant?

This is a big man who can be on an equal footing with Master Sizheng!

After being stunned for a while, One Eyed Qiang struggled to get out of bed and gave Zhong Zaicheng a big gift.

But seeing Zhong Zaicheng waved his hand carelessly, and smiled lightly, "That's it. You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank me, thank Young Master Qin. I saved you only because of his sake."

One-eyed Qiang looked at Qin Yuan in shock, his heart pounding like a drum, and he couldn't believe it.

He, he actually knew Zhong Zhoumu?

And the relationship with Zhongzhou Mu is so close, so that Zhong Zhoumu can sell his face?

No, isn't Xiao Qinzi in the palace all the time, how could he know such a big man?

Zhong Zaicheng obviously didn't take the one-eyed force very seriously~www.readwn.com~ Immediately looked at Qin Yuan again, and said with a smile, "Did you just get scared? Let's go, I've prepared some thin wine for you, Drink some to suppress the shock. By the way, Yi'er is back, I will let her change into casual clothes, and go to the dining hall together to have two drinks with you. "

One-eyed Qiang was completely speechless when he saw this, just like a dumb-headed goose, looking at Qin Yuan stupidly.

Brothers A-letter, guess what I see?

Zhong Zaicheng, a legendary legend of the dignified generation, invited a little **** to drink with a little flattery.

What's more, he also intends to let his own daughter accompany him.

Well, there is no doubt that his own daughter is the commander of the Imperial Guard...a woman who is said to be perverse and violent...

This, this **** is really something that an inner court **** can do?

One-eyed Qiang admits that at this moment, he is envious, jealous... but he can't hate it, after all, he is a person who depends on his life and death.

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