What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 208: My son-in-law is really brave

The Zhong family's supper was really shocking.

A large round table, covered with red brocade tablecloth, with eight hot dishes and eight cold dishes on it, and an exquisite wine jug with two three-clawed dragons on the body of the jug. .

There are also four servant girls standing beside the table, all of them are like flowers and jade, and they are youthful.

However, Qin Yuan did not look sideways and sat upright, showing the good spirit of a virtuous son-in-law.

Zhong Jinyi came in.

In her official uniform, she was wearing a long purple dress with a white brocade belt inlaid with light blue gems around her waist, which made her graceful figure look extraordinarily delicate.

The outer cover is a plain cyan open-fronted wide-sleeved tulle shirt, which is translucent, showing a pair of fair forearms, but unfortunately, the pure white brocade clothes lined with the opposite fronts wrap the rest of it tightly.

The hair in the front curtain was slightly rolled up, and the waterfall-like three thousand blue silk dangled from the back. The simple and mature hairstyle showed a charming charm in the high cold.

Zhong Jinyi is like a lychee with only a little broken shell. It hangs on a very high branch. It is hard not to make people want to climb up and pick it off, then peel it off and taste it... But the branch is too high, and most people can only Intimidating.

Qin Yuan is alone in the dining room, but Zhong Jinyi still sits on the chair that is separated from Qin Yuan, and then asks, "Why are you here again?"

Seeing that her attitude was so bad, Qin Yuan decided to ignore her, just picked up the jug, poured himself a glass, and took a sip.

colder than her.

Zhong Jinyi frowned, and was about to freak out, but when he saw his arm wrapped in bandages, he couldn't help but look slightly gloomy, and asked, "What's the matter? Who hurt you?"

Qin Yuan felt that it was like a sentence, so he said, "I was chased and killed, so I ran here to ask for help. If you think it's not right, don't come next time."

Zhong Jinyi didn't answer, but repeated in a stronger tone, "This envoy is asking you, who hurt you?"

Well, I'm very persistent, and my tone is slightly cold... If Zhou Juecheng didn't die, I'm afraid that he would cause a lot of trouble.

Qin Yuan immediately said, "The people from Qingyun Pavilion have already been killed by my uncle, so don't be nervous."

"Is the ambassador nervous?"

"Maybe a little."

"I didn't... eat."

Zhong Jinyi ended the topic, then made herself a bowl of shrimp jadeite soup, put it in front of her, was about to eat it, and suddenly remembered something.

He asked, "How did you get out of the palace? Also, why did the people from Qingyun Pavilion kill you?"

Qin Yuan took a piece of roast beef and did not answer, but instead asked, "Qingyun Pavilion and Baijia Academy have no grievances and no enmity, why do you want to assassinate their head, don't you feel curious? Is it possible to assassinate the head of the school just to make a statement? , the real purpose is to empower the Holy Society?"

Zhong Jinyi paused while holding the spoon, and after pondering for a while, she felt that Qin Yuan's suspicion was reasonable, and could not help but nodded slightly.

Qin Yuan said again, "So you said, do you want me to investigate for you? As for how you got out of the palace... Since you don't want to give me a notice, then I can only find Concubine Min."

Two messages in one sentence: First, I'm taking risks for you, but you ignore me, don't even write me a note, don't you feel ashamed?

Second, it doesn't matter if you ignore me, I don't have to rely on you for everything, I can find someone else.

However, he said this lightly, without expressing any blame, but the more he did, the more Zhong Jinyi felt that he seemed to have done something wrong to Qin Yuan.

When Qin Yuan used the sound transmission stone to ask her for a note, she thought that this guy wanted to go out of the palace again because he was having fun, and he couldn't get away from discussing important matters, so she didn't return to him.

But he didn't want to, he actually planned to take the risk to find out information for himself.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt guilty, and Zhong Jinyi almost had the illusion that she was a "guilty person".

In the same way, if Qin Yuan chose to question Zhong Jinyi why he didn't answer him, he would be unhappy because of Zhong Jinyi's temperament, and naturally this effect would not be achieved.

And such a subtle and silent expression of moisturizing things can actually hit the soft spot in her heart... Therefore, reasoning with women must be taught according to their aptitude and different from person to person, and you must not be self-righteous after watching chicken soup.

"In the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to take risks like this again." Zhong Jinyi changed her tone and said, "As a spy, you are doing your best, which is naturally good, but this envoy still hopes... you can live, Safety comes first."

Qin Yuan sighed softly, then looked at Zhong Jinyi tenderly, and said quietly, "In your eyes, am I doing my duty because of the spy?"

The atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

Compared with the last time he justified the necessity of "playing with flowers", his suggestion this time was more straightforward and undisguised.

It's almost obvious.

Qin Yuan admits that he has the element of gambling, but such opportunities are rare, and he will definitely give it a try.

If you win, the commander will feed the grapes, but if you lose, the devil will chop the dog's head.

In this way, it is not worth the supper that Zhong Zaicheng painstakingly arranged in the evening.

At this time, Zhong Zaicheng and Chu Nanhong, who were watching the "live broadcast" in front of the bronze mirror, couldn't help but sweat for him.

Based on what they knew about their daughter, they thought that a good son-in-law might be beaten badly.

But the son-in-law is really brave.

Don't be afraid, virtuous son-in-law, there are still two Qian Qing life extension pills!

This sudden ambiguity really caught Zhong Jinyi off guard, the hand holding the spoon trembled slightly, and he almost choked on the spoon he had just delivered to his mouth.

After eating, he will eat, how could he give birth...to be like this again?

Zhong Jinyi's resistance was not because of disgust, but because every time she was overwhelmed, she wanted to escape nervously.

This time, her reaction was even greater, and even a touch of pink rose on her fair and cold face, making her even more charming and indescribable.

If I remember correctly, this should be the first time in her life.

Zhong Jinyi tried her best to sit up straight, but she did not lose the commander's majesty, but her back was like a light, and she didn't know how to answer.

He had no choice but to brush up the slightly messy hair on his temples, put them behind his ears, and then pretended to be calm and continued to taste the shrimp and jade soup.

Ben, I didn't hear anything.

And Qin Yuan, this little bastard, is not forgiving, and looks at her seriously, as if he is enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Zhong Jinyi was in a turmoil when he saw it, and wanted to regain the majesty of the commander, and asked him "what to look at"?

Of course, a beat is better.

But at this moment, she couldn't do anything except hold the spoon in one hand and hold the wet palm nervously in the other.

Can't do anything, it's pretty close to default.

At least ~www.readwn.com~ If someone else said this to her, they would have already lied down now, instead of letting her sit quietly like a quail.

The air was extremely quiet, and after just staring at Zhong Jinyi for a while, Qin Yuan finally closed his eyes.

He was also afraid that if he watched for too long, Zhong Jinyi would freak out, turning quietness into serenity.

Zhong Jinyi took a few more bites and finally felt relieved.

So he stood up indifferently and said to Qin Yuan, "I'm full, so go and rest after you eat."

"OK, good night."

"Why good night?"

"That's... I hope you can have a good dream, whether there is me in the dream or not."

Zhong Jinyi took a deep breath and walked straight to the door without speaking.

Suddenly he stopped again, and said lightly, "Then, good night, too."

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