What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 222: Ganxi Palace has no slaves

Concubine Min insisted that she just admired Qin Yuan's elegant writing and excellent piano skills, and if he went further, maybe he could add another admiration for his character, and had no other thoughts.


But it is undeniable that she is also a woman, so how could she not have longed for the love and concubine of Qin Se and Ming, a concubine?


And just like Qin Yuan, he has the talent to write a book in the world, and a song that is full of romance and chic, and observes the universe and life while talking and laughing... It really looks like the man in her fantasy, exactly the same.


Concubine Min has been pampered since childhood. She is proficient in six arts and has a calm temperament. She disdains thousands of sons in the world, but Qin Yuan is the only one. This is the first time she has seen her, and it is also the first...


But she still clearly knew that although the emperor had never touched her and only said no more than ten words, her presence in the palace was nothing more than a decoration, a symbolic existence... but she was still a concubine, an emperor. 's wife.


Moreover, in the future, he may become a queen, and the mother of the world.


How could you be so distracted by a little eunuch?


Now that he entered the deep palace, he stopped thinking about it.


As he said, when happiness comes and sorrow comes, there are a lot of emptiness in knowledge... Where there is surplus, there must be emptiness, and when there is gain, there must be loss. How transparent he sees the universe and life. , he will probably laugh at me, right?


Well, Ben Gong is really ridiculous.


At this time, Su Qinqin came in again and urged, "Miss, little Qinzi is already waiting for you in the back garden."


Concubine Min calmed down and said indifferently, "I see, this palace will pass now."


After saying that, he stood up, walked in a calm manner, his long skirt dragged on the ground, and walked towards the back garden unhurriedly.


When Concubine Min saw Qin Yuan again, she saw that he was sitting under the pavilion. She poured and drank tea by herself, and even picked up the fan she often used to fan herself on the table.


That behavior was not in line with the rules, but it made Concubine Min break her defense again, and she couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.


In the end, he is different from ordinary eunuchs, and probably only a person like him can be so unruly.


In Concubine Min's eyes, Qin Yuan's body was shining, so it was harmless to do anything.


If she changed to a eunuch, she would definitely not be in this state of mind.


At least, if someone dares to tamper with her things, she will be unhappy.


Concubine Min hadn't noticed yet, but she has double standards now.


Qin Yuan actually saw Concubine Min coming over a long time ago, but he just pretended not to see it.


After all, if, like other eunuchs, he had put his hands down and stood aside early, then he would have been busy before.


This kind of behavior, not only will it not make Concubine Min look down on him, but it may make her feel that he is just a submissive person, thus reducing the speciality in her heart.


There is a lyric called "If I am young and do not have low self-esteem", in fact, even if I am not young and promising, people should not be too self-abased, because when you deny your own value, even if others see your shining point, they will be rejected by you. humiliated and destroyed.


It's like when others say "Come on" to you, but you stand aside and say I'm short, I'm not worthy of you, do you think people think you're cute and honest, or do you think you have some kind of disease?


Therefore, Qin Yuan didn't get up until Concubine Min Shi Shiran walked up to him, then smiled and saluted, "Hello, Concubine Min."


Slaves and maids no longer exist. From now on, there will be no slaves and maids in Ganxi Palace.


In front of King Qing and King Jing, he has long stopped calling himself that. If he encounters King Yu in the future, it would be good not to call him a foolish maid, and you want him to call himself a slave maid?


No one in the harem can make him call himself a slave again, unless he plays role-playing with Concubine Min in the future, then it can be discussed.


Concubine Min gave Qin Yuan a slight nod, and then asked, "Is the tea good?"


"It's good, but I'm still not used to drinking scented tea. I prefer the newly-produced green tea from Puyingtai that you gave me last time."


"Bengong's scented tea is delicious even for the Queen Mother, but you are so picky."


Concubine Min said something like anger but not anger, but she turned around and said to a palace maid behind her, "Go, bring some green tea here."


Afterwards, he sat down again and found something was missing, so he looked at Qin Yuan and said, "Can you return the fan of this palace to me?"


Only then did Qin Yuan put the fan in his hand and put it back in front of Concubine Min. He smiled apologetically, "This fan is delicate and tight. I was curious and took a look at it. Niangniang, don't be angry."


Su Qinqin knew that Concubine Min disliked others touching her things the most, fearing that she would be really angry, so she hurriedly took the lead and scolded, "Little Qinzi, you are getting more and more daring, and you dare to take the things of Concubine Min. , be careful to chop your hand!"


Qin Yuan thought to himself, of course I dare, and I did it on purpose, believe it or not?


You can't move anything, so how can you be moved when you look back?


Concubine Min raised her hand and motioned to Su Qinqin to stop the performance quickly. As far as her virtuous behavior and her desire to "protect her husband", who would not be able to see through her?


Soon, the green tea was brewed and brought over.


Concubine Min poured a cup for Qin Yuan as usual, and then said to him, "Sit down. Come to this palace today, what do you want to say?"


"There is something important." Qin Yuan took a sip of tea, then looked at the maid behind Concubine Min.


Concubine Min understood, and said, "You guys, please step back."


This time, she didn't even stay with Su Qinqin.


Su Qinqin glared at Qin Yuan angrily, thinking that Concubine Min was never like this before, and you have a lot of things to do. Is there anything I can't listen to?


Qin Yuan smiled at her - darling, don't make trouble, your husband has business affairs.


Su Qin Qin exited the stage angrily, planning to look for the little rabbit... oh no, look for the "big liar".


After the maids left, Qin Yuancai said, "I just heard the news that Qingyun Pavilion's assassination of Baijia Academy on June 15 was probably just a false shot. Their ultimate goal is His Royal Highness King Qing."


When Concubine Min heard this, she couldn't help but be startled, and the tea in the teacup in her hand almost burst out.


He widened his eyes and asked, "This matter... is it true?"


Qin Yuan said unhurriedly, "Now that the sage is on tour, the sword slaves and a large number of masters from the sword temple are also secretly going out with the sage, and the sword temple is the most empty time. As far as I know, on June 15, the Qingyun Pavilion will be held with Under the pretense of attacking a hundred academies, first deceive the Sword Temple to divide troops to go to the academy, and then mobilize the main force, and with the help of the internal response, go straight to... It should go straight to the Qing Palace!"


He was about to say it was Chaolan Palace, but wouldn't that mean that he knew that Wang Guang was the King of Qing, so he quickly changed his words.


Anyway, let King Qing know that Qingyun Pavilion is going to trouble him.


Concubine Min pondered for a long time, the news really shocked her and puzzled her.


Qingyun Pavilion is so bold, dare to assassinate King Qing?


I also asked ~www.readwn.com~, where did you find out about this news? "


Qin Yuan didn't explain, but said lightly, "I have my own way. You can let King Qing believe in me."


After a pause, he took out the note on which the names of the two assassins were written, and said, "This note has the identities of the two assassins, and they will enter the capital with this identity. Wang sent people to stare at them to know."


"You, even this... got it?"


Concubine Min became more and more unbelievable. After all, even King Qing didn't know this news, and it was too bizarre for a **** in the deep palace to know first.


But after thinking about it, this single person knows that there is no need for Xiao Qinzi to talk nonsense.


Qin Yuan smiled without saying a word, looking into the distance, his eyebrows were calm and indifferent.


The breeze blew, gently stroking the hair hanging down from his temples, and tugging at his long sleeves, but the water in the tea cup was calm, just like him at the moment.


Concubine Min looked a little dazed, and suddenly forgot that the person in front of her was a eunuch.


How could he be a eunuch? From the beginning to the end, what he did, what he said, the talent and scheming he showed, and the confidence he had built into his chest... It was more like a peerless man who knew the world and held the world in his hands. countryman.


King Qing has no shortage of masters, but what is lacking is such a countryman who can plan everything.


If he is such a great talent, it would be a blessing for King Qing, and also a blessing for the Jiang family.

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