What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 223: Min Fei's tangle

Concubine Min was stunned for a long time before she regained her senses. Knowing that the matter was of great importance, she immediately accepted the note.


Above his head, more than ten golden starlights appeared, and they were immediately absorbed by Qin Yuan.


It feels very sweet.


After receiving the note, Concubine Min said again, "Little Qinzi, if this matter is true, then you have made a great contribution."


Qin Yuan smiled lightly and said, "I did these things for no merit. One is to repay the kindness of King Qing, and the other is..."


After a pause, he looked at Concubine Min again and said slowly, "Second, I don't want to see anything wrong with you."


Concubine Min couldn't help but startled, and suddenly an indescribable feeling surged in her heart.


As a smart woman like her, she could faintly sense the hidden meaning of Qin Yuan's words.


At first she thought it was absurd. She was an imperial concubine and he was an eunuch. How could she have such ambiguous words?


But soon, she clearly felt that she had a trace of resentment out of thin air.


Me, why is he an imperial concubine, and why is he a eunuch?


If I had met him earlier...


Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart.


Why make such unreasonable assumptions?


That's right, even though Xiao Qinzi is a eunuch, he is better than countless sons in the world.


It's a pity, everything is fate, and it's not up to anyone.


Concubine Min kept reminding herself that some things are insurmountable.


However, she tried to convince herself that she just admired his talent. Even if it was insurmountable, could it be that she couldn't even be a close friend?


"Little Qinzi, Ben Gong..." After hesitating, Concubine Min changed her tone again, "By the way, if you need any help from Ben Gong or His Royal Highness, you can mention it."


I really wanted to make up for something with him, otherwise I would always feel uneasy.


However, Qin Yuan waved his hand lightly and said, "No. Please tell King Qing that as long as you pass this level, King Yu will be a dead bone in the grave, which is nothing to worry about. And his real opponent, or someone else. "


Half of the words are said, it is not to sell King King, but if King King rises one day, his "prophecy" will come true, and it will naturally make his "unparalleled national scholar" halo even brighter.


Up to now in this world, there is no precedent for a prince to kill a hero after ascending the Dabao. The reason is very simple. The Sword Temple is in the hands of the emperor, and the emperor never worries about the hero rebelling.


Therefore, the meritorious minister must be rich, rich, and shadowy as well as his descendants, and if he can help King Qing and King Jing with the funds of the "unparalleled state scholar" to help either King Qing or King Jing ascend to the great treasure, he will surely earn a bowl full of pots and pans.


He doesn't want more prosperity and wealth, anyway, he can eat soft rice, he just wants to give birth to his children and grandchildren with peace of mind.


According to his plan, the old Qin family should be very prosperous in the future.


Having said what he had to say, Qin Yuan resolutely stood up to leave.


With a wave of his sleeves, he walked away gracefully.


Originally, he wanted to order something from Concubine Min, such as asking her to go to King Qing to ask for the demon material of the third-rank demon, so that he could concoct a potion to strengthen blood, but now he gave up this idea.


Because this is not in line with today's atmosphere, and with his "deeply hidden merit and fame" high-level design.


What do you want? I, Qin Guoshi Wushuang, Mei Changsu Yuan, and King Qing jointly plan for a great cause. Could it be that I covet you as a third-grade demon?


Well, the most important thing when you come out and mix is ​​the character design. As long as the character design is stable, you will have everything you need without mentioning it in the future.


Qin Yuan's farewell was abrupt, and Concubine Min was a little surprised, and blurted out, "Well, are you leaving?"


Originally, I wanted to invite you to listen to the results of Ben Gong's piano lessons these days.


"Niangniang, is there anything else?" Qin Yuan stopped, turned and asked.


Concubine Min was stunned for a while, but she finally didn't say what was in her heart, and quickly said, "Oh, Ben Gong... there is nothing else. Then, then you can go back."


As he spoke, he suddenly felt his face get slightly hot.


There seems to be a little person in her mind, questioning what she wants to say?


So Concubine Min gritted her teeth and stubbornly made an indifferent expression.


Ben Gong, I don't want to say anything, I don't want to say anything.

Qin Yuan smiled slightly, bowed again, and said, "Then, I will leave."


This is the end of today's progress. Everything can't be done to the fullest. Sudden interruption at this time is the best choice.


Just like playing the piano, you need to leave an aftertaste, and only the aftertaste can go around the beam for three days.


It's like a game that you haven't passed the level. The more you don't pass the level, the more you look forward to the next time you open the game box.


This is the normative operation.


However, Qin Yuan also sighed. He found out that Concubine Min would have "afternoon" in the next three days, but he had to miss her for three days.


She was dressed so nicely today, her **** were wrapped in yellow.


I think of a poem that describes a woman dressed so beautifully... I just can't remember the content.


Damn it, it's really beautiful anyway.


Next time we meet...then we can't just talk and practice like today.


Say anything and teach her how to play the piano.


Thinking of this, he was in a good mood again, humming a little tune as usual, and walked to the Ganxi Palace.


As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ah Da standing in the courtyard.


It's King Jing's Ada, not his Ada.


"King Jing asked me to send me two jars of good wine," Ah Da said, "both tribute wine, which he has kept for more than ten years."


Qin Yuan nodded and said, "Thank you King Jing for your kindness."


He brought Ah Da into the dormitory again, and then said, "By the way, please tell His Royal Highness King Jing that there may be a fight between King Qing and King Yu, and the focus should be on my Qingfenglou."


Ah Da nodded lightly and said lightly, "Then what?"


Qin Yuan smiled slightly, "Don't King Jing want them to fight harder?"


A Da suddenly showed a faint smile, and asked again, "Then what do you suggest King Jing do?"


Qin Yuan smiled and asked, "King Jing is surrounded by so many talented people, why do you still need me to tell you what to do?"


In fact, Qin Yuan knew very well that King Jing had already seen that King Qing wanted to invite King Yu to take a shot at Qingfeng Tower, otherwise King Jing would not have worked so hard to promote Qingfeng Tower.


Of course, King Jing can't guarantee that he will come up with some means to make them fight more fiercely.


So he didn't say it in vain. He said it won't change anything, but it can show that he is on King Jing's side.


It is as costless as a verbal show of loyalty, but the effect is a hundred times better than the latter.


Of course... real things also need to be done.


So he took out the names of the remaining two assassins and gave them to Da.


Ah Da opened the note and looked at it, then frowned, "This is?"


"Last time, Your Highness didn't say that ~www.readwn.com~ wanted to arrest two assassins, and asked why he assassinated the head of the hospital? This is the information on the identity of the two assassins in Beijing. I don't need to say the rest. ?"


Ah Da's eyes were so small that there was only one slit left, but at this time, the slit stubbornly doubled in size.


"How did you get this news?"


"I have my own method. Let His Royal Highness King Jing believe in me." Qin Yuan said calmly, "However, these assassins are not in a hurry to catch them. You can send experts to track them for a while, or there may be more news."


Ah Da stared at Qin Yuan for a while, and then said coldly, "Mr. Qin is a good way. It was Ah Da who looked down on you before."


Qin Yuan immediately put his hands behind his back, turned his back to Ah Da, and began to look up at the endless sky outside the window.


Count one, two, three in my heart.


After counting, he said lightly, "You don't need to tell me this... Today is the hero, only King Jing and His Majesty. You and I both know it. What's more, His Highness treats me like a brother, and I regard His Highness... like a confidant."


"Okay!" Ah Da nodded, "It's a good confidant, and a good brother. If you have said this, I will not let His Highness make a special trip for me to bring wine here."


After all, Ah Da went out quietly.


But inexplicably, a starlight floated above his head.


Qin Yuan said in his heart, it seems that Ah Da is loyal to King Jing, and he is grateful to him for helping King Jing himself.

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