What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 225: Master, this is master!

At the entrance of Liuyun Inn, there was a stall selling cantaloupe, and Su Ruoyi pretended to be buying melons.


Today, Su Ruoyi is wearing a long sky blue dress, and her upper body is nothing new with a cross-neck short jacket decorated with pink plum patterns on a white background.


It's a pity that the neckline is still very high, and it is impossible to detect the truth. It is not like Concubine Min who wears a chest wrap and is so magnanimous.


Besides, she still wears her hair in a bun with **** and a hosta, which is really a hairstyle that will never change.


Ah wait... Qin Yuan suddenly realized that she couldn't be blamed for the hairstyle?


Thinking back then, if she had a sword on her head, and if she wanted to pull out the sword and apply medicine, would she have to shave off a piece of hair on the top of her head?




Although it has been a few months, because her hair is very long, that area may still be different from the surrounding hair, right?


Good guy, it's no wonder that every time she talks about her hair, she gets a black face.


Fortunately, when I slept with her that night, I didn't have a cheap hand to remove her hairpin, otherwise... life and death would be unpredictable.


Baili Changqing, also known as Li Changqing, came out of the inn and saw the bustling street, feeling quite fresh.


Don't look at him already forty, but because he has hardly stepped out of Qingyun Pavilion before, he is still full of childlike curiosity about the outside world.


So he said to Xiong and Feng beside him, "You wait here for a while, I'll buy some cantaloupe to taste."


Both Xiong and Feng smiled and nodded.


"Young master, let's go."


The two also know that the young master is curious about this world, so he is free to go.


Although the young master occasionally seems to be out of tune with this world, his cultivation is very good, so they can rest assured to buy a melon.


Baili Changqing walked to the stall and stood beside Su Ruoyi.


Then, he said to the vendor, "What's the price of this melon?"


The vendor was a man with a stubborn back. Seeing that Baili Changqing was dressed in extravagance, he quickly put on a smile and said, "How much do you want for ten cents a pound?"


Baili Changqing thought for a while and said, "Just come... three."




The vendor was about to pick melons when he heard Baili Changqing say again, "Hold on."


Then he looked at Su Ruoyi again, gave a folded fist salute, and said sincerely, "This girl, do you know how to look at melons? Can you help me pick a few?"


Qin Yuan was standing a dozen steps away, and when he saw this, he took a deep breath.


Good guy, this is where we started to strike up a conversation?


Master, this is a master!


With a sincere expression and no flaws, this technique is extremely old-fashioned, and he must be a veteran who has been walking around the world all year round!


second only to myself!


Su Ruoyi glanced at Baili Changqing unexpectedly. She knew that this person was with the person the A-character department was going to stare at. At that moment, she almost thought she was exposed.


But soon she calmed down and said, "Yes, yes, but first, I'm not very good at it."


Baili Changqing said again, "It's okay. My father used to say that people are unpredictable when walking in the rivers and lakes. I feel that letting the stall owner pick it will inevitably lead to self-promotion and boasting. It is better to let the girl pick with more confidence."


As soon as these words came out, the vendor rolled his eyes.


Su Ruoyi also looked embarrassed.


On the other hand, Qin Yuan frowned, thinking about what kind of routine this is. Is it appropriate to say this in front of the stall owner?


Also, when you are such an adult, you can't stop saying "My dad said it", wouldn't the girls be disgusted when they heard it?


Is it a strategy to deepen the girl's impression?


Or maybe she saw that Su Ruoyi was not an ordinary woman, so her sword was slanted?


What's so special, he actually used a routine that he couldn't understand, this world really crouching tiger, hidden dragon...


A master, really a master!


Thinking of this, Qin Yuan's blood pressure suddenly increased. After all, this fellow is now attacking his wife of the Empress.


Although he believed that the wife of the Empress was not that kind of person, but just letting others do it, where would he put his old face?


They are all people in the industry, so he can't go over and talk to others to let him retreat?


Su Ruoyi quickly helped Baili Changqing pick three melons and handed them over to the street vendor.


The vendor didn't say anything, just smiled, put the melons into the weighing pan, and started weighing them.

It's just that there are some very hidden movements in the hands.


Qin Yuan could see at a glance that he was sticking something under the weighing pan, but when he looked at Baili Changqing again, he found that he was indifferent.


Confused even more.


No, an old geese like him who walks the rivers and lakes can't see through this kind of trick?


Wait...get it!


Deliberately showing weakness, to create a pure and innocent son's character!


In addition, he is expecting Su Ruoyi to find out the problem. Once Su Ruoyi helps him recover the loss, he can take the opportunity to talk to her for a while, and even escalate to the point of inviting her to dinner!


The depth of the routine, the meticulousness of the mind... It is really chilling.


So terrifying!


Qin Yuan, who felt that he had met his opponent, immediately killed him.


Su Ruoyi was slightly startled by Qin Yuan's sudden appearance.


Naturally, she wouldn't say hello to Qin Yuan, and at the same time she quietly signaled Qin Yuan not to say hello to her.


Of course Qin Yuan would not greet her, but walked over to the street vendor.


At this time, the vendor had just finished weighing and said, "It's five jins and two taels in total, just give fifty-two pennies."


"Okay." Baili Changqing smiled slightly, and then took money into his arms.


At this time, Qin Yuan asked the vendor, "Are your melons ripe?"


The vendor was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile, "Young master said, you can see this melon I cut, taste it!"


Qin Yuan had a dark face and asked again, "I ask you to keep your familiarity?"


The vendor was not a vegetarian either, so when he saw something was wrong, his face darkened and he said, "Why, are you here to make trouble?"


Saying that, he picked up the melon-cutting knife in front of him.


Qin Yuan glanced at him disdainfully, then picked up the scale and turned it over, pointing to an iron lump that was still stuck on it and said, "Then is your scale accurate?"


Seeing that the little trick was exposed, the vendor immediately changed his face and said angrily, "Little bastard, this, this iron lump must have been put there by you. Are you trying to make trouble?"


Qin Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to the vendor, so he looked directly at Li Changqing, smiled slightly, and said, "This young man is really good-natured. Even though he used such a little trick, you don't bother to argue with him."


Don't pretend, who doesn't know who?


At this time, Baili Changqing looked at Qin Yuan with a bewildered expression, and asked, "This son, why did you say this?"


Huh, are you still pretending?


"He lied to you, but you didn't see it?"


"Why deceive?"


"Hey..." Qin Yuan took another breath.


Good guy, do you have to pretend to be so thorough?


Wait a minute, is he pretending or is he really stupid? Even he is a little unsure!


Su Ruoyi, who was on the side, was afraid that she would say this~www.readwn.com~ The two people she was looking at would take the opportunity to run away, so she quickly explained, "It's that he stuck an iron block under the weighing scale, and then the thing that was originally four pounds , you can weigh five kilograms, don’t you understand how simple it is?”


Baili Changqing suddenly realized, "So it is! There are such cunning people in this world!"


At this time, the street vendor was already angry and pointed at Qin Yuan with a melon-cutting knife, scolding, "You bastards, buy it or not, if you don't buy it, get out of here, don't delay Lao Tzu's business!"


Baili Changqing glanced at him, and a murderous intent suddenly shot out from his eyebrows.


The next second, I saw that the vendor flew out with a "bang", and flew a few feet away, and then fell to the ground, just with the back of his head touching the ground again, without even humming, lying on the spot. straight.


A stream of dark red blood slowly gushed out from the back of his head, and soon turned into a large patch.


It's definitely not going to help.




With a scream, the crowd was in chaos.


Qin Yuan and Su Ruoyi looked at each other, both of them were a little confused.


This...will kill someone?


Qin Yuan was even more stunned to the point that he didn't know the south, east, north and west.


What's so special, killing people at every turn in front of girls, what kind of new routine is this?


I can't fix it for Lao Tzu!

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