What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 226: Did he kidnap the young master?

Qin Yuan thought that this was a king, but he quickly realized that this might really be a heroic bronze.


No, bronze isn't, you're a fool at all!


You think, you came to Beijing to assassinate, should you hide it in a low-key manner before the assassination? How can you kill someone at every turn and take the initiative to invite the government to come to you?


Thinking about it this way, what he said before was simply a lack of emotional intelligence, so what kind of master is he?


But after thinking about it this way, Qin Yuan was overjoyed and immediately had an idea.


Abduct the fool away!


At this time, the street was already in chaos, and everyone fled.


Seeing this, Qin Yuan immediately grabbed Su Ruoyi with his left hand and Baili Changqing with his right hand, and said, "Brother, run quickly, or the government will come after us!"


Baili Changqing was dragged by Qin Yuan into a trot, but he still said inexplicably, "He is a bad guy, is it wrong for me to kill him?"


"It's a big mistake!" Qin Yuan said, "Although he deceived you, his crime is not worth death. If you kill him indiscriminately like this, the government will definitely punish you, and it is a serious crime!"


Baili Changqing frowned, thinking that the government is not afraid of punishing him, but he is afraid that he will be targeted by the government and make a big mistake.


Hey, I'm afraid I've made another mistake?


Fortunately, I met this kind son!


Then hurry up and run, there's nothing left or right anyway.


At this time, Su Ruoyi asked, "Then, why should I run?"


Well, she still has a task to monitor the two people at the entrance of the inn!


Qin Yuan said while running, "This girl, you are also one of the parties involved, if you don't run, the government will definitely arrest you for interrogation, if you dare to say you don't know, they will make you suffer first! "


Su Ruoyi thought to herself, how could such nonsense be justified by him?


But since this was the case, she could only follow.


Qin Yuan asked Su Ruoyi to run together, in fact, it was also for her to monitor the two men of "Li Changqing".


After all, as soon as Li Changqing ran with him, might his two subordinates not come?


When the time comes, how will Su Ruoyi and her A-character department monitor these two, do they also follow? Isn't that telling people clearly that someone is watching them?


Qin Yuan was afraid that the Jiazi Branch would make mistakes while busy, so he simply brought Su Ruoyi with him.


Speaking of them, Tie Shuanzi and Xiong Yishen stomped their legs in a hurry after they figured out that the young master killed someone. How could the young master kill someone so recklessly in the face of such a big event?


Really like a child!


But seeing the young master running in front of him with a young man, running happily, they were stunned again.


Children... the young master was kidnapped?


Catch up quickly.


When they got close, they were about to shout when they saw Baili Changqing look back at them with a very happy expression, and signaled that they didn't need to come over.


Hmm, because I find it interesting.


The life in seclusion is boring and boring, and the people he sees are nothing more than a few of his neighbors in the Yuquan Sect. Today, it is rare to meet a good friend outside the Yuquan Sect, and he is very happy.


Besides... this girl is really pretty, and he plans to turn around and ask her if she wants to go back with him and be his wife.


Speaking of which, he has also reached the age when he should marry, so it is not that he has no ideas in that regard.


It's just that he didn't like the introduction from his father. When he first saw this girl today, he felt astonished.


Well, he admitted that he had just asked the girl to help me look at the melon, but he had some careful thoughts, but... it was just that after the beginning, he didn't know how to continue the conversation.


Originally wanted to buy her two melons, and then directly asked her if she would like it, but his intuition told him that this seemed inappropriate.


But looking at this young master, he seemed to be very clever, and he brought the girl with him in a few words. I don't know if he is good at this, or he could ask him for advice in private.


If he is willing to help, he will definitely thank him, even if he gives him a high-quality exercise, it must be a great blessing for him.


Qin Yuan naturally didn't know what the **** the old boy was thinking, he was just looking for a suitable place.


Find a relatively closed space, and have a good chat with this fool to see if you can get some information out.


Of course, it's better to keep quiet. After all, judging from the shot just now, this fellow's cultivation seems to be very good. It's hard to believe that you can say that a pure fool can practice to this level.


Unless his father is Ouyang Feng.


However, this kind of place is really hard to find. After all, if you go to the inn, you have to show your identity letter. He has this thing, but when he shows it, he will come to "Occupation: Inner Court Eunuch", and then Su Ruoyi will come to "Occupation: Qingzheng Division Sixth Grade Colonel", the fool could see that something was wrong.


If you go to a restaurant, you have to have a separate private room to chat with each other. It seems that there is no such thing nearby.


Fortunately, he soon found a place.


Caoyue Tea House.


This is the secret den of the Holy Society, I visited last time.


As the left envoy of Suzaku Hall of the Holy Society, of course he has the right to temporarily requisition this place.


At this time, several yamen hurried past them, but these yamen all rushed to the accident site, and none of them found the murderer in front of them.


Qin Yuan took Su Ruoyi and Baili Changqing and swaggered into the Caoyue Tea House.


In the small front hall, there are three tables of guests, and only one guy is busy going back and forth.


The guy didn't recognize Qin Yuan, and when he saw the three, he hurried up and said, "Three, would you like some tea?"


Qin Yuan said, "If you don't drink tea, what about your shopkeeper?"


The man was taken aback, "Who are you?"


At this moment, a person came hurriedly from the back hall and hurriedly said, "Young Master Qin, what kind of wind is blowing you here? The shopkeeper is not here, and it's the same as if I had something to say."


Qin Yuan took a closer look and saw that this person was Senior Brother Zhao who he rescued last time, the one who used a large spoon to smash the head of a beautiful woman. I wonder if he used that spoon to cook?


So he said, "Alright, let's go to the back hall and talk."


Senior Brother Zhao nodded quickly, "Okay, okay!"


The three were ushered into the back hall.


When they got to the back hall, Qin Yuan said again, "The three of us have to stay here for a while. If there is an official or someone coming over, you must stay out of the way. It doesn't matter if you use money or anything, don't let them in anyway. Don't stop, you also amplify your voice to remind us."


The main purpose of what he said was to let Senior Brother Zhao block the two annoying spirits who were following behind him. If they came in, he would not be able to play well.


Brother Zhao didn't know what happened, but since the Zuo envoy had an order, he naturally obeyed.


"Okay, please do it yourself."


After speaking, he left the back hall.


The guy came up and asked quietly, "Who is that boy?"


Senior Brother Zhao said with a cold face, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, he's not something you can ask."


The guy shrank his neck. He knew that he was a high-ranking person in the club, but he couldn't believe it. How could he reach that position at such a young age?




The back hall, the hut.


It seemed that the broken bed in the hut that had swayed the sweat of Junior Brother Lin and Junior Sister had been replaced with a wooden bed.


There are exactly three chairs, one for each person.


"Thank you for this little brother."


Baili Changqing cupped Qin Yuan's hands, and then secretly glanced at Su Ruoyi.


This girl is really pretty! The face is beautiful, the hands are beautiful, and the posture is also beautiful!


Mother said ~www.readwn.com~ men should be eloquent and generous.


So, he began to say, "Li Changqing, a native of Hexi County, at home... I live in a wine shop at home, and I have quite a wealth of money, and my father is also quite famous in the local area. In the next forty... less than a few, he practiced since childhood, So far, I have achieved a little... I like to drink tea, never drink alcohol, and have no bad habits... I have never been married."


Qin Yuan and Su Ruoyi looked at each other.


Su Ruoyi: What is he going to do?


Qin Yuan: I seem to know something, this old thief...


After Baili Changqing introduced himself, he finally said, "I don't know this girl... and what is the name of this little brother?"


Qin Yuan held back his unhappiness, and bowed his hands with a smiling face, "Xiaqin Xiaobao, a native of Dingxian County, has practiced medicine for three generations in his family, and now he is studying in the capital, and doing some small business by the way... In his lower body, he is healthy, healthy, and his family is well-off, except for occasional occasions. Apart from drinking and gambling, he also has no bad hobbies... By the way, he is still unmarried."


After speaking, when I looked at this Li Changqing again, I saw him looking straight at Su Ruoyi.


Yes, old thief!


It's Su Ruoyi's turn.


Su Ruoyi found that both of them were looking at him with a smile, their eyes were very strange.


So she was confused.


Ah, now, do you need to report your home in such a detailed way?

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