Under the watchful eyes of the two, Su Ruoyi thought for a while, tried to follow their "format", and said, "My name is Su Xiaoyi, from Zhanghe County, my parents died, and I inherited a house in Beijing... My family is decent, and I have no bad hobbies... I'm not married, do you want to say it?"

Before Qin Yuan could speak, Baili Changqing said with a welcome and encouragement, "It's good that the girl is unmarried, but do you have a sweetheart?"


Su Ruoyi glanced at Qin Yuan subconsciously, and then quickly retracted her gaze... Then she shook her head calmly.

I slept with him, but it wasn't that kind, it wasn't, it wasn't.


Hey, why answer this question?

Looking at Qin Yuan again, but seeing that Qin Yuan was also looking at her, Su Ruoyi was startled and quickly looked out the window seriously.

He said to himself, "The weather is fine today, but it's a little hot."

There seemed to be a peach blush on his cheeks.

Seeing Su Ruoyi like this, Qin Yuan's heart was almost melted by her cuteness, so he couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Really?"

Su Ruoyi bit her lower lip lightly, and said quickly, "Nothing means nothing, what's real or fake?"

Baili Changqing became more and more happy when he heard this, and rubbed his hands subconsciously.

Then made a very "hidden" test.

"Girl, do you mind marrying far away? It's like saying, marrying... in a place as far away as Hexi County? Let's say, for example... I have a friend whose family is powerful and admired by everyone. In Hexi County, even the county governor has to give three points of courtesy, and there is only one son directly from him in the family. Although he is a little older, he is a very nice person and treats you very well. Would you like to?"

I am most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air.

After Su Ruoyi and Qin Yuan heard it, they silently took a step away from him, and then looked at him with question marks on their faces.

Why is this called "comparison"? This directly kills the analogy!

That friend, isn't it you?

Not only Qin Yuan heard it, but Su Ruoyi also heard it!

Su Ruoyi is so flustered, she was only ordered to perform official duties, how did she come to the scene of the matchmaking proposal in a trance?

Look at Qin Yuan, and look at Baili Changqing.

A husband who booked her next life, someone who is planning to book her this life...

Su Ruoyi was so angry that she almost prepared to draw her sword.

What is the reason, who do you think this girl is?

Fortunately, Qin Yuan saw the difference and hurried up to say, "Brother Changqing, the matter of your friend...Slow down for a while, aren't we escaping the pursuit of the officers and soldiers now, take care of what's important now."

Having said that, my heart is like a dog.

I thought my skin was thick enough, but I didn't expect that this fellow's skin was thicker than me... What the heck, I've seen a fool, but I've never seen such a thick-skinned fool.

But suddenly he remembered another question.

This guy claims that his family is powerful and powerful, and even the Hexi County Governor has to give three points politely. It doesn't seem right?

Hexi County guards are notoriously "hardliners" on the issue of Qingyun Pavilion. Although Qingyun Pavilion has not yet rebelled, there have been many conflicts with them before. ?

Is this Li Changqing not from Qingyun Pavilion?

Then who's son is he? He has so much energy in Hexi County?

Wait...Hexi County, there seems to be the Yuquan Sect, the number one sword sect in the world?

Yes, unless it is Yuquan Sect!

Yuquanzong is also in Hexi County. Although they are loyal to the court in name, they have been dealing with the court and Qingyun Pavilion over the years, claiming to be mediating peace between the two sides, but their attitude is very ambiguous, and they have never clearly stated that they want to help the court to destroy Qingyun Pavilion.

Therefore, in view of the importance of Yuquan Sect's power, the county governor must want to win over them, so it is possible to "come three points" to them.

Of course, none of the county governors of the Yuquan Sect would be courteous, so there must be someone in Li Changqing's home who is a high-ranking member of the Yuquan Sect...

If it doesn't work, could he be Baili Muyun's son?

Shouldn't be, Jianba Baili Muyun is such a hero, how could he train such a stupid son?

But thinking of this, Qin Yuan sighed again in his heart.

Anyway, if he is really a member of Yuquan Sect, doesn't that mean that Yuquan Sect has cooperated with Qingyun Pavilion and intends to rebel together?

The court is not very easy to get this one.

In fact, Qin Yuan has no position on whether to protect the emperor or rebel. After all, he has not been in this world since he came to this world. He has no original hatred for the court, and it is difficult to sympathize with the rebels.

It's just that most of his wives are from the court's side, so he naturally feels that he is safe and sound, and there is no rebellion.

What's more, he thinks that King Qing is a good person. If he is the prince of the country, or even the emperor, maybe he will be able to sweep away the accumulated abuses and rejuvenate the world?

Baili Changqing found that Su Ruoyi's expression was not right, and finally realized something vaguely.

At first he thought he was asking very cleverly.

In his assumption, if Miss Su is interested in that "friend", then when the time is right, he will reveal that the friend is actually himself, and his family background is more powerful than the description, and his father is the number one swordsman in the world. Li Muyun... Presumably, Miss Su will jump up with excitement~www.readwn.com~ By then, it will be a matter of course, and it will be a secret plan.

Unfortunately, Su Ruoyi's reaction hit him hard.

Just like many people on Blue Star, when facing the person they like, they will always do something that they think is very good, but after doing it, they find that it is very stupid.

Baili Changqing is like this now. After seeing Su Ruoyi's expression, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that his "trick" seems to be inappropriate.

Might be in a hurry!

Let's not mention Hexi County first, it is too far away, and girls will naturally be afraid when they hear that they are married far away.

Baili Changqing wanted to quickly regain a city, but he racked his brains for a long time and couldn't figure out how to restore it.

Fortunately, Qin Yuan broke the embarrassment at this time.

"By the way, what is Brother Li doing in Beijing this time?"

Baili Changqing hurriedly said according to the pre-determined rhetoric, "I don't have him, just to travel the capital and increase my knowledge."

"Oh, where are you going to visit?"

Baili Changqing was slightly startled, because he was not very familiar with the capital, so naturally he couldn't answer, so he couldn't say that he planned to go to the imperial palace for a stroll, right?

Qin Yuan said very understandingly, "Actually, there are still many places to visit in the capital. I can take you there when I have time. I am familiar with it."

Baili Changqing was overjoyed, and immediately said, "Excellent. Miss Su can also go with me. I have no friends in the capital, and you two are my friends."

Su Ruoyi didn't answer, just laughed.

She naturally knew that Xiao Qinzi invited him to tour the capital with other plans, but she was unwilling to cooperate - after all, it was obvious that with Xiao Qinzi's words, it was more than enough to deceive this Young Master Li, and she did not need to participate.

Baili Changqing felt that she agreed shyly and happily.

So he decided to take advantage of the victory!

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