What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 228: Friends, do you have a heart?

Baili Changqing immediately took out two black objects from the Nashi, one for Su Ruoyi and one for Qin Yuan.


"The first time we met, I didn't give you any gifts. I only have three pieces of meteorite iron in the sky. I will share it with you, each of you will have one piece. It can make all kinds of magical weapons. You should accept it."


Su Ruoyi and Qin Yuan were shocked.


Legend has it that a hundred years ago, in July of the nineteenth year of Xingtai, a meteorite fell from the sky in Hexi County.


Afterwards, there were rumors in the rivers and lakes that someone had a piece of meteorite from the sky that was half a zhang long and several feet wide. This meteorite iron could be used as a magic weapon.


Since then, countless experts have tried to find that person, and it is even said that even Qing Zhengsi has quietly sent someone to inquire, but this person, together with the meteorite, soon disappeared.


Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the meteorite cannot be hidden in the hands of ordinary people, because it cannot be hidden.


But this one can easily take out three yuan.


The two pieces in his hand, each of which is enough to make a long sword, just gave it away...


It can be seen that there must be many in his family.


So, combined with the Hexi County Governor, he would have to sell his family's face...


Qin Yuan had to suspect that he was the son of Jianba Baili Muyun.


Only Jianba is qualified to have so many meteorites, and no one dares to make up their minds.


I thought it was a big fish, but I never expected it to be such a big fish.


Originally, Qin Yuan wanted to find out some information first, and then, like other assassins, find someone to set up an ambush to arrest him.


But now I vaguely feel that the plan can be changed?


If he was caught by the imperial court, he would not benefit much. On the contrary, if Baili Muyun knew that he had betrayed him, then he would definitely hunt him down to the ends of the earth, and he would not be able to commit it.


From another point of view, if you can get in touch with him, then you will have an extra layer of security outside the palace, and you will be able to hear about the cooperation between Qingyun Pavilion and Yuquan Sect in the future, and the benefits will not be too big!


That's it!


He looked up at Baili Changqing again, but saw that he was looking at Su Ruoyi proudly.


Qin Yuan understood at once that the people who gave him the meteorite iron were just incidental, and it was true that he wanted to show his favor to Su Ruoyi.


But then again, he seems to have taken the right path this way?


Can't talk, can't pick up girls, just throw money at it... Who said it's not the way?


However, the wrong object was used.


Sure enough, after Su Ruoyi was shocked, she immediately said, "I don't want it, I won't get paid for no merit."


Baili Changqing suddenly showed a disappointed look, and hurriedly said, "Girl, maybe you don't practice cultivation, right? But you can sell this thing for a lot of money, so much that you can't spend it all in your life."


Su Ruoyi gave Baili Changqing an inexplicable look and said, "I can't spend all my money now, why do I need your money?"


"Girl... You really are indifferent to fame and fortune!" Baili Changqing liked it even more in his heart, then looked at Qin Yuan as if begging for help, and said, "Brother Qin, please take it away first. I just want to leave a memory for each of us. ."


But I saw Qin Yuan waved his hand and said with a righteous face, "No, I will not accept it either. Brother Changqing, I am very moved that you are willing to give me such a precious thing, but I have always made friends with Qin. Don't care about that."


Baili Changqing was completely surprised, because in Yuquan Sect, he had seen it with his own eyes. When his father rewarded someone with such a piece of meteorite, someone was so happy that someone wept bitterly.


Why were they born here, they don't want it anymore?


He couldn't help but ask, "Brother Qin, you are..."


Qin Yuan let out a long sigh, put his hands behind his back, turned his back to Baili Changqing, and looked at the blue sky outside the window.


Su Ruoyi found this pose so familiar...


He just heard Qin Yuan say lightly, "Brother Changqing, do you know that a thousand dollars can't buy love and righteousness? There was a man who betrayed me, but I gave him a thousand taels of silver backhand. Do you know why?"

Baili Changqing was taken aback and asked, "Why?"


"I will give a thousand taels to those who betray me, so a friend who is loyal to me is 10,000 taels, 100,000 taels, and one million taels in my heart!


So in my eyes, what does money mean? What is the treasure? Today you and I have the fate to gather here and talk to each other very happily. Then you are my friend of Qin. And true friends do not need money or treasures to prove! Brother Changqing, you underestimate me, and you underestimate this girl Su! "


Su Ruoyi was stunned when she heard these words.


Little Qinzi, start again.


Sure enough, although taking him as a sister, it still can't change him...


Although occasionally he is not very serious, but from the first time he saw the Zhengxian Demon Realm in the Ganxi Palace, from the Zhengxian Demon Realm to the present, at the critical moment, he has always been so upright, full of pride, and heavy on love and righteousness.


Why is it that you are increasingly unable to treat him as a sister?


Su Ruoyi felt that she was going to be bad, because ever since she watched him drunkenly recite poetry by the river, every time he did this, he seemed to have no resistance, and his heartbeat would definitely speed up slightly, why is this...


Here, Baili Changqing stared blankly at the upright Qin Yuan, and he was suddenly enlightened and enlightened!


Yes, not for fame and fortune, not too rich or poor, but to meet at the slightest, this is the real friend!


Brother Qin, he is really bold!


Thinking of this, Baili Changqing immediately felt ashamed and hurriedly saluted Qin Yuan and Su Ruoyi, "You two, it's abrupt!"


Qin Yuan smiled slightly, turned around, and gently supported Baili Changqing.


"Brother Changqing is serious! I don't mean to blame. Why don't we wait for the limelight to pass, let's find a place and have a few drinks?"


As he spoke, a warm light shone in his eyes.


Friends, do you want to make friends?


The kind that have no secrets from each other?


Baili Changqing had the heart to say yes, but when he thought about something tonight, he said again, "Brother Qin, I have some temporal affairs tonight, how about we tomorrow?"


Qin Yuan frowned, thinking to himself, are they doing something at night?


They just arrived in the capital, what are they going to do?


Good guy, you have to keep an eye on this, maybe you will get a big clue.


However, this guy has an old sword tyrant, and he is also a great master. It is a bit difficult to follow him, and if you want to put a paper man on him, it is easy for him to find out.


I have to think of a way~www.readwn.com~ However, for now, I still follow the original plan and continue to sublimate my relationship with him.


Don't know if those people are on the way?




Caoyue Tea House, lobby.


Tie Shuanzi and Xiong Yishen entered the lobby and drank tea for a while, and then felt a little uneasy in their hearts.


Although they knew that with the young master's cultivation, nothing would happen, but they were worried that with the young master's head, he might say something that shouldn't be said.


But the young master wouldn't let them follow, and the staff of the tea house stopped them from entering the back hall, so they couldn't do anything.


You can't kill them, can you?


However, Tie Shuizi carefully calculated and felt that the chances of the young master revealing secrets were not high.


After all, although he is not familiar with the world, he is by no means a fool. How could he tell outsiders about their plans?


Besides, those two people seem to be just ordinary people who met by chance. If it wasn't for the young master to kill, they wouldn't run with him, saying that they belonged to the court, unless that Zhou Juecheng had leaked the secret.


As for Zhou Juecheng's part, he had already done the calculations before entering the city, so there's no chance of any problems.


So the conclusion is: drink tea with peace of mind.


But it didn't take long for them to see a lot of yamen, and they started to search from house to house.

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