What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 229: Friends, you can't ruin my wife's job!

"There is a murder case in Dongcheng, and now the suspect is to be searched, so be honest with me!"


Soon, a bearded Chakuai broke into the tea house with two yamen and three forbidden soldiers.


In the land of the capital, at the feet of the emperor, there is a daytime murder case, and this kind of case must be done.


And because the capital is too big, the yamen alone can't find it, so it's normal for the Imperial Army to assist in the search.


Tie Shuanzi and Xiong Yishen couldn't help frowning. Although they disdained these people, it seemed that they had to take action. This would make things worse and worse, and it would be difficult for them not to attract the attention of officials.


This will naturally bring great inconvenience to subsequent actions.


When the tea house staff saw these wolves and tigers, they rushed up to fight haha.


"Hey, gentlemen, how can anyone commit crimes here! Look at this..."


"Go away, I'm going to search in the back hall! If you dare to be long-winded, I'll cut you down!" Hu Kuai, the bearded man, roared.


In the back hall, Qin Yuan and others had already heard the movement outside.


Baili Changqing smiled helplessly and said, "Brother Qin, it seems we have to run away again."


Qin Yuan sighed and said, "The outside is full of arrests and banned troops. Brother Changqing, you are new here, and you are not familiar with the place in your life. Where can you run?"


"It's okay, they won't be able to hold me anyway. Of course, I'll definitely keep you safe too. It's just... hey, it's more troublesome, I wouldn't have killed that fellow if I knew it earlier."


Baili Changqing really regrets it now. After all, he has no experience in the arena, and he knows that it will become more and more troublesome.


However, Qin Yuan waved his hand and said, "Forget it, don't be brave. You must know that this is the capital, but there are not only these soldiers, but also many great masters."


Saying that, he bowed his hands to Su Ruoyi and Baili Changqing again, and said, "Brother Changqing, Miss Su, I am fortunate to meet two Sansheng today. Compared to the three of us being caught, it is better for me to be caught alone. All right. Don't worry, I still have some connections in the capital, and at most I'll be able to come out after being locked up for a few days."


Baili Changqing suddenly widened his eyes, and said excitedly, "Brother Qin, no! I killed people, how can I let you suffer? What kind of person do you take me for?"


"Brother Changqing, if you take me as a close friend, you shouldn't say that!"


Qin Yuan said resolutely, "Since I said that I have something to do with my boss, I will definitely come out. Instead, you and I will go out together and make things worse. Have you ever thought that it will affect Miss Su? When the time comes, she will How can you stay in the capital, are you going to force her to Hexi County?"


Baili Changqing was stunned after hearing this, feeling that what Qin Yuan said made sense, and suddenly he didn't know what to do.


Qin Yuan quietly gave Su Ruoyi a look.


Su Ruoyi suddenly became confused again, not knowing where Qin Yuan sang.


She only knew that even if Qin Yuan was arrested, he would be fine. After all, he was a member of the Qingzheng Division. As long as he took out his pocket card and said he was handling the case, it would be fine.


Looking at Qin Yuan's meaning, it seems that he wants to say something together, but what should he say?


Do you want to help keep him together, or let him go out?


It's hard to guess what he's thinking!


Seeing that Su Ruoyi looked like wood, Qin Yuan couldn't help but sighed, thinking that if he was replaced by Concubine Min, he would definitely be able to guess what he was thinking.


At this time, of course, it is to retain, doesn't it seem that you are tragic and solemn?


"That, Qin... Young Master, don't be impulsive."


Su Ruoyi finally said something tentatively.


Qin Yuan cast an admiring look, it seemed that he could still be trained.


Immediately, Da Yi said awe-inspiringly, "It's okay, knowing the two of you, why bother with such trivial matters.


Baili Changqing gave Qin Yuan a stunned fist, and then said sternly, "Brother Qin, it's not that you're timid, it's really a last resort to keep Miss Su safe! I swear to God, if you are sentenced to beheaded, I will If you risk your life, you will be taken away from the execution ground, and if you violate your oath, you will die under the thunder!"

After all, I saw a lot of starlight emitting from the top of his head, which is called a dazzling light!


Qin Yuan all laughed, then laughed, returned a salute to Baili Changqing, and walked to the lobby.


When he came to the lobby, he immediately said, "The murderer Qin Xiaobao is here, come and arrest me!"


When a few yamen heard this, they rushed up like a wolf and tied Qin Yuan firmly.


Both Tie Shuanzi and Xiong Yishen looked at this scene with puzzled expressions, wondering how this young man came to recognize him?


But that's good, the young master can get away.


Could it be that in order to avoid trouble, the young master spent money to ask him to take the blame?


The two of them looked at each other immediately, with incomparable relief in their eyes.


The young master is not stupid, to have such a scheming!


Here, when Senior Brother Zhao saw Qin Yuan being captured, his expression changed immediately. He was about to come up to speak, but was glared at him and motioned him to step back.


What did Fei say? He used the sound transmission stone to notify Zhong Zaicheng, and Zhong Zaicheng informed Jing Zhaoyin to call them.


Since the last accident, Zhong Zaicheng was afraid that Qin Yuan would encounter any danger when he turned back, so he gave him a sound transmission stone so that he could come to him whenever he needed something.


How should I put it, with Zhong Zaicheng's cultivation, within the capital, if he hadn't undressed and slept at night, as long as Qin Yuan used the sound transmission stone, he would definitely be able to arrive within eight breaths.


If it is close, it will naturally be faster.


That is to say, Qin Yuan now has an additional skill, called "Summon Lao Zhangren".


With this skill alone, plus the nine-door admiral and the commander of the Imperial Guard, he can now walk sideways in the capital without any problem.


Of course, this kind of thing doesn't require my father-in-law to show up today, as long as he helps himself get some people to come over and play a show.


Qin Yuan was captured so "heroically".


Su Ruoyi also understood his intentions a little now, and immediately said with a worried look, "Young Master Qin is really a good man who values ​​love and righteousness. I wonder if he will be in trouble?"


Originally, she wanted to cry like a little girl, but she was really not sad, she couldn't act at all, so she had to perfunctory.


But even if he was perfunctory, in Baili Changqing's ears, he was attacking his heart.


Miss Su said that Young Master Qin values ​​love and righteousness~www.readwn.com~ Does that mean she is cowardly and timid?


So I quickly said, "Miss Su, don't worry, I will send someone to inquire about Brother Qin's news, if he is really in trouble, I will definitely go to jail and rescue him! I didn't take action with that official today, just to protect you. Comprehensive, not timid!"


Su Ruoyi looked at Baili Shaoqing tiredly, thinking who told you that?


However, I wonder if Xiao Qinzi has a waist card on him?


If you don't bring it, I'm afraid you will suffer from flesh and blood.


No, I have to go back to the Qingzheng Division in a while, and ask the big stall to send someone to Jing Zhaoyin to inform him.




On the way to Jingzhao Mansion, Qin Yuan has been able to collect starlight sporadically.


Of course Xingguang doesn't belong to Su Ruoyi, because she knows that she will be fine, she is just acting.


That is to say, this hero Li Changqing has been thanking himself from the bottom of his heart.


Qin Yuan is still very satisfied with this wave of operations.


Well, I have enough good feelings. It's time to go and see what they have done at night.


How should I put it, everyone's friends are friends, but it's a pit... ah, no, there's nothing you can do about it.


After all, you are smashing the jobs of several of my wives. If you don't cheat on you, how can you eat soft rice if your wife's job is gone?

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