What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 232: sword temple underground palace

Under normal circumstances, Muyuan can travel 8,000 miles a day.


However, Qin Yuan used the skeleton of the angelfish, instead of the originally designated 1st-grade monster skeleton, as the main material for the internal gears and other components of the wooden kite.


Unexpectedly, this change directly increased Mu Yuan's speed by 50%, reaching 12,000 miles a day.


The key point is that this is just the righteousness of the fourth-grade master who "burned". If he waits for him to become a great master, his speed will definitely be improved even more.


If the fairy fish bone can improve the speed of Mu Yuan, then Qin Yuan has reason to believe that it can also improve the fighting power of Mu Yuan.


I have to say, this angelfish is full of treasures.


In addition to its bones, its flesh with immortal energy, its solid fish scales, and even its fish eyes are all rare treasures in the world. If you use it to make organs, you will definitely get all kinds of extra benefits.


Thinking about it this way, Qin Yuan felt that it was really interesting to be infatuated with the Master at the beginning. He just didn't rob him of something so valuable.


By the way, Venerable Infatuation didn't talk to him about his senior sister later. Maybe it was because he was embarrassed, so he should take the initiative to take care of him when he looked back... Caring for the emotional needs of the elderly starts with you and me.


In order not to attract attention, flying kites fly close to the ground.


In the blink of an eye, he arrived at a place one mile away from the Jin Mansion. At this time, the three of Baili Changqing entered, but it took only a few breaths.


The Jinfu compound was overgrown with weeds, but the buildings inside were all intact, but the house was a mess, and the valuable furnishings had long since disappeared.


Obviously, it was another poor Beijing official whose home had been raided.


After Baili Changqing, Xiong Yishen, and Tie Shunzi entered the yard, they were about to enter the house to find someone, but only heard Tie Shunzi say, "Young master, wait."


As he said that, with a wave of his sleeves, he summoned his great master Yijian. After a flash of golden sword light, the Yijian was divided into seven, and the seven swords were centered on the main house in front of him. The walls of the courtyard were inserted into the soil one by one, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Sword formation.


"This Seven Absolute Heavenly Profound Sword Formation was personally taught to me by the Sect Master," Tie Shuanzi smiled slightly, "With them here, let alone all kinds of ingenuity of snooping, even if it is a first-rank Grandmaster, it is impossible to break in silently. "


Baili Changqing nodded immediately and said sincerely, "Brother Feng is really smart, I admire him."


At this time, I saw Xiong Yishen also chuckling, and then he also summoned the Sword of Intention, and set up a sword formation around the main house.


He said again, "A certain set up another sword formation, echoing inside and outside of Brother Feng's sword formation, and the person who kept it for the inquisitors has come and gone."


Baili Changqing smiled again and said, "Brother Xiong is a good way. Then... let me add another icing on the cake."


As he said that, he waved his hand, and there was an abacus in his hand, and then another song was tapped on the abacus, and the abacus suddenly flew out, like a fluorescent gem, silently sprinkled on the abacus. yard.


When Xiong Yishen and Tie Shuanzi saw this, their pupils shrank slightly.


That is the Myriad Tribulations Flame Orb, the magic weapon of the low-grade earth... It can be turned into an ordinary stone when it falls on the ground. If it is stepped on by someone, it will explode and burn the opponent, not to mention the third-grade grandmaster, it is the second-grade grandmaster. It also needs to be injured.


Except for Baili Muyun's son, few people in the world could have such a powerful magic weapon.


Xiong Yishen immediately said, "Young master is a good way! In this way, even if the old man Fan of the Qingzheng Division comes, there is nothing to be afraid of."


The three of them laughed, and then walked into the main house with confident steps.


In the main house, someone had been waiting for them for a long time. When he saw them, he immediately bowed and bowed so much that he almost knocked his head on the ground.




In order to prevent being discovered by the three, Qin Yuan took Mu Yuan when he was a mile away from the Jin Mansion, and then Li Duan immediately ran away.

Five layers of hidden guard, three times the movement speed!


For a distance of one mile, if he doesn't need to hide, according to the time on the Blue Star, he only needs to run for about ten seconds, and after using the hide, he only needs a little more than three seconds.


He can afford to waste three seconds. After all, he can take a deep breath now and can hold it for at least three minutes, which means that his "one breath" lasts three minutes.


And the five layers of concealment can be invisible for five breaths.


In other words, he can be invisible for a full quarter of an hour, which is quite long.


How long is it?


Let's put it this way, if it's on Blue Star, if it's on time, give him a quarter of an hour and he'll be able to do everything he needs to do, including smoking an after-event cigarette and simply taking a cold shower.


Of course, it's not enough in this world... Although I haven't tried it, Qin Yuan has this hunch. After all, he is a big brother cultivated with immortal energy.


Closer to home, Qin Yuan, who was in a state of recluse, turned into nothingness and kept going forward.


Phew... through the wall!


Hey, when I was wearing it just now, there seemed to be a flash of gold in front of my eyes. Does it even have special effects?


At this time, if Xiong Yishen's sword formation was conscious, it would have thought: Hey, did something swish just now? Ready to activate the sword formation... Wait, what's the goal? Well, it's dazzling...go to sleep.


After entering the overgrown yard, Qin Yuan suddenly felt like there was something under his feet?


No, it's a little prickly?


After using Hidden Guard, the incarnation of nothingness seems to be more sensitive to the surrounding...


Forget it, you must have stepped on a rock, the business is important.


Myriad Tribulations Flame Orb: ? ? ?


The main house was in front of him, Qin Yuan rushed up with one step, and then continued to pass through the wall.


Wait, why is the golden light flashing again, does it really have special effects through the wall?


No, why didn't you notice it when you practiced before?


Xiong Yishen's sword formation: ? ? ?


Qin Yuan entered the main house like this, and then saw the three "Li Changqing" meeting a middle-aged man.


In order not to disturb others' conversation~www.readwn.com~ Qin Yuan squatted on the side and looked at him with a smile.


The middle-aged man said flatteringly, "By the way, I have admired the sect master of your sect for a long time. I hope that one day I will be able to see the heroic appearance of the number one sword in the world, and I will ask the three of you to convey it on your behalf, hehe."


Baili Changqing nodded and said, "It's not difficult, as long as you do things for us well, he will naturally satisfy this little wish."


The middle-aged man was overjoyed and quickly said to him, "Thank you, thank you so much... I dare to ask this young master, what do you call him? Who is in the office of Yuquan Sect?"


Xiong Yi said with a deep smile, "It's okay to tell you, this is our young master Baili Changqing, the only son of the sect master. When you meet him, it is equivalent to seeing half of the sect master!"


The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then said more and more excitedly, "It turns out that the young master is here in person, here, here... I'm disrespectful!"


Although Qin Yuan was mentally prepared, he was still slightly startled, thinking that this is really Baili Muyun's own son?


It turned out that his real name was Baili Changqing.


Big fish, what a big fish!


Baili Changqing smiled slightly and said again, "It's okay, Mr. Han, did you bring anything?"


The middle-aged man quickly took out a piece of paper and said, "Young Master, please take a look, this is the map of the underground palace of the Sword Temple."


After Qin Yuan heard this, his pupils shrank slightly.

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