It is rumored that the Sword Immortal's big secret is hidden in the underground palace of the Sword Temple, but it has never been found, and it found by such an inconspicuous guy?


Is it reliable?


Although he thought so in his heart, seeing Baili Changqing open the blueprint, he approached curiously.


Standing behind Baili Changqing, he watched carefully.


At this moment, Baili Changqing suddenly turned his head and glanced back.


Qin Yuan was caught off guard and glanced at him.


Immediately, he felt a thump in his heart, thinking that he wouldn't find out, right?


But I saw Baili Changqing frowned and said to himself, "Why do I always feel that there is someone behind me?"


When Xiong Yishen and Feng Sanqing heard the words, they both glanced at him inexplicably.


Feng Sanqing calculated as usual, and said, "Young Master, this is your first experience, and it's a very important matter. Thinking about it, you're a little anxious, and it's normal to have doubts."


Baili Changqing shook his head and said again, "No... It doesn't seem to be because of anxiety."


Qin Yuan looked at Baili Changqing with a dog's eyes, thinking that this guy didn't sense him, did he?


I wipe, what kind of cultivation does he have?


So he hurriedly tried to take a few steps back and squatted in the corner.


At this moment, Xiong Yishen suddenly stretched out his hands to hold the middle-aged man's head, and then turned it slightly, making it turn one hundred and eighty degrees.


He asked again, "Young Master, isn't this more comfortable?"


Baili Changqing watched the man quietly fall down in a strange posture, and felt it carefully, and finally nodded, "Now, it seems to be much better."


Tie Shuanzi Feng Sanqing laughed and finally came to a conclusion again.


"This shows that in the heart of the young master, he is still afraid that he will leak the rumors, and in the end, he is still a little anxious. Of course, anxiety is also cautious. I will only achieve great things when I have the cautious attitude of the young master. , wise!"


When Xiong Yi heard this, he quickly followed, "Young master is wise!"


Baili Changqing felt that what Feng Sanqing said was very reasonable. Let me ask the entire Yuquan Sect, who does not know that he is wise?


So he said to Feng Sanqing again, "I can't think that Brother Feng is not only good at planning, but also understands the art of people's hearts. He really deserves to be an 'iron operator', and I admire him."


Qin Yuan, who was squatting in the corner, was worried at first, but he was relieved when he heard this.


Well, brother Baili Changqing is so "wise", and he has the help of these two young dragons and phoenixes... I think I will definitely be able to achieve my Qin Yuan's career.


However, what excites him the most is that now the last link is finished!


Yuquan Sect and Qingyun Pavilion joined forces with King Yu to do things on the fifteenth day of June. It turned out that they each got what they needed!


Sword Temple underground palace... Baijia Academy... Chaolan Palace, it seems that they can be connected now.


At this time, Qin Yuan only spent two and a half breaths, so he continued to listen, hoping to get more clues.


However, he always kept a distance of about ten feet away from Baili Changqing.


After putting away the drawings, Baili Changqing sighed again, and said, "Second Brother Xiong, although this person has a bad character, but it seems that his crime will not kill him. Is it wrong for us to kill him like this? "


Xiong Yi stared blankly at Baili Changqing with a puzzled expression on his face.


He asked, "Young Master, if we don't kill him, what if he leaks the news? Besides, you also said that he was cheating and betrayed the court and King Qing after taking a little favor from us. Is this kind of person? Improperly killed?"


Baili Changqing pondered, "However, Miss Su said that practitioners should not kill indiscriminately. Just like the melon dealer I killed today, it seems to be inappropriate."

Xiong Yishen's eyes widened, "Young Master, did you fall in love with that girl?"


Baili Changqing actually blushed slightly, and then said, "No, no. But, for example, I fell in love with her, how should I pursue her?"


"Ah, this..." Xiong Yi touched the heart of Nursing deeply, and was speechless for a while.


Obviously, this homework is too profound for him.


So Baili Changqing cast his hopeful eyes on Feng Sanqing.


Qin Yuan also looked at him, thinking that if this "iron operator" can really come up with a decent idea, then he will be the first to turn around and be him!


Feng Sanqing suddenly took out a feather fan, and while shaking it gently, he frowned in thought.


Soon, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


He said, "Young Master, what's so difficult about this? All beautiful women like heroes. Otherwise... Next time I and Brother Xiong will pretend to be a bad person to insult her, Young Master, if you rescue her again from the sky, how could she be? Aren't you grateful?"


When Baili Changqing heard this, he frowned and said, "So...isn't that a case of cheating, like a villain?"


"Is this... important?"


"Nature is important!"


"Then let your subordinate think about it."


Xiong Yishen immediately answered, "Why do you have to work so hard? Just ask her if she wants to go to Hexi. If she doesn't want to, I'll break her leg and push her in a wheelchair!"


Baili Changqing's face was black, "Brother Xiong, that's the person I love deeply, you want to break her leg?"


However, Feng Sanqing continued, "My subordinates thought that this was a good idea. Brother Xiong broke her leg first, so that no one would dare to marry her. Just when she was desperate, young master, you suddenly became like a The light descended upon her like a light, and then took care of her...


Don't worry, Young Master, our Yuquan Sect has a way to restore her legs to normal. In this way, the day when she can stand up again will be the day when she is so grateful. At that time, she has no choice but to promise her! Moreover, the two of you have been in love for a long time at this time, and this love is not at all false! "


When Qin Yuan heard, he was too stunned to speak.


How should I put it, Feng Sanqing completely refreshed his understanding of "strategists".


You say what he said is ridiculous, that's really ridiculous. But if you want to say that his idea is useless... that's really underestimating others.


According to Feng Sanqing's plan, Qin Yuan was almost certain that ordinary women would not be able to resist.


You think, you were originally sought after by thousands of people, but suddenly one day your legs were paralyzed and unable to walk. Since then, those who used to pursue you have left you one after another, and you are suffering in loneliness and pain every day, until a man smiles and greets you. Warmth appears.


He takes care of you every day, loves you, doesn't despise you, tolerates your petty temper, your low self-esteem... Until one day, he completely cured you.


The point is, that person is not bad looking, the family is rich, powerful, and has a father who is number one in the world... Let's just say, which girl wouldn't be tempted?


I can't stay any longer, I can't go back if I stay.


Qin Yuan ran out of the yard quickly and ran directly to Su Ruoyi's house.


There was only one thought in his mind at the moment.


That Feng Sanqing is poisonous and can't be kept!


Also, my wife's legs must be protected no matter what.


In the can almost figure out how to solve this situation so that you can get rich overnight.

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