What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 138: Thousands Of Snakes Devour Souls, People From The Heavenly Ghost Sect Come

This unreasonable phenomenon made him think that his perception was wrong, so he checked again and found that this kid had really reached Foundation Building perfection.

Half a day ago, the other party was Foundation Building Late Stage.

"Hell, what did this kid eat? He was still able to break through under suppression."

The old ghost in blood-clothed clothes had a look of disbelief on his face. He walked back to the Cave Mansion with a cold face, staring at a bloody vortex in the center with a gloomy expression on his face.

He threw the fainted wild boar aside and sneered: "I guess there is something good in him, bring it to you!"

After a little pinching, the blood all over Song Shi's body squirmed, transforming into dense blood snakes that wrapped around Song Shi's storage bag and storage ring.

Song Shi's Yuan Power vibrated and shattered the blood snake. With a thought, he took out all the elixirs and stuffed them directly into his mouth.

"I still can't believe that I can't even get a thing from you."

The old ghost in blood clothes was angry. He was just a turtle in a jar, but he was still so arrogant.

He personally went out to fight Song Shi, and with the help of the formation, it took him a long time to strip Song Shi naked.

Song Shi was trapped in the river of blood with a black face, and he was completely naked. The old ghost in blood clothes took away all his clothes, and he was particularly ashamed now.

"Hehe, young people have good skills. Your physique makes me drool a little. When I take your body, I must harm those fairies and witches."

The old ghost in blood clothes smiled: "You have a few confidantes now. Tell them and I will help you take good care of them in the future."

He deliberately emphasized the word "care" with a lustful smile, which made Song Shi want to smash this guy's face.

Song Shi snorted impatiently: "If you want to seize the body, hurry up, don't wait too long!"

"Hey, are you still anxious to die so that you can turn into a pig?"

The blood-clothed old ghost joked: "Don't worry, the risk of seizing your body is not small. I think you have a strong spirit. Since I have the conditions, what if I don't weaken you a little?"

Song Shi looked at the old ghost in blood coldly. If he activates the power of Han Bao's contract now, he has a chance to escape.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to kill this guy. You still have to wait for the other party to seize the body and destroy his soul directly.

He wanted to close his eyes, ignore it, and continue his practice.

In this extreme state, he found that he improved quickly and touched some secret realms that were unreachable under normal conditions.

For example, the energy and spirit of his whole body gradually merged into one, no longer scattered as before, and the ten energy cores turned into one core.

And this core is more powerful than the ten cores.

"I hope you can still be tough-talking in a few days."

The old ghost in blood clothes waved his hand, and the river of blood flooded Song Shi, continuously consuming his power, wearing down his spirit, and making Song Shi weak.

No matter how deep Song Shi's foundation is, his condition will have to deteriorate without external power to supplement him.

Three days later, Song Shi's Yuanli was exhausted and could not stop the power of the blood river. His whole body was invaded by the evil power of the blood river.

However, the blood-clothed old ghost did not transform his flesh and blood. After all, this was the target of his death. It only polluted his essence and spirit with evil energy, which was equivalent to a kind of transformation.

Seeing that Song Shi couldn't stop him, the old ghost in blood clothes appeared with a knife in his hand.

These knives are all blood red, and the handles look like venomous snake heads. They open their mouths and reveal their poisonous fangs, ready to bite people.

"It's almost time, it's time to seize the body!"

He looked at Song Shi's weak state with satisfaction. He flicked his fingers and shot out blood knives one by one. There were eighteen blades in total, and they were successfully inserted into Song Shi's limbs, abdomen, eyebrows and other acupuncture points.

The old ghost in blood-clothed made a seal, and the snake mouth on the handle of the knife formed a devouring force, absorbing the cold blood light from the surrounding blood river and injecting it into Song Shi's body. Suddenly, small blood-colored snakes scurried around Song Shi's body.


The suppressed Song Shi showed a look of pain. He felt like venomous snakes were biting his body, and even his soul was being torn apart by blood snakes.

"How about it, how does it feel to have these ten thousand snakes devouring souls?"

The blood-clothed old ghost asked with a smile, "When your soul is weakened to the point of collapse, I can swallow it in one bite. Taking your body will be as easy as eating and drinking."

"You think beautifully!"

Song Shi sneered, the more the blood-clothed old ghost did this, the more he wanted to kill him.

"Sure enough, the hardest thing about you is your mouth."

The blood-clothed old ghost shook his head, "Forget it, I will treat you as if you were tortured to the point of insanity."

He formed a seal with his hands, and with a hissing sound, dense blood snakes emerged, biting Song Shi crazily.

"Taiyin Ningshen!"

Song Shi gritted his teeth and could only visualize Taiyin crazily, gather his energy, and hold on for as long as possible.

He could feel that as these blood snakes devoured his spirit, although the total amount of his spirit was declining, the quality was constantly improving.

"Humph, you still have some skills. I am also interested in your method of spiritual cultivation!"

Seeing that Song Shi could survive being bitten by thousands of snakes without breaking down mentally, the old ghost in blood became more and more fearful and determined to seize this person.

Just then, there was a sound outside.

"I don't know if the old man in blood clothes is here. Lu Youyou of the Heavenly Ghost Sect pays his respects."

A very ethereal and distant girl's voice came in, making the old ghost in blood frown: "What is this girl doing here?"

During the period after his resurrection, he also had a special understanding of the current situation in the Daqian cultivation world. Naturally, he paid attention to such a talented girl who was a descendant of a great monk.

"Brother in Blood Clothes should be here. I heard from some people that he captured a Foundation Building monk and a pig specifically."

Another old voice appeared, shocking Song Shi, who was already a little confused.

If the girl's voice just felt a little familiar, the old man's voice made him remember it deeply.

After all, this was the person who had killed him before, and it was at the soul level.

"Old Nightmare!"

Song Shi was surprised and regained some clarity. He also recognized the girl's voice outside. She was the woman who was sitting in the big boat in the sky and deliberately smashed the hornet's nest to tease him.

"Nightmare, you and I have never been in contact with each other, and the Heavenly Ghost Sect and my Blood Transformation Sect have no connection, so why are you looking for me?"

The old ghost in blood clothes turned his head and looked coldly outside. In front of him, blood squirmed, and the scene outside appeared.

A girl in black clothes is floating on the river. Her face is delicate and perfect, with a cold air, like a Rakshasa in hell or a dark elf.

Next to her was an old man in sackcloth who looked like a fisherman. He was the old man in nightmare who once fished for souls.

"Senior Xueyi, my father thinks you are very good and hopes to invite you to the sect."

Lu Youyou's direct invitation didn't seem too polite. In fact, with her status and talent, she didn't need to be too polite.

"No time!"

The old ghost in blood clothes snorted: "I, Xue, have always been a loner and have no interest in joining your Heavenly Ghost Sect."

"Brother Xueyi, don't refuse in a hurry. The sect leader invites you to give you a chance of Infant Formation. Moreover, your Cave Mansion is right in front of Daqian's watchdog. If we don't help to involve you, do you think you can still do whatever you want here? ?”

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