What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 138 You Are Finally Here

The expression of the blood-clothed old ghost changed. Originally, he was going to secretly act to deceive people, use the essence and blood of living beings to refine Spiritual Treasure, and take advantage of the chaos to rise up.

Now that someone has pointed it out, I guess I can't fish in troubled waters.

He knows the character of these guys, and for this reason, their attitude is already obvious.

"Hmph, old ghost in blood clothes, your Blood Transformation Sect has been destroyed a long time ago. Now that troubled times are coming, if you don't join a force, do you want to rely on your own Infant Formation?"

Before the old ghost in blood could reply, Lu Youyou looked impatient: "My father allows us to invite you, which is enough to give you face. I don't believe that a scheming person like you can't understand this."

"The little girl is really sharp-tongued. If your father hadn't been the Nascent Soul True Monarch, a little Foundation Building would have dared to stand in front of me, hehe!"

The old ghost in blood clothes looked at Lu Youyou secretly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Just you?"

Lu Youyou's eyes were mocking, "If you don't talk about my father, I won't be afraid of you now!"

She looked proud. The Nine Nether Divine Body was one of the best in the world. It had a solid foundation and profound knowledge. Even though it was the Foundation Building Stage, Gold Core was not afraid at all.

"Miss, there's no need to get angry with him, let's get down to business."

The old man in nightmare coughed and stopped Lu Youyou from provoking the old ghost in blood.

In his opinion, although the young lady is extremely talented and has a powerful physique like Nine Nether Divine Body, she is still too young after all. It is not a small trouble to be cared about by an old guy like the old ghost in blood.

"You tell me."

Lu Youyou folded her hands and was too lazy to speak again.

"Brother in blood, you don't have many opportunities, so please cherish them."

Old Man Nightmare had a point: "This world is no longer what you used to be. In troubled times, even if you restore your Gold Core cultivation, you will still be in danger of your life at any time."

"Hmph, I know, but I'm not free now. Either you wait for me for two days, or you can leave."

The old ghost in blood clothes left a word and then there was no movement.

"Grandpa Meng, look, this person just doesn't know what's good and what's good!"

Lu Youyou is charming and savage.

"Don't worry, miss. We have nothing to do anyway. We will wait for him for two days and then take him back to recover. The sect master will definitely praise you for your ability to do things, miss."

Nightmare is very familiar with Lu Youyou's character, and his impatience will dissipate with just one sentence, and he is willing to wait.

"Okay, I really don't know why dad has to recruit this old ghost."

Lu Youyou muttered.

"The old ghost in blood clothes was one step away from Infant Formation. If he hadn't been attacked by the Golden Light Perfected Being, he might have become the Nascent Soul True Monarch and rebuilt the Blood Transformation Sect."

The old man in Nightmare explained the reason: "Furthermore, the Blood Transformation Technique practiced by this person is comparable to the Ghost Spirit Sutra of our Heavenly Ghost Sect, especially since the other party has inherited the Blood Transformation Sect's core method of blood rebirth. This is a great Divine Ability. , the sect master is quite greedy."

"Oh, since he is so powerful, he was seriously injured by a sneak attack and took five hundred years to recover. I don't think it's more than that."

Lu Youyou countered with just one sentence, leaving Old Nightmare to smile bitterly: "Miss, this person had been running rampant for hundreds of years before something happened. How could he not have the ability?"

"Okay, I know, just wait here while I go to Fairview City."

Lu Youyou has a high self-esteem. Even if the old ghost in blood is considered a famous figure, he is still looked down upon every day. He puts his foot down, steps into the air, and disappears into the distance.

The old man in Nightmare could only shake his head helplessly. This young lady was spoiled, a bit unruly and willful, and had too arrogant personality.

He reminded: "Miss, please be careful. There are not only great masters in the city, but also monsters. It's a mixed bag."

"Tch, at most I'll meet Gold Core. How can those Nascent Soul old monsters still come out to bully a junior like me?"

Lu Youyou didn't take it seriously and had already appeared at the city gate.

"The sect leader has protected the young lady very well. I hope she won't encounter any big obstacles."

The old man with nightmares looked worried.

He didn't follow her anymore. This time when he came out, the sect master told him that there was no need to follow the young lady all the time, and that he should give the young lady more opportunities to exercise.

He withdrew his gaze and fell on the Cave Mansion of the old ghost in blood. He showed fear: "This old ghost was tricked and killed by the entire Vajra Sect back then, but he didn't even die. His vitality is really tenacious, and his lifespan is..." 33 novels net

"It has far exceeded the lifespan limit of the Gold Core. The blood secret technique is really tenacious! People in my sect who have reached the end of their lifespan can only turn to ghost cultivation."

Thinking of this, a gray light flashed in his eyes, "This old ghost doesn't see visitors behind closed doors. I'll use my nightmare magic power to peek at what he's doing. I hope I can get a glimpse of the secret art of blood. If he betrays me in the future, I can do something." Prepare."

With an idea, wisps of gray air appeared from under his feet and merged into the void.

He is very good at spiritual means with his Nightmare Demonic Skills, can easily control people's hearts, and is also very powerful in detection.

The Cave Mansion formation of the blood-clothed old ghost did not completely block the exploration. The nightmare old man's thoughts invaded little by little, and finally came inside.

He found a young man trapped in a river of blood inside. He was naked, with bloody knives stuck in his body, and an old ghost in blood clothes was carving formations.

This scene made the old nightmare man stunned for a moment, and he immediately recognized what he was doing.

Seize the house!

The old ghost in blood suddenly turned around and sneered: "You haven't mastered your nightmare skills yet, so don't waste your time!"

Two rays of blood shot out from his eyes, shattering the wisps of gray mist on the opposite side. Then he sealed the spell, and the power of the formation became stronger, completely sealing off the surrounding area.

"This old ghost can actually find me!"

The nightmare old man outside became more and more fearful.

The old ghost in blood clothes looked back at Song Shi and smiled evilly: "After taking your body, I will go and sleep with the Nine Nether Divine Body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a bloody soul rushed out from his Tianling Gai, like a poisonous snake burrowing into Song Shi's head and coming into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Song Shi's mental energy was severely exhausted at this moment, and his soul seemed very weak. As soon as the soul of the old ghost in blood came in, the boundless blood cloud rolled, causing turmoil in the spiritual world.

The spiritual world shook. The old ghost in blood was like a giant, laughing wildly. He looked at the spiritual space for a few times and saw a star floating above Song Shi's head, which looked very illusory.

"Boy, is this the vision created by your spiritual kung fu? It looks pretty good."

The old ghost in blood-clothed clothes took out a big bloody hand and crushed the stars into pieces with a click.

Song Shi's soul suddenly became weaker. He looked at the old ghost in blood calmly: "You are finally here, it's time to end!"

"Life is worse than death. Do you want to die early?"

The old ghost in blood misunderstood Song Shi's meaning and strode over: "Then I will help you!"

The next moment, he opened his mouth wide and expanded it an exaggerated hundred times, and the huge bloody mouth swallowed Song Shi directly.

"Taiyin takes shape!"

Although Song Shi wanted to die early, he didn't want to sit still and wait for death. When he was swallowed, his whole body turned into a lunar star and directly filled the mouth of the old ghost in blood. He looked like a monster after eating too much.

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