What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 139 Eight Lifetimes Of Bad Luck

"You can still struggle now. I have to say that you have a strong will!"

The blood-clothed old ghost choked out a sentence from the gap in his mouth, and his whole body turned into a blood snake. Corrosive power appeared in his mouth, and he began to digest Song Shi, a special food.

At the same time, the blood knife on Song Shi's body glowed, and small blood-colored snakes penetrated into his sea of ​​​​consciousness and merged into the blood snakes transformed by the old ghost in blood clothes, and soon exceeded a hundred feet in size.

It looks like a giant python swallowing stars in its mouth!

With the help of external forces, the condition of the old ghost in blood is getting better and better, but Song Shi was already weak and now has basically no power to resist.

The stars he transformed continued to shrink, and finally cracks appeared. The last resistance collapsed, and his soul was swallowed by the blood snake.

The blood snake's eyes were bright, and it hovered in the spiritual world, landed in the spiritual world, and said with a smile: "Next, digest the soul, inherit your memory, and put your incomplete true spirit into the wild boar. That's it."

"You were taken away from your body and died, your spirit +100!"

"You draw strength from death and gain 50 free attribute points!"

"You will be resurrected in three seconds!"

"The resurrection location is not set, and the default is to resurrect in place!"

"Ding, congratulations on being killed by a new object. You meet the incentive conditions. If you eliminate the fatal object within the specified time, you will be rewarded with a lottery opportunity."

Among the system prompts, after three seconds, Song Shi's soul was restored.

The old ghost in blood clothes felt something was wrong, because after taking the body, the program to digest the soul and browse Song Shi's memory did not appear.

Then he felt that the soul he had swallowed suddenly disappeared.

In front of him, a star rose slowly, and in the brilliant white light, Song Shi appeared in the light.

The originally somewhat collapsed spiritual world quickly stabilized under this light, and the bloody light that filled all directions was quickly forced back.

The blood-clothed old ghost's eyes widened: "You!"

In his induction, Song Shi's soul was completely restored at this moment, and it was far more powerful than when he first took the body, not even much worse than him.

He really couldn't figure out how this person did it. He could only attribute it to some special means to restore his condition at this moment.

"It's troublesome. We can only advance but not retreat to seize the body. I hope this is his last resort."

The old ghost in blood-clothed eyes narrowed his eyes. When a monk seizes a body, he cannot stop once he starts, and one body cannot accommodate two souls. There is only life and death between you and me.

The other party suddenly recovered, and he had to go hard. He could not return to his previous body, because the essence of that body had been taken away and there was no way to go back.

"Come and swallow me again!"

Song Shi smiled and looked at the ugly old ghost in blood-clothed clothes. The recovery of his condition made him feel very good, especially when the old ghost in blood-clothed clothes was unhappy, he felt happy!

"I must see what means you used to achieve this!"

The blood-clothed old ghost kneaded, and his throat suddenly became exaggeratedly enlarged, as if it had a tumor. A ball of spiritual energy was bred, and was suddenly released as he opened his mouth.


"The blood god roars!"

A circle of spiritual energy is released, causing ripples in the spiritual space, forming an obvious spiritual storm.

Song Shi was shocked. This man actually knew how to attack mentally, but he didn't know anything, so he could only resist stupidly.

The storm came in an instant, and Song Shi's whole body was blown away, his soul was twisted violently, and he almost died.

"So strong!"

Song Shi finally understood why this guy was so famous five hundred years ago. He had so many tricks.

Formations, artifact refining, spiritual mystics...there are already a lot of them.

His way to deal with it was to turn into a star and condense his soul.

A bloody claw quickly enlarged in front of him, piercing his head and clawing into his soul.

Song Shi subconsciously slapped him back, using the Dragon Subduing Mahamudra move. With a bang, his body retreated in the shock, and he got rid of the old ghost in blood.

"It's not too powerful."

Song Shi regrets that the Dragon Subduing Mahamudra is not a spiritual magic after all and cannot exert the power of the soul.

"Boy, if you want to fight with me, you are still a little immature!"

The blood-clothed old ghost looked domineering, and his soul released various attack methods.

Song Shi became a living target and could only be beaten passively, and her disadvantages became increasing.

Half a day later, he was killed by the old ghost in blood clothes and swallowed in one gulp.

After killing Song Shi again, the old ghost in blood clapped his hands and said, "Young man, you also want to fight me. Can you help me recover this time?"

Humming, his soul seemed to be much weaker, and it had not yet been replenished by devouring Song Shi's soul.

A round of lunar stars is rising.

"What the hell!"

The blood-clothed old ghost exclaimed, unable to remain normal anymore, his face a little horrified.

This kid's soul has recovered again!

"How did you do it? Do you have any treasure to help?"

The blood-clothed old ghost was startled and doubtful, and his thoughts quickly swept around the area, hoping to detect some clues and find a way to deal with it.

"You have the secret technique of rebirth with drops of blood, but I can't have the secret technique of rebirth with silk soul?"

Song Shi stands among the lunar stars, emitting dazzling light, and his momentum can rival that of the old ghost in blood.

"Hmph, there can't be a secret technique of soul rebirth. Even if there is, it's not something you can control at your level. I think you have a special Substitute Talisman. You've deceived me twice. I don't believe you can do it a third time! "

The blood-clothed old ghost gritted his teeth, braced himself, and continued to attack Song Shi's soul.

With combat experience at the mental level and his condition back to its peak, Song Shi can deal with it much more easily.

After a fight, Song Shi died under the desperate attack of the old ghost in blood.

After being resurrected for the third time, the old ghost in blood was silent for a while, his mentality clearly broken.

He finally understood why Song Shi had no fear before. He stared at Song Shi and roared: "It's not fair. Why are you protecting your soul at such a young age and not giving you a chance to seize it?"

"There is nothing I can do. I am so powerful. If you are not convinced, you can continue to kill me."

Song Shi smiled, and from this moment on, he gradually took the initiative.


The old ghost in blood clothes began to swear. He couldn't see that he was no longer his opponent. As long as the opponent continued to recover, he would be exhausted and completely weak after a few more attacks.

"Don't scold others. Adults have to be responsible for themselves. Since you are taking over, you must be prepared to fail."

Song Shi smiles.

"I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes."

The old ghost in blood cursed loudly.

"Then let's end it."

Song Shi's eyes were cold, and he turned into a huge star and smashed it directly.


The situation was reversed, and the old ghost in blood began to be suppressed by Song Shi, and eventually became crushed.

"I'm not willing to give in!"

The blood-clothed old ghost faced defeat with a look full of reluctance.

He was able to survive the entire Vajra Gate sneak attack, but now he was overturned in the hands of a junior, and his soul was about to be lost.

If he were outside, he could still survive with the secret skills of blood, but here.

No chance!

In his despair, Song Shi deliberately died once and then resurrected, completely shattering the last hope in his heart.

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