What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 140 Those Who Are Not From My Race Must Have Different Hearts.

This man has a treasure to protect his soul and cannot take it away from him. He has only one way to die.

After his resurrection, Song Shi worked hard.


The spiritual world was shaken, and amidst the screams, Song Shi shattered the blood-clothed old ghost into strands of blood-colored souls.

The lunar star he transformed into shone brightly, and the soul of the old ghost in blood was swallowed up. The blood in the spiritual world disappeared and returned to a night sky filled with spiritual light like moonlight.

In the night sky, a round of lunar stars suspended and began to expand in size. As the soul of the old ghost in blood was digested by Song Shi, his memory was also spied on by Song Shi.

Thirteen hundred years ago, the old ghost in blood clothes was born in a common peasant family. He could have been a farmer all his life, but he met a monk from the Blood Transformation Sect in a heavy rain.

The monk's sect has been destroyed by Daqian, and the remnants have escaped with the inherited sect, and are still facing the pursuit of the Demon Slayer Division.

Knowing that he wouldn't live long and unwilling to do anything cheap, the monk passed on his inheritance to an old ghost in blood with an ordinary identity and average qualifications.

From then on, the blood-clothed old ghost entered the world of cultivation. However, his talent was too poor, so he had to kill people frequently and practice the blood-devil transformation technique. This was how he developed a generation of demons.

Since the blood-transforming skill is most effective when devouring the blood of others, it is best to choose strong people. The old ghost in blood often hunts people with strong qi and blood, and it is no surprise that he gets into trouble with sects such as the Vajra Sect that have a large number of Body Refining monks.

The cycle of cause and effect also paved the way for him to be tricked and killed by the Diamond Sect. The old ghost in blood used the secret technique of the blood path to leave a trace of his soul and after five hundred years of recovery, he came back to life again.

"It's amazing. His body and soul can be resurrected even after his body is dead. This man is really capable."

Song Shi muttered that through memory, he admired the old ghost in blood.

This is a story about a mortal cultivating immortality and rising up, which is quite inspiring.

Of course, this person's rise came at the cost of many people's lives. If he offended too many people, karma would come, and he would eventually die.

From the other party's memory, he also saw Hei Duzi.

Back then, when Hei Duzi was sinking into the river, he was actually rescued by the old ghost in blood clothes who had just woken up!

The old ghost in blood had too many memories, and it took Song Shi a long time to browse through the many grievances and hatreds.

Opening his eyes, Song Shi shrieked a little. This old ghost in blood could be considered a character. It was just a cheater like him, otherwise he would have had a chance to go further.

Stepping out of the blood river, using the magic formula obtained from memory, he controlled the blood river that originally trapped him. The latter immediately became obedient and hovered flexibly around him.

"This blood river Law Treasure can be connected to human blood and can be integrated into it at any time to avoid various dangers."

Song Shi recalled the function of this Law Treasure and sighed: "It's just too bloody. It was refined at the expense of the blood essence of thousands of creatures."

"In my hands, just use it to kill the enemy."

Muttering, Song Shi controlled the blood river to shrink and transform into a bloody belt.

Thinking of the nightmare old man outside, he rolled his eyes and formed seals with his hands.

On the opposite side, various objects from the old ghost in blood flew over and were collected by him. Then a fireball fell, and his body turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

At this time, he caught a glimpse of the wild boar in the formation, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"You really know how to play."

Song Shi made a secret, the blood-colored belt shone brightly, and a big blood-colored snake flew out and swallowed the wild boar in one bite.

Soon, the wild boar's body withered and turned into a withered skeleton.

After cleaning up, he opened the Cave Mansion and turned into a bloody light falling outside.

"Congratulations to the blood-clothed man for getting a young body."

The nightmare old man's eyes moved and he smiled and said hello.

In his opinion, Song Shi has been taken away at this moment, and he is the old ghost in blood.

Song Shi pretended to be an old ghost in blood clothes and said coldly: "Let's go, there is nothing to stay here."

"Brother in blood is so free and easy. If you don't want a Gold Core Cave Mansion, you won't want it."

The old man in Nightmare complimented and turned to look at Jinxiu City: "Please wait a moment, I will inform the lady."

While speaking, he took out a jade talisman to contact Lu Youyou.

But after a while, no one came.

Song Shi was impatient: "If you don't come again, I will leave!"

"Young lady may be in trouble. Brother Xueyi, why don't you come with me? We are going to the sect anyway, so it doesn't matter if we delay for a while."

The old man in nightmare looked at the jade talisman and frowned slightly.

"There are so many things, let's go!"

Song Shi wants to sneak into the demon sect and see if he can find the demon seed that Luyue Perfected Being deceived him.


The Nightmare Old Man flew towards Jinxiu City in a hurry, with Song Shi following behind as the blood-red belt around his waist glowed.

The former has Gold Core cultivation and can travel in the air without the help of Law Weapon and Law Treasure, while Song Shi relies on the blood river of Law Treasure of the old ghost in blood.

This Law Treasure can change into various forms and do whatever he wants. Now this state helps him fly, which looks quite impressive.

The two of them were flying in the air, attracting the attention of many monks, but for some reason, no monks took action.

Song Shi was keenly aware of some changes in the situation. The fight was extremely intense before.

"Brother Xueyi may not know yet, but our various sects of the Demon Sect have made a temporary truce with the officials of Splendid City."

Seeing that Song Shi was a little confused, Old Man Nightmare took the initiative to explain.


Song Shi was surprised, "Didn't you fight to the death before?"

"Monster Race has gotten involved. We can't let the snipe and the clam compete with each other and let them get the advantage of the fishermen."

Old Nightmare sneered: "You know, our human race can fight any war, and we are all qualified to rule this country, but Monster Race cannot. After all, they are not my race, and their hearts must be different. If they succeed, we, the human race, are food."

"Oh, that will give you peace for a while."

Song Shi was suddenly stunned and couldn't help but think of the old lady cat she met in the city before.

The old man in Nightmare didn't say much, and speeded up his search for the young lady. Finally, he found Lu Youyou drinking in a restaurant, seemingly fine.


The mortals drinking nearby looked over with excited expressions.

Although immortals have appeared frequently in recent times, not everyone can encounter them.

"Please also ask the immortal to accept me as his disciple."

Someone plopped down and knelt on the ground, trying to seize this rare opportunity.

The old man in nightmare waved his hand, and a circle of mist spread, making everyone around him fall asleep.

Immediately, his face darkened and he stared at Lu Youyou: "Who are you, sir, and why do you control my young lady?"

Song Shi couldn't help but take a second look. At this moment, Lu Youyou's eyebrows had a strange meaning, and she really didn't look like that unruly and willful girl.

"The little girl has a bad mouth. If we don't punish her, she will show that we in Celestial Beast Valley are incompetent."

"Lu Youyou" chuckled, but his young face spoke with an old voice: "I have to say, this Nine Nether Divine Body is really good. If it weren't for the seal, I would have wanted to seize it."


A cat face suddenly appeared on her beautiful face, which was a bit scary.

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