What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 172 Misunderstanding

Seeing the leaders and senior leaders of the major forces showing their Divine Abilities, Song Shi was thoughtful.

Even if these bosses and ordinary characters are in the same realm, there is a huge gap in strength.

The worst thing was the Independent Cultivator who followed the Ye family, and many of them had been killed by the monks of the Sky Poison Sect.

"There is a gap in equipment."

Song Shi muttered.

Looking at the formation of Tiangui Sect attacking a large hall, he shook his head secretly.

As the Sixth Grade Formation Master here, second only to Tian Xingzi, he could see that the formation level in this core area had not changed much, but the defense had been greatly improved.

It is no longer possible to break through it with one force.

"You're watching a show again."

Lu Youyou now has her eye on Song Shi and is very unhappy to see him looking around.

"Do you like me?"

Song Shi wonders, why does this woman keep holding on to him?

"Bah, who would like you!"

Lu Youyou snorted: "It's you who doesn't follow the rules."

"Didn't I do enough?"

Song Shi crossed his arms, "I did a lot of work in the tea garden, and I killed the Spider King again. What's wrong with taking a rest?"

Lu Youyou moved her lips and found that it was really difficult for her to refute.

"Stop troubling me, or I'll get you pregnant."

Song Shi said politely.

"You are shameless!"

Lu Youyou was so shocked that she didn't know how to respond, and her face turned red.

These words made the young man who had thoughts about Lu Youyou look ugly and glare.

"Keep your mouth clean!" Shi Tianya said gloomily.

Lu Jiudu's face darkened when he heard this, and he turned around and said, "Elder Xueyi, you should be more polite among fellow sects."

"Sect Master, I didn't use any foul language, I was polite enough.

Song Shi shook his head. If he had a bad temper, he would already be greeting Lu Jiu's wife or his second uncle or other relatives.

Lu Jiu frowned. This old ghost in blood clothes was moody when he became famous. He committed crimes including burning, killing, looting, etc. He was really afraid that his daughter would suffer.

He turned back and said: "Do your own thing and don't worry about other people."

Lu Youyou felt depressed after hearing this. This was again showing favoritism to the old ghost.

Song Shi sat on the path in front of the main hall square and pointedly said: "Don't waste your efforts. The two forces cooperated and failed to break through the weapons pavilion, which shows that the ruins in the core area cannot be broken by one force alone."

As soon as he said this, there was a roar at Sutra Pavilion, and an entrance was opened by Tian Xingzi.

The people from the Tianji Building quickly entered, and then the formation closed up, once again isolating the inside and outside.

Lu Youyou chuckled: "Didn't you say that no one can break it alone?"

Song Shi was slightly embarrassed and did not answer, but looked at Lu Youyou with evil intentions.

The latter couldn't help but think of what Song Shi had just said, and his face became uncomfortable.

"Stop first."

Lu Jiu ordered. He also noticed this problem. The power of the formation in the core area was much stronger than that in the outer area. It was a bit difficult to break through it with brute force.

The figure next to him flashed, and a voice appeared: "Lu Jiu, are you interested in cooperating?"

In the air, a jade coffin fell from the sky and was inserted next to the young man with a bang.

This young man was dressed in an ancient gown, with a cold face and a domineering expression. His muscles and bones were like jade, and his whole body was fluorescent.

Song Shi was surprised. This zombie could no longer be seen as a dead person. It was in a very unusual state.

"Yingkun, I'm looking for you too."

Lu Jiu saw the latter and nodded slightly: "Which side do you want to defeat?"

"Wait a moment."

Yingkun looked at Song Shi: "Why do you have a contract with Hanbao's lineage?"

"You can find this?"

Song Shi was surprised that his contract was discovered. Could it be that his original identity was revealed.

No, when he was signed into the contract, his identity was not exposed, so that shouldn't be the case.

"Why can't I find out!"

Ying Kun said expressionlessly: "Since you have a contract, you are considered half of the Heavenly Corpse Sect. Lu Jiu, if he dies, remember to give us his body. You know, signing the contract means that his body belongs to us. "

"Oh, Elder Xueyi, do you still have an agreement with the Heavenly Corpse Sect?"

Lu Jiu was surprised.

"I signed it!"

A red sarcophagus flew over and landed on the ground with a bang.

A middle-aged man who looked like a scholar stood up straight inside. He saluted Ying Kun and said, "Emperor Kun, I met this man in my previous life in the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains. I saw that he was very talented in the physical body, so I used a contract."

He respectfully introduced: "I have specifically investigated. This person's original name is Song Shi. He is a concubine of a mortal family in Jinxiu City. By chance, he got related to the disciples of Yao Yue Palace, entered the path of cultivation, and was also related to the Demon Slayer Division. He was originally a The mission went to the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains, and I bumped into him. I should have encountered an old ghost in blood clothes later, and his body was taken away."

The more Song Shi listened, the worse his face became. Damn it, what could this guy do if he was so diligent? He actually checked his background.

"Well, it's okay to seize the body. We only need the body."

Ying Kun nodded and looked at Song Shi: "The body is really good. You have found a good seedling for the Red Emperor."

"I didn't expect the blood-clothed old ghost to improve this physical body a lot. Please remember, our contract remains the same. You can come to us before you die."

Su Tian said with a smile.

At this time, a purple light suddenly pressed towards Song Shi, and the void suddenly became solemn.

Lu Jiu raised his head and shouted: "Fairy Ziyue, what are you going to do?"

I don't know when, next to them, a plump and beautiful young woman in palace clothes appeared. She had a dignified temperament and mature charm. At this moment, her crystal eyes contained coldness.

"Song Shi, I invited the elder of Yue Palace, so I naturally want to ask some questions."

Lu Youyou was speechless, "What other identity does this guy have, and why is he related to all three major forces?"

Lu Jiu frowned. Is this old man in blood clothes so complicated?

Ziyue True Monarch stared at Song Shi: "Show your true colors!"

Song Shi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This was a bit confusing. Even if her original identity was leaked, it was still misunderstood.

At this point, he no longer pretended to be anything, he simply formed a seal with his hands, his muscles and bones squirmed, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a handsome young man.

At this moment, he still looks like an adult, with some youthfulness and some maturity, and he is still in his youth.

"Thousand Transformations Technique, it's really you!"

Ziyue True Monarch looked solemn and sighed: ""

The power of the contract in him was only used once.

Heavenly Corpse Sect,

He respectfully introduced: "I have specifically investigated. This person's original name is Song Shi. He is a concubine of a mortal family in Jinxiu City. By chance, he got related to the disciples of Yao Yue Palace, entered the path of cultivation, and was also related to the Demon Slayer Division. He was originally a The mission went to the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains, and I bumped into him. I should have encountered an old ghost in blood clothes later, and his body was taken away."

The more Song Shi listened, the worse his face became. Damn it, what could this guy do if he was so diligent? He actually checked his background.

"Well, it's okay to seize the body. We only need the body."

Yingkun nodded and looked at Song Shi: "The physical body is indeed

He respectfully introduced: "I have specifically investigated. This person's original name is Song Shi. He is a concubine of a mortal family in Jinxiu City. By chance, he got related to the disciples of Yao Yue Palace, entered the path of cultivation, and was also related to the Demon Slayer Division. He was originally a The mission went to the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains, and I bumped into him. Song Shi from behind said: "The physical body is indeed

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