"Just don't completely destroy his body when you take revenge."

Ying Kun didn't care at all, as long as he had a physical body, he could cultivate elites.

"Fairy Ziyue, this is not the time to take revenge. We are going to break the formation. If you are interested, you can also join us. When the time comes, the treasures will be divided according to your contribution."

"We are temporarily cooperating with Heavenly Demon Temple, and we will not share our treasures with you."

Ziyue took a deep look at Song Shi, turned and left.

She refused not because of Song Shi, but mainly because the ruins were so big that there was no need for the three families to join together.

Song Shi looked at Ziyue True Monarch and murmured in her heart: "This woman is worthy of deep friendship. When I helped her Infant Formation, she really regarded me as a benefactor."

"Tsk, tsk, you now have another enemy."

Lu Youyou crossed his arms and gloated.

"It has nothing to do with you."

Song Shi turned and walked away, arriving at the area that was messed up by the fighting.

The original medicine garden was in dilapidated condition, and both the Sky Poison Sect and the Ye family suffered casualties. The Ye family did not get back the Ten Thousand Years Ginseng after all, and now its momentum has declined, but the people of the Sky Poison Sect have not received much benefit.

The two sides temporarily stopped fighting because they were on guard against each other. When they noticed Song Shi approaching, the people on the periphery glared at him fiercely.

"You guys continue."

Song Shi smiled and stood nearby.

Ye Wenzhong ignored it and stared at Bai Du True Monarch: "Okay, old poison, we have suffered a loss today, you'd better not give it a chance!"

With a sullen face, he left with his own people, leaving behind several Independent Cultivator corpses without relatives or friends.

Of course, valuable things must have been looted from these corpses.

"It's ridiculous to threaten me!"

Baidu True Monarch was disdainful, glanced at the two dead elders, frowned slightly: "Bring the corpses with you."

A group of people also left quickly.

At this time, Song Shi patted the blood belt around his waist, and a circle of blood light was released, falling on the Independent Cultivator's body, and the flesh and blood essence was immediately absorbed by the quasi-Spirit Weapon.

Some people sneered, seeing that this was the trick of the old ghost in blood, and further confirmed that Song Shi was the old ghost in blood.

No one cares about the corpses of several Independent Cultivators, they are just mocking.

"Isn't this old ghost in blood clothes very good in the past? Now he's reduced to picking up corpses?"

"Haha, is he that old ghost in blood-clothed clothes with vicious methods?"

"Boy, keep silent, mute?"

Lu Youyou was sulking because of Song Shi's words. When she saw that Song Shi was not doing his job, she ran to collect the body. She rolled her eyes and said, "I want to see if his brain is abnormal."

Faced with the ridicule, Song Shi came to the land of Yaoyuan with no expression on his face and looked as usual.

He pressed his hand to the ground, and a ball of bright light was pulled out from the soil. It was a piece of blue-black soil, only the size of a fist, but it contained abundant spiritual energy and some mysterious power.

"Sure enough, there is something at least as good as the Spirit Weapon. These guys don't know the formation and layout. They pick up the sesame seeds and throw away the watermelons."

Song Shi felt proud. Compared with getting the Xuanyu Order directly, this kind of picking up was more satisfying.

"Spiritual Soil!"

"Damn it, there is actually sacred soil here that is more precious than ten thousand year old ginseng!"

"I just said what is this guy running here like a dog? It turns out he is eyeing the baby here."

The people who had just mocked Song Shi were dumbfounded on the spot. It turned out that they were stupid and did not discover the real treasure here.

Spirit soil, a kind of Low Level other kind of soil, has a ray of divinity and can attract and absorb the essence of heaven and earth to grow.

Of course, this growth rate is very slow, and it may not grow much in ten thousand years, but it can change the soil, turning ordinary soil into spiritual soil, thereby promoting the growth of various Spirit Medicines.

The spiritual soil in front of us was the core of the original medicinal field, and it was also an important interest that gave birth to ten thousand years of ginseng.

It can be said that with this spiritual soil, a high-quality Spirit Field can be quickly created to grow various medicinal materials, which is absolutely precious to the big forces.

Baidu True Monarch and the head of the Ye family had ugly expressions. Neither of them noticed that there was spiritual soil at the bottom of the medicinal field, and thought it was a ten thousand-year-old ginseng created by time.

"Boy, I don't care if you are an old ghost in blood clothes or not, if you are sensible, just hand over the spiritual soil!"

A large piece of golden light appeared in front of Song Shi, and the oppressive aura crushed Song Shi without mercy.

Ye Wenzhong stood in the sky, like a god descending to earth, with eyes like torches, strong and domineering.


Several Gold Core kings from the Ye family moved with the wind and fed beside Song Shi, blocking the retreat.

"Hand it over!"

"This is something from my Ye family!"

The Ye family members crossed their arms, their eyes were unquestionable, and their mouths contained sneers.

They had just been taken advantage of by an old poisoner from Heavenly Demon Sect. They originally thought they would suffer a big loss, but in the end, this person dug up the spiritual soil.

If it is retrieved, the spiritual soil will be worth more than the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Ginseng, and the loss will be compensated.

Under the threat of the strong man, Song Shi calmly collected the spiritual soil and released a circle of blood.

"court death!"

Seeing that Song Shi not only didn't hand over the things obediently, but also dared to do something, his eyes flashed with anger on the spot.

Behind Song Shi, a middle-aged man with sunken eyes had gloomy eyes. He held a long sword, Law Treasure, in his hand. The golden light on his body flashed, and his skin turned into a golden hand, and he stabbed out with the sword.

The golden edge of the sword blade instantly broke through the blood and penetrated into Song Shi's vest. The sharp sword energy penetrated his chest and drew a deep crack on the ground.

This person is an elite member of the Ye family. He has golden blood and a profound foundation. Among those at the same level, no one who is not a genius can be his opponent.

However, when he saw his sword piercing Song Shi's heart, the other party didn't even seem to be able to hide. His brows were slightly furrowed and his golden eyes were filled with suspicion.

"This must be a fake, don't be fooled!"

The people next to him thought they had seen through Song Shi's trick.

Sure enough, the next moment, the bloody figure disappeared into thin air.

"This is the blood-transforming magic light of the old ghost in blood!"

"It seems that I have also mastered the art of substitution. What you attacked just now was a substitute transformed by blood."

Several people expressed their guesses, their expressions became increasingly sinister, and they stared into the blood.

The river of blood squirmed, and the smell of blood filled the air. Sure enough, another Song Shi appeared. I don't know if it was real or not this time, but it looked very real.

Mana surged around them, blocking the magic light that could turn human flesh and blood, and quickly took a step back. This step was ten feet long, surrounding Song Shi's blood river in the middle.

"I can do it alone!"

It was the same person who drew the sword just now. He looked proud and walked towards Song Shi with the sword. The overbearing magic power was released from his body like a tsunami, seemingly endless.

Song Shi stood in the river of blood, looking at the golden king of the Ye family, grinning, showing his white teeth, with a touch of teasing.

He took one step forward, blood moving with him, and with a bang, he also took the initiative to rush out.

"This guy is really looking for death. He dares to take action even though we are surrounding him!"

The people watching the show looked unhappy, which was too much to ignore them.


The moment the blood light and golden light came into contact, a sharp edge shot out from the sky. Song Shi's voice was stained with blood and flew upside down, and his mind and body were separated.

Song Shi died again. Of course, in the eyes of the Ye family elites, his death was not his body.

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